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To: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

Tell Defense Sec. Austin: No Racist Plaques at West Point!

A plaque depicting a hooded Ku Klux Klan figure is currently affixed to an educational building at West Point. A hate group like the KKK should have no place of recognition on any college campus. I urge you to remove this plaque immediately.

Why is this important?

A hate group like the KKK should have no place of recognition on any college campus, let alone one where soldiers are trained to kill. But for decades, “cadets” at West Point have walked past a panel of three plaques that includes an image of a hooded figure and the words “Ku Klux Klan”.

Ultimately, the Secretary of Defense will have the final say, and that’s why we’re going straight to the top! What happens next is crucial — Sec. Austin has heard from Congress, he’s heard from racial justice leaders, and now he needs to hear from grassroots activists just like you.



2022-10-10 23:05:42 -0400

500 signatures reached

2022-10-10 15:02:28 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-10-10 14:54:47 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-10-10 14:52:37 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-10-05 02:03:11 -0400

10 signatures reached