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To: President Donald Trump

We support your suggestion to release federal prisoners convicted of nonviolent crimes now

President Trump, at your press conference on March 22, 2020, you said you are considering releasing prisoners convicted of nonviolent crimes. We would like to encourage you to act on your suggestion immediately. You yourself best stated sound reasons. Please act now. Federal prisoners in medical prisons are most in need of your immediate action. But we almost know space, resources, are medical care are needed for all.

Why is this important?

This petition is important to encourage the president to act on his own suggestion. Especially medical prisoners need to be released so they can get the care they need to prevent coronavirus and for the medical challenges that sent them to specialized medical facilities. And to free prison resources to be used where needed.


2020-03-30 09:01:34 -0400

DOJ has said older prisoners will be released to house-arrested in the next 14 days. We want to be sure Mark Greg Jackson is on this list!

2020-03-26 16:02:49 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-03-24 18:21:30 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-03-24 16:34:34 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-03-24 16:22:36 -0400

10 signatures reached