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To: Biden/Harris 2020 Campaign, Democratic National Committee

Joe Biden: Go to Portland & Kenosha -- BE THE LEADER WE NEED

Joe Biden needs to show the country the kind of president he will be -- GO TO PORTLAND & KENOSHA.

Right now Portland and Kenosha are flash points dragging our country to the verge of a civil war fomented by Donald Trump.

Joe Biden must step up and be the peacemaker, get the two sides to sit down and talk to each other, and show the country a better path forward.

Why is this important?

Joe Biden cannot control the narrative of a campaign against Donald Trump through words.


He should spend the remaining days of the campaign shuttling between Portland and Kenosha. Bring the parties together. GET THEM TALKING TO EACH OTHER.


2020-09-25 10:58:28 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-09-02 10:59:42 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-08-30 22:20:36 -0400

10 signatures reached