10,000 signatures reached
To: Congress
Trump Is Unfit - Invoke Amendment 25 NOW

Trumps psychotic behavior - denying the danger of a Pandemic, falsely claiming it was “just the flu” and “contained at five people”, advising people go to work “even if sick”, engaging in Quid pro quos involving AMERICAN LIVES with Governors who were desperate for medical equipment, falsely accusing our brave medical professionals of pilfering masks when he had sent them to China in early March in full knowledge of the incoming onslaught, asking the elderly to “happily sacrifice their lives for the DOW”, are all clear indications he is unfit to be President. Lives are being lost. This is the moment the 25th Amendment was written for. Congress - compel Trump to submit to a mental competency evaluation by our national mental health experts to determine his fitness for office. Yale mental health expert, Bandy X. Lee, is ready to act and has been sounding the alarm along with hundreds of colleagues nationally and internationally for years. This could not be a more urgent emergency.
Why is this important?
Our mental health professionals have been frank; Trump is dangerous and getting worse. He is exhibiting signs of dementia-exacerbating behavioral disorders. American lives are being lost as he misinforms the public, hoards respirators, needed masks and equipment, literally causing unnecessary Covid-19 infections and death. He engaged in a Quid Pros Quos with Ukraine while lives were on the line and his behavior with Americans is no different. The most powerful voice in the World is the focused and organized people of America. Please sign and empower our elected officials.