• Senate Bill 59 Allowing Concealed Weapons in Schools
    Senate Bill 59 allows concealed weapons to be carried in our schools and places of worship. All it requires to obtain is extra training. We do not need this law! It's a potential risk without a real reason as to why we should free this up
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lou Ann Palmer
  • national education about the use of guns
    The recent tragic shooting that occurred in a school.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aalim
  • Keep the News Media Out of Sandy Hook Their First Day Back to School
    The residents of Sandy Hook deserve privacy. Their fear and grief should be private and the news media does not demonstrate decency or respect in these situations. You can simply report "The children and teachers of Sandy Hook returned to school today. Our hearts are with them." If you need drama you can have panels of experts or adults who have faced this situation explain what they must be going through. If you show pictures or news footage or interviews of kids on their first day/week back we will boycott your show and network. Decency needs to return to mainstream media.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SD Murray
  • High School Reform
    High School should be reformed so that it helps students find what they are truly interested in. Currently, schools focus too much on preparing their students to take standardized tests. High school becomes an unrelenting routine of studying subjects in which you have no interest and dealing with peers with whom you have little in common, all the while experiencing the stresses of puberty. To relieve these tensions, I propose that students be allowed to set the pace at which they complete the high school curriculum, perhaps extending it over a fifth year. Students should be able to explore a range of subjects, pursue extracurricular activities, take some free time, and discover their true interests and passions. Also, they should be able to go to school just to attend classes without being stuck there for the entire school day.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eben Shapiro
  • Delaware Valley School District, Secure Our Schools!
    We would like to have a security person at each school entrance for the duration of the school day with a metal detecting wand or device to ensure no one with concealed weapons can gain entry to the main office of any school in the district.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meriam Thompson
  • Child Protection ACT
    Allowing qualified CWP holders to carry a gun on school grounds.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Furco II
    Gauraunteed Child Safety in EVERY classroom.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ameen-Storm Abo-Hamzy
  • Bring Culture and Arts back to Schools
    Dear Mr. President, In the recent years, the Arts have been eliminated from schools, as Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, and better test scores seem to be the primary focus. While parents are forced to work extra jobs, or have taken pay cuts; the elimination of these programs from schools due to budget cuts, have encouraged the children will grow up with limited creativity, innovation, and problem solving skills. The arts promote, develop,encourage, and provide a safe, exploring experience for children to practice skills that are vital to the rest of their education. Skills like science and math will be effected because of their difficulty in solving complex problems, as they will struggle with the ability to creatively think out the answers. The effect of the arts (i.e., dance, theater, music, art) on children cannot be denied or ignored. Without these programs both during school and after school, the child is subjected to limited activities, primarily video games (mostly promoting violence), and watching TV, (primarily action and violent shows.) Hours of this type of violence educates our children to become accustom and accept violence. There is too much violence being caused by teens and young adults. Children and teens need to become more involved in programs that demonstrate positive support and supervision, and encourage the children to think creatively. This should help them to pursue a life and develop into an adult who is bright, educated, innovative, and cultured.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alysa Haas
  • Federal money for all schools' security
    I am a teacher and I know full well the complete lack of security present in most and particularly elementary schools bec the few guards present im schools are there to break up fights not to protect the children. Most schools are easily entered and only guarded by nonunion untrained personnel on a temp basis. Aren't out children our most valuable possesions? We collect them all together with no protection everyday not counting us teachers who have been faced with ppl who come off the streets at all times of the day. This ks nothing new. I have never been in a properly secured school. Shouldnt the govnt be spending as much money protecting ut schools as they spend checking out luggage at an airport?
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy sugar
  • guns in schools
    Keeping guns out of our schools and keeping our children safe.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diana Comella
  • Mandatory yearly psych evaluations in school
    We need to stop this school shootings. I feel that mental illness in teens and young adolescents goes untreated. Parents, family members and friends of mentally ill or suffering children need to be educated on their behaviors and what to look for.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Ricevuto
  • In the wake of recent shootings in our public Schools,Adequate Security Needed in Public Schools ...
    in the wake of recent mass shootings in our public schools i am not asking for gun control because guns do not kill, the people who use them do, but for security measures to be heightened our Public schools on a state level(armed guards) or on federal level (homeland security efforts)
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caesar