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To: parents and families of Schoharie County residents harrassed by DSS

Call to Action for a Class Action Lawsuit against Schoharie County DSS

Sign your name to stake your claim in the class action lawsuit that is being assembled against the Schoharie County Department of Social Services for the following charges, including, but not limited to:
ethical and professional misconduct, judicial misconduct, conspiracy, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, violations of civil rights and liberties and endangering the welfare of minors. If you have been unlawfully and wrongfully harrassed by DSS or CPS in Schoharie County, even if you still have custody of your child(ren) you can still participate in this very important lawsuit, and it wont cost you a thing except the time it takes to have your voice heard.

Why is this important?

If you, or someone you know has either had a child or children removed from their care due to the unlawful practices of Child Protective Services, it is your obligation to stand up for the rights of all those vicitimzed by this tyranny. Its time to stand together and hold them accountable. Lets return children to their parents, and make Schoharie County a safe place to raise our children again. Stand up and have your story heard. Together we are stronger, and we can fight back.

How it will be delivered

With your help, we can petition our District Attorney, Susan Mallory, to file a class action lawsuit on our behalf. Help us stop the root of the cause, by signing our petition for a call to action for a personal Injury and misconduct lawsuit against Dr Steven Silverman, the DSS psychologist!



2025-01-01 13:32:50 -0500

Hello everyone! It has come to my attention that Schoharie county, (and surrounding counties) is once again back to their old ways of terrorizing families under the color of law.
I am not disillusioned- I expected the return of the corruption and am prepared to resume the battle. I must mention however, that at this time, I will not be able to continue to provide the level of advocacy that I had provided in the past. That being said, feel free to request a link to our private parents' group on Facebook to gain access hundreds of resources, and also share the petition
I am still seeking to fill the position of secretary and treasurer. Officially, the organization known as WOMPA is, currently inactive according to our tax status as a 501(c)(4) non-profit. If you, or someone you know, would like to take a stance and join our board of directors please send us a message! Please note that the positions can be done remotely from home and are volunteer-based at this time.

2023-03-29 15:12:30 -0400

500 signatures reached

2021-11-10 10:32:08 -0500

Hello All -
I just wanted to give everyone an update I have heard back from the DA Susan Mallery, who indicated that the State Police need to start an investigation before she can pursue the issue. Having already explored that avenue, I climbed the proverbial chain of command ladder and had a very enlightening conversation with Lt. Dancheck last week from the office that oversees the conduct of State Troopers.
My next step is making a formal complaint with the State Police. As we have been dismissed before, Lt Dancheck suggested that we request a trooper be dispatched to our location to make the complaint of government corruption within DSS, to ensure a record of it is maintained. He assured me that he would look into it, even if we are turned away by state police.
I was referred to an excellent attorney for the task of filing the class action lawsuit on behalf of Schoharie County residents. Mr. Shawn Smith Esq. has gotten back to me.

2021-08-11 22:50:59 -0400

I wanted to let you all know that the Otsego County District Attorney got back to me today, and I'm happy to report his cooperation and assistance with bringing this very important issue to our DA, Susan Mallory's attention as well. He is unable to do so personally, but it seems he does see the issue at hand, and is willing to assist in whatever way he can. Amen!

2021-07-25 19:41:58 -0400

The petition has been sent to Otsego County District Attorney's Office! Sending out copies of the Silverman Petition as well, along side the DSS Corruption petition, to several other surrounding local DA's offices. Susan Mallory will not be able to help us, due to restrictions placed upon her by her employment contract. We will continue to reach to surrounding counties. Check out the facebook group for updates! Email updates will be following!

2021-05-07 17:46:27 -0400

facebook group URL----->
facebook page URL ------->
website URL -------->
FBI tipline was contacted March 31st, 2021, and I made a complaint about the families being destroyed by the government corruption in this county, and joined the union to collaborate with other states with similar parent advocacy groups. Look for upcoming articles in the Mountain Eagle and Schoharie News, if you haven't already seen my debut article, which was printed March 26th, 2021, entitled 'Rolling with the Changes'.
We at Wings of Mercy thank you for your support in fighting this injustice through unity.

2021-05-07 17:44:19 -0400

Please help us gather enough evidence to file a stronger class action lawsuit. (the more people there are, the stronger our suit will be!) We appreciate your support, and hope that each of you that have signed this petition join our efforts at Wings of Mercy Parent Advocacy. Get connected to our parent's group, or visit our website and see what we are doing! Look for our flyers in and around Schoharie County, and also check out our related petitions and events as they come up. Thank you for bravery, all of you.

2020-12-22 14:48:40 -0500
We are gathering momentum! Thank you everyone for signing. Please check out the website for the advocacy group, to find out how to join us. also, look for a new petition that is due to circulate shortly pertaining to anyone wishing to help get Dr. Silverman, the DSS psychologist that is sanctioning the unlawful actions of CPS through his unprofessional conduct which leads to falsified evaluation reports resulting in removal of children that have no grounds in reality. This is the first step toward bringing a class action suit to life, so please look for the petition to remove Dr. Silverman's license to practice and file complaints with the Office of Professions!

2020-11-12 00:36:05 -0500

I am so thrilled to see such a large gathering of people willing to stand up and fight back. Im just overjoyed to see such an overwhelming show of support for this. In 15 hours, we have gotten over 100 signatures, and they are still comming in by the minute! its going to be a great class action suit! Dont forget to join the private FB group, so we can collaborate and prepare. I think Ive heard talk of a peaceable assembling of protestors wtih signs at the county building, and I fully support this! lets make some signs, and make some noise! Peaceably, of course! Local news stations will be alerted, keep watch on the FB group, will be posted as an event soon! also dont forget to sign the petition for my organization, Wings of Mercy to lend our voices to be heard at the police reform committtee time is running out for us to have the chance to be part of it. Thank you again everyone, for standing in solidarity with me! Its so great to know Im not alone, and that we ARE stronger together

2020-11-11 19:25:33 -0500

100 signatures reached

2020-11-11 11:19:42 -0500

50 signatures reached

2020-11-11 08:29:16 -0500

25 signatures reached

2020-11-11 06:48:10 -0500

10 signatures reached