• Replace Race on Government Applications
    The inaccurate concept of multiple Races no longer is supported by scientific fact. Continuing to divide people into separate Races, as opposed to Ethnicities, perpetuates Racism. To expedite global unification, people need to be exposed to education and knowledge that demonstrates how each of us belongs to the same Human Family Tree and One Human Race, regardless of ethnicity, as proven by mitochondrial DNA genetic research, and human migration research over the past 24 years.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Mollner
  • Governor Snyder: Do Not Privatize Teaching in Michigan Schools
    Senator Phil Pavlov (R) of St. Clair County, chair of Rick Snyder's Education Committee, is drafting legislation that would privatize instruction in Michigan Public Schools. This fundamental change in the method of staffing Michigan's public schools would do monumental damage to the quality of education in Michigan. We are calling on Governor Snyder to say "no" to privatizing teaching in Michigan.
    11,956 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Willett
  • Name the Anonymous Donors!
    Recently the School District of Philadelphia "released" the current Superintendent. A part of her departure package included $405,000 contributed by 'anonymous donors'. One of the controversies surrounding the ex-Super's tenure was the awarding of contracts to various suppliers and contractors. This "hidden buyout" process has created the condition where individuals with a financial interest in the operation of the district could have undue or undisclosed influence on how the district is operated.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mitchell Swann
  • Stop Privatizing Education: Support Public schools and teachers
    Charter schools show less progress than many public schools, some even lower than public schools. Stop the No Child Left Behind with its impossible goals and bogus tests. Teach kids how to think critically, not what to think. Stop making teachers the scapegoat for bogus test results. Fully fund public education with taxpayer dollars instead of handing it over to private companies whose record is poor.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Rickett
  • Student Loan Reform
    Student loan Reform would first automatically grant a two year retroactive payment freeze extension on all existing student loans. All interest would be eliminated on all student loans permanently. Giving students and their families time to find work and relief from fees that border on usury. With unemployment and low pay it is key to help graduates now. Continuing new and fair student loan reforms would be a huge benefit to the economy overall.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by michael couture
  • Henry County in Support of Mosaic School of the Arts Charter School
    The mission for Mosaic School of the Arts School, Inc. is to educate life-long learners and productive citizens to succeed in college and their prospective fields to create a better global society. Our goal is to address the intuitive nature of the whole child by satisfying the human desire to create, interpret, understand, express and enjoy learning and discovering by engaging students academically and fostering critical thinking skills. The school will boast an International Baccalaureate curriculum with a visual and fine arts magnet program. Our vision is to create a community of learners. For more information, go to our website www.mosaicschools.org.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Valme
  • Put Students First: Stop the Shared Service Center Disaster at Stony Brook University
    President Stanley's strategic initiative, Project 50 Forward, aims to position Stony Brook University as one of the top 20 public research universities in the country. The steering committee for this project will imminently implement shared service centers, meaning that the administrative staff will be removed from their home departments and localized into a general pool that services the building instead of its students. Not only do the data overwhelmingly demonstrate that this corporate strategy rarely, if ever, saves as much money as it costs to implement, but such a process is plagued with transitional woes that put a stop to efficient work. Ultimately, shared service centers result in a loss of services to the client or customer (e.g., the students paying tuition). In a year where student tuition and fees are rising and will continue to rise over the next academic year, Stony Brook University is proposing a plan that will drastically alter the support, services and specialized advising available to its students. Please sign the petition and help stop the shared services centers at Stony Brook University.
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Students Against SSC
  • Our Future
    Our future, Our children. One and the same.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Justin snow
  • Forgive Hopeless Student Loan Debt
    There is a cancer growing on the students of America. This cancer is so malicious and resolute that it keeps millions of Americans impoverished for the rest of their lives. The cancer, of which we speak, is the aggressive collection practices used by student loan lenders (mostly the US Department of Education) against borrowers incapable of repaying their loans.
    226 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Charles Lundquist
  • Campaign to Report Examine And Test Intelligentdesign On National and International Secular Media.
    The Light of the World Trust has initiated a campaign to persuade broadcasting program makers and program controllers to redress the balance by including intelligent design/creation in their programs and live debates. In order to persuade broadcasting officials that fair play and not prejudice is what we want and have a right to expect, we hope to collect as much support as we possibly can and then to put our case forward in front of the media bosses and program controllers.
    323 of 400 Signatures
  • The Need for a Charter School in the Aliquippa School District
    The Aliquippa School District faces an insurmountable task to meet Adequate Yearly Progress. The challenge is great, but can be attained with much support. A way to demonstrate such support is through the members of the community addressing the need for a charter school in our district so that stakeholders have a choice and together we can raise the student success rate.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carla Council
  • Fresh instead of processed food for CVUSD school lunches!
    As concerned parents of the Conejo Valley Unified School District, we are writing to enlist your support in cultivating a healthier environment for our children. 72% of the US population is overweight or obese with one in three children overweight or obese. Obesity is the leading cause of death in America after smoking. Unless measures are taken to reduce obesity and improve the health of youth today many may live shorter lives than their parents for the first time ever. The Centers for Disease Control have stated: "Schools may have an ethical obligation to act in response to the precipitous increase in the incidence of obesity among children. Because children are required to spend half their waking hours in school and because they consume a substantial portion of their daily food there, school is a logical focus for efforts to encourage healthy dietary behaviors to prevent obesity and its consequent individual and collective costs...Opponents of school food regulation argue that people have the right to choose the foods they eat. However, we structure and regulate many student activities in the school setting and do not consider doing so an abridgment of children’s rights....For example, parents would rarely serve candy alongside vegetables on the dinner table and expect their children to choose the vegetables instead of the candy. Similarly, school authorities are responsible for offering foods from which the child can select but limiting choices to those that provide nutritional benefit rather than harm." Currently the majority of the food served in the CVUSD cafeterias is processed, re-heated meals which are high in sodium, preservatives, additives, and low in fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, freshly cooked meats, whole grains/pastas, etc. We want to have the staff of CVUSD kitchens to be trained in ‘scratch cooking’ and for fresh food to be purchased and prepared for school lunches (elementary, middle and high school). This approach has been successful at many local school districts (Oak Park USD, Ventura USD, Santa Barbara, and Carpentaria). We want our kids to eat healthy, freshly cooked meals instead of meals consisting of mostly processed food. While salad bars have been utilized in many Conejo Schools it does not undo the damage to our children being served a diet of mostly processed foods. Intervention is needed and we recognize the cost to staff training, which we parents will look to local donations to pay providing the district, cannot find funding for the project at this time. We want the district food service to agree that if training of staff can be funded, that they will in turn agree to fully support the scratch cooking project (buy fresh food, raw commodity foods, and assist and support staff in being adequately trained to produce more healthy meals). We would like outside, professional consultants to assist in menu development, training, and implementation of the new program that will meet the new recommendation put forth by the USDA School lunch program. Please see the other petitions involving healthy changes for CVUSD: http://www.parentsforhealthyschoollunch.com/sign_the_petitions_.html
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Parents for Healthy School Lunch