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To: Tipp City School Board


Allow the handful of formerly open enrolled seniors to complete their senior year with their peers, teachers, activities, and school for the 2020-2021 school year.

Why is this important?

Our daughter and a small number of her fellow students were denied the ability to complete their SENIOR year with their friends, activities, teachers, and school. Our daughter was denied open enrollment, denied tuition, and hurt beyond measure. The cruelty of this decision is baffling. And the disruption to learning is notable. Imagine being a new student your SENIOR year in the MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC. It’s been nothing but unnecessarily cruel and hurtful. And athletic association rules are such that after swimming for Tipp for 3 years, our daughter is unable to compete at the new school. Social distancing has, as expected, affected social opportunities. She goes to school all day without as much as a friendly face to talk to...for her senior year. Our daughter and the few like her, will have no excitement or allegiance to the school they were forced to attend for the last year of their high school education. And our daughter will forever remember the more than six month fight with essentially 3 of the 5 school board members. To see the community rally to successfully win the battle to allow “Bitty” to complete his senior year, has been like a punch in the stomach to at least my family, who has fought these decisions since the spring. We are pleading for the same community outreach and support for our daughter and seniors with similar circumstances to have the same outcome. Most of us have pride in remembering where we graduated from. Our daughter and the few students like her, to this point, have not been afforded that kind of pride or allegiance. Please sign & share this petition. And please contact the Tipp City Board of Education and make your sentiments known. Thank you very much for your help & support.
Superintendent Mark Stefanik [email protected]
President Theresa Dunaway [email protected]
Vice President Corine Doll [email protected]
Anne Zakkour [email protected]
Simon Patry [email protected]
Joellen Heatherly [email protected]


2020-10-20 14:17:42 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-10-20 09:57:42 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-10-20 07:28:46 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-10-20 06:15:33 -0400

10 signatures reached