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MoveOn believes the public should follow the CDC's mask and vaccine guidance, including in schools, workplaces, and health care settings to protect public health and the economy.

To: President Donald Trump, Missouri Governor Mike Parson & Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas

Save Sun City Tanning & Swimwear and Help our City fight COVID

Please let Sun City Tanning & Swimwear open back up for business on May 3rd with certain restrictions such as a limit of 10 people at one time in our shop.

Why is this important?

Sun City Tanning & Swimwear is located 8233 North Oak Trafficway in Clay County Missouri where there are only 52 reported cases of COVID-19. Our Staff has extensive training in sanitizing all equipment, as is a must for any tanning salon. The FDA Classifies sunlamps as medical devices and our equipment is used for Photo-therapy. Tanning is often prescribed to a lot of our customers because they need photo-therapy or light therapy for certain medical conditions. Different uses of ultraviolet rays are to treat: Skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, or Vitiligo, as well as skin cancers like cutaneous lymphoma as well as cystic fibrosis, severe SBS, Vitamin D insufficiency, and metabolic bone disease.

For more info on benefits of UV light from tanning beds and the production of Vitamin D3 from using a tanning bed, please read more at the links below from the National Center for Biotechnology Information Website

National Center for Biotechnology Information Website shows
Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths.

According to Science Daily
Vitamin D protects against colds and flu, finds major global study
Check out Time Magazine
Want to Protect Yourself From Getting the Flu? Get Some Sunshine

And since the studies of tanning beds have been proven to help produce Vitamin D and that Vitamin D helps to reduce the risks of influenza and Covid-19, then it would only make sense that during this time that tanning beds are a must in helping to prevent COVID-19 when they are used on a regular basis. So why is the Federal Government, the State, and the City of Kansas City stopping Sun City Tanning & Swimwear from being able to provide necessary health services to help the general health and well being of our community during it’s time of need?

The Stay at home order that was imposed by the mayor of Kansas City that started March 24, 2020, was implemented to lower the curve of Covid-19 cases to ensure that hospitals were not overwhelmed all at once and to help prevent such rapid spread. It has helped and there are only 52 reported cases in Clay County, but now the number of people infected is currently on a decline and the numbers aren’t as bad as originally projected.
Covid-19 is not only affecting the health of our community, it is also affecting the local economy in major ways and forcing people to make tough decisions for their families based upon recent events and work displacement. To help the general health and to ease the economic injury in our community that has caused us to shut our doors, it is our request and the others that have signed this petition to let Sun City Tanning and Swimwear reopen its doors on May 3rd, 2020, with these limited restrictions that we have requested.



2020-04-24 11:53:42 -0400

500 signatures reached

2020-04-17 20:08:22 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-04-17 18:32:46 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-04-17 17:48:39 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-04-17 17:36:27 -0400

10 signatures reached