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To: The federal government

Relief For Injured Spouses & Immigrants

It’s is long overdue for the government to act now in regards to injured spouses and immigrants. This is becoming a civil rights issue quickly. Most of us are being punished based on who we married. It’s unconstitutional to withhold stimulus money and tax refunds, and give us no answers and no dates for resolution. Our state and federal governments are failing us. We have went without aid that our families desperately need. In our personal case we have over 10K in seized stimulus money, and an unprocessed tax return that has been with the IRS since Feb. 18th, 2020. And over what only $2800 owed to child support that my husband had accumulated from being sick and off work. We have a joint stimulus payment just missing. Child support or the treasury know nothing about where it went. Yet we have letters that prove it should have been paid in full. Child support releases part of our dependent credit to her immediately. Where is the relief for our family??? This is a serious outrage. That I demand to be handle by our government. Don’t tell us their is no timeline, you can’t help or you don’t know. The time is now to get off your asses and get help to your people. This is pure discrimination!!!!! Both families MATTER. ALL LIVES MATTER.

Why is this important?

Getting relief to the families left in the dust, and getting aid to them IMMEDIATELY. Not excuses or you’ll get a tax credit. Time is up we have waited LONG ENOUGH. It’s time to stand up and fight back for our rights too!!!!!!


2020-07-06 22:43:04 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-07-06 18:07:43 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-07-06 16:35:33 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-07-06 15:27:31 -0400

10 signatures reached