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To: Congressman Troy E. Nehls

Urgent: Demand Congressional Action for FEMA Support Post-Hurricane Beryl

The Honorable Troy E. Nehls
 U.S. House of Representatives
 1104 Longworth House Office Building
 Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Congressman Nehls,

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to express our deep concerns and frustrations regarding the recent mishandling of disaster assistance in Matagorda County, TX, following Hurricane Beryl. As constituents directly affected by this disaster, we feel compelled to bring to your attention the significant issues we have faced in the wake of this catastrophe.

Firstly, the delays in the declaration of federal disaster relief have been unacceptable. The prolonged waiting period left many of us in a state of uncertainty and exacerbated the already challenging conditions. Timely declaration of disaster relief is crucial for immediate response and recovery efforts. The delays in this instance have hindered our community's ability to begin the recovery process promptly.

Furthermore, the slow processing time for aid has added to our distress. Many residents have encountered prolonged waits for assistance that are vital for rebuilding our homes and lives. The bureaucratic red tape has made it exceedingly difficult for families to access the support they desperately need. This inefficiency has prolonged our suffering and impeded our ability to recover and rebuild.

Additionally, the ineptitude of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in handling this disaster cannot go unnoticed. The lack of effective communication, coordination, and transparency from FEMA has been deeply disappointing. Many residents have reported inconsistent information, unresponsive representatives, and an overall lack of support from the agency. This has left us feeling abandoned and neglected during a time when we need our government the most.

As our congressman, we urge you to take immediate action to address these critical issues. It is imperative that measures be implemented to ensure timely disaster declarations, streamline the aid processing system, and improve the efficiency and responsiveness of FEMA. Our community depends on the federal government to provide the necessary support and resources during such crises, and it is disheartening to witness the current state of affairs.

We kindly request your attention to this matter and your advocacy on behalf of the residents of Matagorda County. We need your leadership to hold the relevant agencies accountable and to push for reforms that will prevent such mishandling in future disasters. Your prompt action and dedication to this cause will make a significant difference in our community's recovery and resilience.


Your Constituents

Why is this important?

Signing the petition to get our congressman to advocate for us with FEMA is crucial for several reasons:

1. Amplify Our Voice: A petition demonstrates that a significant number of constituents are concerned about an issue. This collective voice is more likely to get the attention of our congressman and prompt action.

2. Urgent Needs: FEMA assistance is often needed to address urgent needs following disasters, such as providing temporary housing, financial aid, and recovery resources. Our congressman's advocacy can expedite this process.

3. Accountability: By signing the petition, we hold our elected representative accountable to the community. It reminds them of their responsibility to represent and support our interests.

4. Resource Allocation: Effective advocacy can ensure that our community receives a fair share of resources and support from FEMA, which can be crucial for rebuilding and recovery efforts.

5. Highlighting Issues: A petition can bring to light specific issues or challenges our community faces that might not be widely known. This can help tailor FEMA's response to better meet our needs.

6. Building Support: A strong show of support through a petition can encourage other elected officials and organizations to join our cause, creating a broader coalition for effective action.

By signing the petition, you help ensure our community's needs are heard and addressed promptly and effectively.


2024-09-20 09:28:22 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-07-25 13:45:10 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-07-24 00:04:37 -0400

10 signatures reached