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To: All Inmates

Justice for inmates at ECI

We would like the prison to Stop lying to the family members about what’s going on, such as giving the inmates mask every two weeks and not combining positive and negative inmates who have the virus. Clean the jail properly and not have inmates clean without the right gear, let the inmates come home who don’t have serious charges on home detention, (the ones serving less then 4 years) and give them their medications. Also for the staff to be mindful of the concerns and several questions they may ask. Staff, the FA and Warden have been very rude and disrespectful and at times hang up on families who just want answers and justice.

Why is this important?

This is very important because our loved ones are possibly going to get sick and not make it home to their families, wife’s and children by the prison spreading the virus and treating them as if they are not human.

How it will be delivered

By Facebook, Twitter, in person, and emails


2020-11-22 20:41:59 -0500

100 signatures reached

2020-11-20 12:09:36 -0500

50 signatures reached

2020-11-20 09:19:52 -0500

25 signatures reached

2020-11-20 01:22:39 -0500

10 signatures reached