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To: Tim Walz

Internet Archive is Sadly Losing + Anti-Copyright Abuse Bill Proposal

Hi there, it has come to my attention that the Internet Archive is struggling against the lawsuit that these abusive book businesses are perpetuating, and because this is happening, I want to propose an anti-copyright abuse bill to level the playing field, since the copyright laws right now, are too draconian and have too much power.

The link below contains an anti-copyright abuse bill proposal, to which I had prepared.

Why is this important?

Archiving and preservation of art, video games, books, original characters, music, etc, whether that would be unused, cancelled, prototypes, released, or otherwise, are both extremely important, more specifically for history's sake. There are also works done by child prodigies as well, and the thought of them being erased really sickens me to the core...

To also drive this point home, archiving and preservation of things also serves an important role of keeping information that will guarantee save lives and protect society eternally, and what grave mistakes should be avoided in societal and cultural systems and jurisdictions.

This bill proposal I have shown, is going to be important, and must be shared so others may share it to congress in a bid to level the playing field in terms of copyright law. There also needs to be vast improvement in law schools, that piracy and preservation are both different from each other. Even if piracy may sound problematic on the surface, it is actually the closest equivalent to bacteria as you would get. Too much of it kills you, but some of it is actually necessary for something to survive.

By integrating restorative measures such as formal apologies and content restoration into the consequences for copyright abuse, this act seeks to not only hold perpetrators accountable for their actions but also to provide meaningful redress to the creators whose rights were infringed upon. By actively engaging perpetrators in the process of repairing the harm caused by their misconduct, this approach promotes reconciliation, rehabilitation, and a renewed commitment to upholding the principles of copyright law and fair use."

In terms of closing my thoughts on all this, I kept thinking back to a well known character from the Half-Life video game series called the G-Man, whose famous quote says, "prepare for unforeseen consequences..."

That quote alone sums up on how I feel and think about this rotten and draconian the copyright system is. Please spread the word, and we must not give up. Good luck, and thanks for taking the time to read.