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To: The White House

Convert White House Tennis Court to Pickleball Courts

Now that the White House’s construction of a new, unlikely-to-be-used ‘Tennis Pavilion’ is complete, we request that the court be converted from one tennis court to four Pickleball courts to showcase what is both the nation’s Fastest Growing Sport and one more appropriate to the mature age of the candidates our major political parties continue to nominate to occupy this House.

Why is this important?

Pickleball is ‘America’s Fastest Growing Sport’ and one that is enjoyed by players of all ages and abilities, spread by the grassroots enthusiasm of its participants. It is a sport more appropriate to the “People’s House” than Tennis, which developed under the aristocratic patronage of the Royalty of both England and France. Pickleball originated in the United States, created through old-fashioned American ingenuity and creativity when a planned family badminton game had to be cancelled due to the lack of correct equipment.
While the large, space-hungry tennis court demands a high level of athletic conditioning, Pickleball is played on a much smaller court which allows for more efficient use of public land (in parks nationwide as well as in the White House lawn) and can be effectively played by a much broader spectrum of America’s casual athletes. Pickleball is also a much more community-based, social sport than tennis, encouraging people of all backgrounds to find common cause and enjoyment together.
Changing the White House tennis court to multiple Pickleball courts would be an inspiration to increased fitness achievable by all Americans, as well as a of symbol both American ingenuity and the effective and efficient use of our public lands.


2020-12-20 07:36:59 -0500

25 signatures reached

2020-12-08 00:15:40 -0500

10 signatures reached