100 signatures reached
To: Governor Ned Lamont, Attorney General William Tong
Remove Rep Arora and Protect Our Right to Participate in Democracy!

During the State of Connecticut Labor and Public Employee Committee Public Hearing session on Tuesday 9th, 2021 (here is the video footage timestamps of Rep Arora's interaction with participants and Rep Porter - 1:38 Kimberly Glassman, Dir of Foundation for Fair Contracting (HB 6378 – codifying prevailing rates), 1:55 Rep Arora, 2:15 Rep Porter – asked for shorter responses and questions, 2:16-2:36 Rep Arora, 5:54 – 6:26 Jason Ortiz, President of MBCA (Cannabis bill - Racial justice/equity issue) 6:09 Rep Arora, 6:23 Rep Arora, 6:40 Farian Rabbani (Cannabis bill), 6:44 – 6:55 Rep Arora - here are timestamps of Rep Arora's racist and misogynistic cues 41:40, 1:30:47, 2:06:21, 2:10:37, 2:35:32, 4:49:40, 5:04:51, 5:18:26, 6:09:49, 6:18:10, 6:24:09, 6:44:42, 6:50:52, 7:03:13, 7:19:37, 7:44:40, 8:36:50, 9:03:20, 9:14:52, 9:15:18, 9:40:46, 10:03:03, 11:16:53)
https://youtu.be/1BYCVg37U-8 it was evident that Representative Harry Arora's purpose was to dissuade public participation, disrespect women, dehumanize black and brown people, support oppression and deny women and black and brown people an opportunity to actively participate in democracy. He was clearly supportive of white males and his constituents.
Public hearings give everyone an opportunity to participate in state policymaking as well as allow constituents to feel empowered to speak out and share their ideas. Representative Arora obstructed this by aggressively and disrespectfully imparting his bias and denying women and black and brown people their first amendment rights.
In recognition of racism as a public health crisis, a public apology must be issued to participants, Representative Robyn Porter, and an opportunity to those who were unable to testify today or would like an opportunity to testify again without intimidation be given. Representative Porter must be provided security and Representative Arora must resign.
Now it's critical that we kick this campaign up a notch. Can you take a moment to make a phone call to Governor Ned Lamont? Here's the number: (860) 566-4840.
Call your legislator and ask them to show support and reach out to Governor Lamont and Attorney General Tong as well. Find your legislator link: https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/cgafindleg.asp
https://youtu.be/1BYCVg37U-8 it was evident that Representative Harry Arora's purpose was to dissuade public participation, disrespect women, dehumanize black and brown people, support oppression and deny women and black and brown people an opportunity to actively participate in democracy. He was clearly supportive of white males and his constituents.
Public hearings give everyone an opportunity to participate in state policymaking as well as allow constituents to feel empowered to speak out and share their ideas. Representative Arora obstructed this by aggressively and disrespectfully imparting his bias and denying women and black and brown people their first amendment rights.
In recognition of racism as a public health crisis, a public apology must be issued to participants, Representative Robyn Porter, and an opportunity to those who were unable to testify today or would like an opportunity to testify again without intimidation be given. Representative Porter must be provided security and Representative Arora must resign.
Now it's critical that we kick this campaign up a notch. Can you take a moment to make a phone call to Governor Ned Lamont? Here's the number: (860) 566-4840.
Call your legislator and ask them to show support and reach out to Governor Lamont and Attorney General Tong as well. Find your legislator link: https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/cgafindleg.asp
Why is this important?
Representative Harry Arora's conduct at the Labor and Public Employee Committee was reminiscent of the traits of Majorie Taylor Greene, Georgia State Representative. Like Representative Greene, Representative Arora's dangerous lies, alignment with the former president's allegations of 'democrats are socialists trying to destroy the country', untruthful social media posts, racist antics, and biased language is to the detriment of the democracy in Connecticut.
Representative Arora's social media posts, referred to her as a liar and claimed he was denied an opportunity to speak and share his opinion. Representative Arora took to social media making several incorrect statements about Representative Porter's handling of the hearing, while showing his true inclinations via social media against democracy and bullied several participants. Comments on his posts included "she was always disrespectful pre-COVID. Apparently her wig is in the shop" and called her leadership a "convoluted and opaque process". His assignments must be removed.
Governor Lamont, Attorney General William Tong, and Speaker of the House Matt Ritter must intercede and take a stand against racism, demonstrate their support for black and brown people and women, advocate for the community's first amendment rights as a move to promote true equity, opportunity, and inclusion for black and brown people and women.
Representative Arora's social media posts, referred to her as a liar and claimed he was denied an opportunity to speak and share his opinion. Representative Arora took to social media making several incorrect statements about Representative Porter's handling of the hearing, while showing his true inclinations via social media against democracy and bullied several participants. Comments on his posts included "she was always disrespectful pre-COVID. Apparently her wig is in the shop" and called her leadership a "convoluted and opaque process". His assignments must be removed.
Governor Lamont, Attorney General William Tong, and Speaker of the House Matt Ritter must intercede and take a stand against racism, demonstrate their support for black and brown people and women, advocate for the community's first amendment rights as a move to promote true equity, opportunity, and inclusion for black and brown people and women.
How it will be delivered
Sign this petition as another step in declaring racism as a public health crisis by supporting the first amendment rights of black and brown people, denounce hate crimes, sexism, pursue a real change in governance, demand accountability and promote true justice and equality for all. Take a stand for the rights of black and brown people and women and bias, prejudice, racism, and oppression.
We will update you on other actions you can take as the campaign develops so please stay tuned!