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To: The Government, CDC, legislature, etc.

Stop Punishing People in Pain!!!

Stop putting restrictions on our doctors, prescriptions & a wall up between the doctors & patients in pain! Stop restricting prescription pain medicines that help millions & millions of people every day so they can get out of bed, out of the house & get through each day. Stop going after the doctors that prescribe & treating them like cartels. & stop hurting people in pain & treating them like addicts & criminals!!! Please STOP!!!!

Why is this important?

Since the 2016 CDC guidelines, millions & millions of people in pain have been forced tapered or dropped on their long time safe & effective prescription pain medicines, causing them to have adverse health conditions(such as heart attacks, strokes, etc.) as well as more people committing suicide now, because they just can't deal with all of the pain. Not to mention pushing more & more to illegal street drugs because their pain is untreated or undertreated causing the overdoses & deaths to keep increasing. Less than 1% of prescription pain medicines get diverted. Where's the crisis in that???
The mass majority of people who take prescription pain meds for their pain do so safely & as directed. But everyone is not the same & needs different dosing. Some need less for their pain. But some need more. Everyone is different & they do not get the same benefits from the same dose & same kind of medicine as everyone else. So you cannot treat everyone with the same dose or put a limit on them.
People in pain who take prescription pain medicines are not druggies or addicts(although they are far to often treated like they are) which is very unfair. They have the pain to work against the medicines(& vise versa) & do not get "high". The medicines help dull the pain so they can move & get through each day.
The 2016 CDC guidelines were supposed to be just that .... guidelines, for PCP doctors prescribing initial pain medicines. NOT for ongoing chronic pain. But some how those guidelines are now being used as law & as a weapon.
The DEA is now using the 2016 "guidelines" as a weapon against our doctors. & this needs to STOP Now! This is causing doctors to drastically taper & drop everyone off of their long time safe & effective prescription pain medicines in fear for their license being taken by the DEA. Not to mention the DEA going after doctors, closing their practices down. Where & what are all their patients supposed to do being cut off in the blink of an eye? Yep, they are going to the streets for illegal street drugs, committing suicide or having detrimental adverse health conditions. People in pain are being harmed left & right! & this needs to STOP!!! It should have never started in the first place. But it needs to STOP NOW!!!!
Throw out the 2016 CDC guidelines & do not make any more. Also, those guidelines were all one sided(when made) & based on false & misinformation. Throw out those guidelines & do not make any more. So it can bring back the doctor - patient relationship, to where the doctor can help their patients without fearing for their practice, license or their lives!
STOP punishing people in pain. We did not ask for pain but are stuck with it. Opioids(the opioid plant) has been around since the beginning of time. It was given to us to help us with our pain. It wasn't until illegal street drugs came into the picture that started causing problems. Its illegal street drugs that are causing the over doses & deaths. & by restricting prescription pain medicines, you're just pushing more & more to illegal street drugs & therefore to over dose or die.
Stop treating people in pain like addicts. Those are 2 totally different groups of people. Each of whom should have their own individualized treatment.
Our government are not doctors. Nor do they have any idea of medical conditions or how it should be treated. So, they have no right putting restrictions on our doctors & how they can or can't treat their patients & with what & how much medicines that work best.
PLEASE STOP Punishing People in Pain & the doctors who treat them!
Thank you!

How it will be delivered

If we can get a lot of signatures from people who have been harmed by the 2016 CDC guidelines, we can send this to our legislature & use it for rallies so that we can hopefully start making a difference. Please help by signing & tell why you are signing. & please forward this to anyone you know who has/is going through this. & ask them to please sign.
Thank you!



2020-08-16 18:56:07 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-08-14 14:13:43 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-08-13 12:16:51 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-08-13 09:05:32 -0400

10 signatures reached