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To: New Orleans City Council

Sign a Letter of Support: BUYOU Art Lofts, a new Live/Work Neighborhood for New Orleans Creatives

City Council VOTE Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025 
Dear Members of the City Council:

The 2025 FLUM Amendments are the most CATALYTIC, needed, important, public policy decisions that you may vote for that brands New Orleans East as Open for Business!!

Buyou Art Lofts Mission Statement:
Share Space that builds Synergy
This corporation aims to advance critical, self-discovery through shared self-development experiences; address industry and societal challenges; foster collaboration and partnership development across industry, academia, government, nonprofits, civil society, and communities of practice; stimulate economic growth and job creation; and serve as a conduit to regional innovation and talent.
I/We write to express support for the FLUM Zoning Designation Change of Mixed-Use Low-Density to support the proposed “Buyou Art Lofts” development proposed at 5700 + 5775 Deer Park Blvd. This proposed development is essential to address a critical need for new, modern, workforce housing that will monetize the development’s small business mission of increasing entrepreneurship in New Orleans East. 
Zoning Support:  I/We support the City of New Orleans Master Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment (FLUM) PD09-09 because the amendment acknowledges single-family, duplex, four-plex, multi-family, commercial, and/or mixed-use land use options.  The amendment promotes commercial development and diverse housing options that together, co-dependently, each sector above, stimulates economic growth through flexible land uses. 
This amendment aligns with the City of New Orleans' broader goal of ensuring that New Orleans East is economically positioned to attract diverse business and housing options that foster community vitality.
Proximity to Public Amenities: The strategic location of PD09-09 is in proximity to facilities that include: retail/service, medical, office, town home housing, and single-family housing.  Both, the Lake Forest Blvd. and Deer Park Blvd. corridors have a mix of land uses amid land that was occupied pre-Hurricane Katrina, and since presents increased disinvestment, yet are vacant land “opportunity gaps.”  Additional amenities in the area include: New Orleans East Hospital, National Blue Ribbon Lake Forest Elementary Charter School, Abramson Sci Academy, Read Public Library, the City of New Orleans 1st Nationally Accredited Joe Brown Park, 1 of 5 recognized Top National Urban Nature Centers (Louisiana Audubon), public transportation, and neighborhood scale retail. These amenities make the location an ideal choice for fostering community growth with your VOTE for FLUM PD09-09.

I/We request that the City Council support the Mixed-Use Low Density Zoning Change Request for PD09-09. Your favorable consideration of this amendment will undoubtedly continue the process of enhancing quality of life experiences for existing and new New Orleans East residents and businesses. 
Respectfully Submitted.

Why is this important?

The 2025 FLUM Amendments are the most CATALYTIC, needed, important, public policy decisions that you may vote for that brands the City of New Orleans "EAST" as Open for Business!!

New Orleans East is Open for Business!  In the 20th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans East can truly claim that it is addressing barriers to entry through Zoning Reform. This is the opportunity to conclude a 4-year process begun in 2021, to lean into land use zoning amendments as a fundamental, basic, key component to increase New Orleans East’s land use marketability to investors, both small and large.  

How it will be delivered

The petition will be emailed to members of the City Council and City Planning Department.



2025-03-02 10:58:29 -0500

25 signatures reached

2025-02-24 14:14:40 -0500

10 signatures reached