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To: Barry L. Biffle

Reform Frontier Airlines

Dear Barry Biffle,

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a disconcerting incident that occurred during my recent flight experience with your airline. It has prompted me to reach out, as I believe urgent action is required to address the issue at hand and prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.

During our flight on January 7th, me, my husband and our 1 year old baby were inexplicably removed from the plane without just cause. The incident left us perplexed and frustrated, as there was no apparent reason for our removal. What is particularly distressing is that, upon reflection and investigation, it seems that racial profiling played a significant role in this unjust treatment.

It has come to my attention that documented situations exist wherein individuals, who behaved in a manner far more disruptive than our group, were allowed to remain on the plane without consequences. This stark contrast raises serious concerns about the consistency and fairness of your airline's decision-making process.

In light of these events, I am petitioning for the immediate reform of your airline's practices concerning customer treatment. Specific actions that could be taken include:

Implementing Clear and Consistent Policies: Develop and communicate transparent policies regarding passenger conduct and removal procedures to ensure fairness and eliminate ambiguity.

Diversity and Sensitivity Training: Provide comprehensive diversity and sensitivity training for airline staff, with a particular emphasis on recognizing and avoiding racial profiling.

Establishing Accountability Measures: Implement measures to hold airline personnel accountable for their actions, ensuring that decisions are made impartially and based on well-defined criteria.

Transparent Communication for Delays/Cancellations:
Establish and communicate clear, concise policies regarding flight delays and cancellations. Provide real-time updates to passengers, explaining the reasons for delays and estimated resolution times.

Enhanced Security Measures for Lost/Stolen Goods:
Strengthen security measures to prevent and address instances of lost or stolen goods from customer luggage, including the use of advanced tracking technologies. Establish a swift and comprehensive process for investigating and addressing reports of lost or stolen items from customer luggage. Implement clear compensation policies for affected passengers.

Taking these actions is crucial to restoring confidence in your airline and ensuring that passengers are treated fairly, irrespective of their background. It is my sincere hope that, as someone with the power to effect change within the organization, you will give due consideration to this matter and take the necessary steps to rectify the situation promptly.

Thank you for your attention to this serious issue. I am hopeful that, through your leadership, positive changes can be implemented to create a more inclusive and just travel experience for all passengers.


Raven and Anthony Parker
[email protected]

Why is this important?

It has become evident that at Frontier Airlines, there are pressing issues affecting passengers, and together, as a community, we have the power to advocate for positive change. Together, we can amplify our voices to ensure that concerns are not only heard but also effectively addressed by Frontier Airlines.

Our united effort can encourage Frontier Airlines to take a proactive stance in improving its services. With the support of a community-driven campaign, the airline can implement necessary changes to create a safer, more reliable, and customer-centric travel experience.Too many passengers have experienced unfair treatment without repercussions. Our campaign seeks to hold Frontier Airlines accountable for its actions and advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of passengers.

By standing together, we contribute to shaping a better travel experience for future passengers who choose Frontier Airlines. Our collective voice can influence positive change, ensuring that the airline consistently upholds high standards of service and treats passengers with fairness and respect. Enough is enough.


2024-01-10 20:49:56 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached