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To: Our law makers

No more psychosomatic Diagnosis for people who have suffered real physical injuries.

Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash
We need better changes in our healthcare system advocating for the people who are really suffering and not discriminating against people who are disabled due to real physical injuries who deserve a fighting chance! 

 Not being cherry picked by physicians to be given a psychosomatic diagnosis for actual physical injuries that they suffered from only to be labeled as it’s all only in their heads! Not just physical injuries but the millions out here with rare diseases are being handled as well with such neglect we have organizations such as ME/CSF Chronic Fatigue, and Millions Missing Movement.

 This needs to stop! Families and children  are being hurt by doing this to their parents. I have been meeting people all around the world, even including our own state, are getting neglected by our medical communities by being labeled as psychosomatic.

 People are turning to suicide, drugs, and alcohol just to mask their pain. Many of us are being cherry picked, then discriminated against. This is causing people to be severely misdiagnosed and mistreated by our medical professionals who should be held at a higher standard. They need to act according to the law. If not, there should be mandatory consequences in place with this kind of harm done to these patients who should have the right to fair compensation for this neglect. 

There shouldn’t be a 4 year statute of limitation as well as lawyers and doctors covering for this kind of negligence. Patients deserve fair compensation at the bare minimum just to afford all of their out of pocket medical costs. Expenses shouldn’t fall on these patients who deserve the kind of care like the rich.
Many when they find answers to these long missed diagnosis because they were mistreated and missed handled by the medical community there should be an exception to the rule and no more lawyer/doctor guarding when a patient is left to be forced on disability giving them a disadvantage in receiving the best medical care just as the rich can afford: their out of pocket medical costs and expenses and travel cost when they are forced out of their own states and countries to get a fair work up because many practices are claiming to know Trauma, Chiari malformation, CSF leaks, Tethered Cord, and more, but when faced with these patients they are going as far as denying them the proper work up, not looking at their past and current medical history, their current symptoms, looking at all the conservative treatments, that they tried and their quality of life. 

Physicians and practices should not be allowed to put false information on a patient’s medical records and not give them a fair and proper work up as they would the same for the next patient. 

This creates family turmoil and neglect on other family members when you medically strip away a parent’s right to proper medical treatment for these patients and takes their whole identity away from them robbing them of many hopes and dreams.

 They lose everything because of all of these errors that could have been simply avoided if there were stricter laws, severe consequences for this maltreatment and patients the right to not have a statute of limitations. Lastly, doctors and lawyers covering for the neglect in our medical communities to open up the right to fair compensation for this harm that is done is only right and just!

 I think and believe if these strict guidelines were in place practices and physicians would start to treat their patients better and give them the care that they ultimately deserve especially when someone was injured just trying to find answers and the medical community sends these patients on wild goose chases wasting their energy and time that they needed just resting and getting well but instead they have to take the weight of everything on just to possibly survive especially if these individuals were single parents and they had to climb their way to the top and they lose everything because of these medical errors that should never be allowed to happen. It puts them at a much greater disadvantage. 

Why is this important?

To have equal rights, better health care amongst people who are put at a disadvantage because of a false diagnosis gives people a greater disadvantage than others to get the proper medical care treatments that they deserve just like anyone else. There needs to be stricter laws put in place before a diagnosis of psychosomatic can be made and be determined. Very strict steps that a health care provider must establish in order to rule everything out with proper testing, evaluation of past and current medical history and traumas. This diagnosis can never be made and labeled due to a MVA or any kinda physical trauma and injury that they have sustained.

 This hits very near and dear to me because of the medical neglect my children and I have had to face while my children have had to watch me not get the proper medical treatments and attention that I deserved and so they deserved as well. We have an epidemic in opiates and suicide rates at an ultimate high due to the medical neglect and errors that are made by given false diagnosis to patients are severely harmful. When labeling them for a mental health diagnosis instead of there real physical injuries. This is harmful to our medical community and Families.


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