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To: Board of Education President, Robert DeCicco and Robert S. Cloutier, J.D., SUPERINTENDENT

Remove this bully Principal from Eastern High School

Dear Board of Education President Robert DeCicco and Robert S. Cloutier, J.D., Superintendent,

I recently attended the graduation for my son at Eastern Regional High School on June 17, 2021 and was witness to a horrific display of bullying to one of your graduating seniors by the Principal of the school, Dr. Robert M. Tull Jr.
The victim was the Bryce Dershem, class valedictorian. During his speech the microphone was cut off, Dr. Tull came to the podium and ripped the young man’s speech from him, crumbled it up and told him to read the speech he had written for him. All because he was speaking of his experiences at school as a young, queer male and the trials he had to endure. Most of the audience was is disbelief and some even screamed to let him finish. After his mic was turned back on, Bryce continued his speech from memory. Bryce received a standing ovation from students and parents alike.
We feel as parents that Dr. Tull should be removed immediately from position at Eastern regional high school and should be barred from working with teenagers in the future. The display was horrifying and disheartening. Our goal is that future students will not have to deal with this type of bullying.

Thank you

Why is this important?

Please join us so the administration realizes that type of behavior is unacceptable for our young people.


2021-11-27 15:31:38 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

2021-06-25 22:48:17 -0400

500 signatures reached

2021-06-24 20:45:00 -0400

100 signatures reached

2021-06-24 17:16:42 -0400

50 signatures reached

2021-06-24 16:27:57 -0400

25 signatures reached

2021-06-24 15:52:40 -0400

10 signatures reached