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To: Nearest Neighbors

Strawberry Mansion Neighborhood and Homeowners Association - Petition for Speedbumps in 19132

Photo by Makarios Tang on Unsplash
29th Street between Allegheny and Girard Ave is a major thru way too many routes into and out of the city of Philadelphia. On this major 2 lane street and its subsidiary side streets, motorists often speed or misuse the roads with unauthorized vehicles (such as all-terrain vehicles and off-road motorcycles). Community Members often have their property damage to their parked cars and sometimes homes, cause by car collisions due to excessive speed. We are asking for speed limit signs, speed monitor displays noting actually how fast drivers are going, and speed bumps in order to ensure the safety of all community members.

Why is this important?

This petition is to help keep our children, elderly, and property safe from by mindless and/or reckless drivers/motorists.



2024-03-20 20:11:30 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-08-15 09:02:04 -0400

10 signatures reached