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To: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, Rep. Cori Bush,

Make Dia de los Muertos a National Holiday

On October 30, 2020, the 45th President officially proclaimed November 1st as a National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens, which directly coincides with the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) holiday that takes place from November 1st – November 2nd. This proclamation came as a direct attempt to overwrite and re-characterize the heritage of millions of Hispanics and Latinos, creating further division throughout the country, switching the focus away from family, community, and togetherness to hatred, resentment and separatism.

Therefore we, as Dia de los Muertos DC (DDLMDC), are uniting all of those who celebrate Dia de los Muertos here across the United States, including organizers, change organizations, peace builders, festival producers, activists, artists, museum curators, historians, community members and local government officials in order to petition you and your fellow members of Congress to officially denounce this divisive proclamation and establish Dia de los Muertos as a recognized national holiday here within the US.

Why is this important?

In order to make Dia de los Muertos an officially recognized national holiday, we are asking that you sign this petition in order to showcase the reality that this holiday is already widely recognized and celebrated across the country and has a direct positive effect on the unity and mental health of all of the country’s inhabitants.


On November 6, 2021, we are making a nationwide call-to-action to all celebrators of Dia de los Muertos from across the country to come to the nation’s capital on this day to petition the US Congress in person.

At 2:00PM, a lineup of activists, speakers, change organizations and community members will gather in front of the US. Capitol, on the National Mall, and take to a stage, in order to explain to Congress why Dia de Los Muertos is so important, and all the ways the holiday has and will continue to assist this nation heal and unite under the ideals of family, community, remembrance, collective support, and our shared mortality.

We will be rallying on the grounds of the National Mall in Washington, DC, along 3rd Street, NW between Madison Drive, NW & Jefferson Drive, SW.

Join us in showing Congress that this holiday is already widely recognized and celebrated across the country, and that it is imperative that Dia de los Muertos is officially recognized as a holiday within the U.S.

As Dia de los Muertos DC, we stand for equality, social justice, peace, inclusivity, unity, and oneness, across race, religion, sexuality, social class, and country of origin. Due to the current global situation, we are losing countless of our loved ones to COVID, poor healthcare policies, lack of immigration reform, gun violence, climate change, poverty, as well as a number of other issues. For this reason, we will also be utilizing this platform to ask the current administration to honor their promises and make the necessary changes that we ALL need. Currently, the demographic most negatively affected by this inaction are the children.

As we celebrate the holiday of Dia de los Muertos and pay homage to the loved ones that we have lost to these societal ailments, we must fight for change in order to preserve the lives of our future. This holiday gives us the tools, strength, and community needed to persevere, which is why its celebration is so beneficial to the world.

Following this rally, we will continue our demonstration as we march up Pennsylvania Avenue, led by a procession of Catrinas & Catrines, live bands, and change organizations, to our 5th Annual Dia de los Muertos Benefit Festival, located at the base of the Washington Monument. The festival will consist of an assortment of live music, art, and performances, projection mapping, family activities, workshops, community discussions & panels, movie screenings, mental & physical health workshops & resources, traditional foods and a large community cross-cultural altar. 100% of the proceeds go to two nonprofits supporting unaccompanied minors who come across the border and marginalized families abroad.

We cordially invite you to join the movement and celebrate with us on November 6, 2021.


How it will be delivered

We plan to deliver this petition via press conference and deliver it in person.



2021-11-08 03:21:57 -0500

100 signatures reached

2021-11-05 10:44:37 -0400

50 signatures reached

2021-10-30 13:55:49 -0400

25 signatures reached

2021-10-16 00:16:50 -0400

10 signatures reached