To: Missouri Senators and Representatives in Congress

Town Halls in Missouri

The Trump administration and his DOGE committee headed up by Elon Musk have millions of people across the nation worried,  scared, and angry. It's nearly impossible to actually get in touch with the Senators and Representatives serving Missouri in Congress. We want to be able to speak IN PERSON and have our worries and concerns addressed and hopefully alleviated. Missourians chose you so do your duty and at least listen. 

Why is this important?

Missouri is a reliably red state. Nearly all of our leaders in Congress are Republicans so why do they need to do town halls if they know they'll have your vote no matter what? America is under attack. This is not a left vs right or liberal vs conservative. This is farmers, doctors, nurses,  police officers, teachers, retail workers, veterans,  disabled citizens, every Missouri resident vs those gutting our institutions with no concern. This is corrupt. This is fascistic. This is the rich stealing from right under our noses so we need to have town halls to tell Josh Hawley, Eric Schmitt, and our Representatives in Congress how we feel about what they're allowing to happen. How they're standing aside and giving trillions of dollars in tax cuts that WE, the normal people,  will get to pay for. They do what's in their political interests and not their constituents because they know they have your no matter what. Sign this petition. Make them talk to us. Make them answer for what they are and are not doing. They work for Missouri,  not Musk.
Missouri, USA

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