100 signatures reached
To: The Texas government, The Office of Attorney General, and Child Protective Services
Fighting for fathers equal rights

There are many fathers that are having a hard time to be in their children’s lives. Like myself, there are thousands of other fathers (or Non-Custodial Parents) who are asking for equal rights and shared parenting. The state of Texas and the Office of Attorney General always have “the best interest of the child” but in reality, the best interest of the child is the financial component that the state of Texas benefits from when receiving funds for enforcing child support laws and not enforcing visitation laws. A father (or noncustodial parent) should not have to go broke or bankrupt and pour their money into child support, lawyers, family courts just to get “standard” parenting time. The default “standard” parenting time should be 50/50 shared parenting given that both parents are fit in the eyes of the state. Now even then, the state of Texas monitors their unfit parents through a third party agency (CPS). CPS witching itself is a corrupt agency. Dealing with CPS has shown me how unconstitutional and how unfair and unequal father's rights (noncustodial parents rights) are. A child should always have communication with its parents until they are PROVEN to be unfit. If one parent chooses not to communicate or have anything to do with his or her child, the assumption is that the other parent gets automatic custody, but in my case. That didn’t happen. Many father's have lost their child to the third party. This third party has no rights to your child so how is cps able to break the kinship law and place our children anywhere that's not following the father's right's. As a father I have been separated from my child because of the broken system. The system is very unconstitutional and is very unequal when it comes down to fathers and noncustodial rights. Why are we having to spend thousands of dollars just to be involved with our children? Why does it feel as if our voices aren't as important as the mother's (custodial parent’s) voice? Non custodial parents are facing jail time for nonsupport payments, when the state, law enforcement officers, DAs or the OAG does not enforce visitation issues. Father’s and other noncustodial parents are getting denied access to seeing their children it is very unfair and unequal to give the mother a bigger voice in family court. CPS has overlooked thousands of fathers and noncustodial families and have placed children back with unfit mothers or unfit custodial parents. The system needs to be reformed and needs to be “in the TRUE interest of the child”. We are asking for change and shared parenting.
Why is this important?
This cause is important because Father’s are portrayed to be deadbeat because the state takes all their money and doesn’t help enforce their visitation rights. These systems were put in place to help the people and to work for the people but instead, creates a cycle that only benefits the interest of the state. It is important and time we get our voices heard and that changes be made. Shared parenting is the best interest of the children’s. Children need both parents in their life. If you’re going to enforce Child Support Laws, then Visitation laws should also be enforced. Families need to be kept together because it can lead to many mental health issues. We need to break the cycle of fatherless homes. The system needs to put kids first. Shared parenting needs to be the default parenting plan. The OAG should not take child support to the point where it leaves noncustodial parents unable to be able to live. Im asking for help from the Texas Government to let our voices be heard. Don’t tear families apart. Parents want to be a part of their children’s lives.