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To: Residents of the State of Michigan

Reform The New Michigan Auto Law

If you feel that there should be reforms made to the New Michigan Auto Law then we need your support. This bill was written at the last second and forced through the House and the Senate with little or no time for the legislators to see what was really buried within the bill. We feel that is important that they are made aware of these flaws and reforms are made to correct the New Michigan Auto Law. Please sign our electronic form and show your support for reform.

Why is this important?

Several new sections written into the new law are going to have devastating retroactive consequences for current auto injury survivors that have been receiving care for many years. Several sections are going to make drastic negative changes in the way these patients are going to receive their care in the future.

The New Michigan Auto Law makes drastic cuts to the reimbursement rates to almost every company providing services to current auto injury survivor’s and ones in the future. These cuts are as large as 50% and directed at small and large businesses in the healthcare industry. Currently, healthcare organizations make up 32 percent of the top 25 companies in the State of Michigan. These drastic cuts will lead to Michigan Healthcare Workers losing hundreds of thousands of jobs. The majority of small businesses serving auto injury survivor’s will be out of business. If you work or know someone who works for one of these types of businesses, you should be concerned about your future. Here’s an example of a few types of healthcare businesses that will be affected:
Home Care Companies
Case Managers
Rehabilitation Centers & Offices
Medical Supply Companies
Doctors Offices
Physical and Occupational Therapy

Several other sections written into the new law address the increased liability you will now be taking on by reverting back to the tort system. You could now be responsible to pay another families medical bills resulting from a car crash for the rest of their life. Or you might have to go through the trouble of having to sue someone else to try and get your medical bills paid for. Either way is not good.

Because of all of this increased liability, we are now going to have to carry a much greater amount of liability insurance that will increase our premiums and offset the savings from giving up our right to lifetime care for our family resulting from a car crash. Reforms are needed to the New Michigan Auto Law. Please sign our electronic form and show your support for reform.



2020-03-01 12:57:14 -0500

10 signatures reached