• Stand with @RepBarbaraLee: No to U.S. Ground Troops in Syria
    Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) has introduced a bipartisan bill to block additional U.S. forces from being sent into Syria. [1] H.R. 1473 prohibits the Department of Defense from funding any attempt by the administration to expand our presence in Syria by putting U.S. combat boots on the ground. Under the bill, the Pentagon would be prohibited from using funds to send troops to Syria for ground combat operations, award a contract to a private security firm for ground activity or otherwise establish or maintain a presence of U.S. troops or a private security contractor in Syria. The bill would allow for exceptions to “protect, rescue or remove” U.S. personnel. “I strongly object to the White House’s decision to unilaterally place U.S. boots on the ground in Syria," Rep. Lee said. "The Constitution is clear: Congress must debate, vote and authorize the use of military force in matters of war and peace." [2] Twenty Members of the House have co-sponsored the bill. [3] Urge your Representative to co-sponsor H.R. 1473 by signing our petition. References: 1. http://thehill.com/policy/defense/323319-dem-seeks-to-block-us-troops-going-to-syria-after-marines-deployment 2. http://lee.house.gov/news/press-releases/congresswoman-barbara-lee-introduces-bipartisan-bill-to-block-the-deployment-of-ground-troops-in-syria 3. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1473/cosponsors
    8,052 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Join @UNReliefChief, @Bolivia_ONU, 53 @HouseDemocrats: Open Yemen's Hodeida Port to Avert Famine
    On Friday, March 10, Stephen O’Brien, the United Nations’ under secretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, addressed the United Nations Security Council about what must happen to avert the threat of famine in Yemen. [1] He said: "only a combined response with the private sector can stem a famine: commercial imports must be allowed to resume through all entry points in Yemen, including and especially Hudaydah port, which must be kept open and expanded." [2] Sacha Llorenti, Bolivia's Ambassador to the UN said: "Restrictions have to be lifted at the port of Hodeidah to allow access to humanitarian aid." [3] On Thursday, March 9, 53 House Democrats wrote to Secretary of State Tillerson, urging him to "use all U.S. diplomatic tools to help open the Yemeni port of Hodeida to international aid humanitarian aid organizations to allow them to import food, fuel, and medicine into northern Yemen and save the lives of hundreds of thousands of Yemeni children who face starvation." [4] The signers were: Ted Lieu (CA-33); John Conyers (MI-13); Gwen Moore (WI-4); Debbie Dingell (MI-12); Bobby Rush (IL-1); Barbara Lee (CA-13); Mark Pocan (WI-2); David Cicilline (RI-1); James McGovern (MA-2); Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5); Ruben Gallego (AZ-7); Keith Ellison (MN-5); Jamie Raskin (MD-8); Raúl Grijalva (AZ-3); Jan Schakowsky (IL-9); Steve Cohen (TN-9); Adam Smith (WA-9); Anthony Brown (MD-4); Carol Shea-Porter (NH-1); Peter DeFazio (OR-4); Donald Beyer (VA-8); Alcee Hastings (FL-20); Darren Soto (FL-9); William Keating (MA-9); Hank Johnson (GA-4); Alan Lowenthal (CA-47); Chellie Pingree (ME-1); Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11); Frank Pallone (NJ-6); Betty McCollum (MN-4); Nydia Velázquez (NY-7); Adam Schiff (CA-28); Jared Polis (CO-2); Joseph Crowley (NY-14); Dwight Evans (PA-2); Pramila Jayapal (WA-7); Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12); Frederica Wilson (FL-24); Adriano Espaillat (NY-13); Anna Eshoo (CA-18); Stephen Lynch (MA-8); Judy Chu (CA-27); Zoe Lofgren (CA-19); Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23); Bill Foster (IL-11); Jackie Speier (CA-14); Karen Bass (CA-37); Earl Blumenauer (OR-3); Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2); Mark Takano (CA-41); Salud Carbajal (CA-24); Louise Slaughter (NY-25); and Peter Welch (VT). [5] Urge President Trump and all Members of Congress to join the call to open the port of Hodeida and avert famine in Yemen by signing our petition. References: 1. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/11/world/middleeast/yemen-market-airstrike.html 2. http://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/usgerc-stephen-o-brien-statement-security-council-missions-yemen-south-sudan-somalia 3. https://twitter.com/Bolivia_ONU/status/840320709855477762 4. https://lieu.house.gov/sites/lieu.house.gov/files/Letter%20to%20Tillerson%20from%20MoCs%20re%20Yemen%20Crisis%20030917.pdf 5. https://lieu.house.gov/sites/lieu.house.gov/files/Letter%20to%20Tillerson%20from%20MoCs%20re%20Yemen%20Crisis%20030917.pdf
    4,981 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • @HouseDemocrats: Help @TedLieu, @RepJohnConyers Avert Famine in Yemen
    The United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross have warned that Yemen is on the brink of famine, with hundreds of thousands of children in danger of starvation if the Yemeni port of Hodeida is not quickly opened to international humanitarian aid. Rep. Ted Lieu [D-CA] and Rep. John Conyers [D-MI] are circulating a letter to Secretary of State Tillerson, "urging him to use all U.S. diplomatic tools to help open the Yemeni port of Hodeida to international humanitarian aid organizations to allow them to import food, fuel and medicine into northern Yemen and save the lives of hundreds of thousands of Yemeni children who face starvation." Urge House members to sign the Lieu-Conyers letter by signing and sharing our petition. References: "Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni children are nearing starvation," https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/hundreds-of-thousands-of-yemeni-children-are-nearing-starvation/2017/02/23/f01ead8a-f850-11e6-aa1e-5f735ee31334_story.html "Red Cross: Yemen Food Reserves Dwindling as War Escalates," http://www.voanews.com/a/yemen-food-reserve-dwindling/3743457.html "Yemen conflict: Red Cross appeals for access to key port," http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-39114349
    6,708 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Jon @Ossoff, @KarenHandel: We Oppose U.S. Ground Troops in Syria & We Vote
    The Trump Administration is considering deploying U.S. ground troops to Syria, [1] something that the Obama Administration opposed, along with most Democrats and war-skeptic Republicans. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said, "It would be a really rotten, no good, bad idea to have ground troops in Syria." [2] Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy said, "Sending combat troops into Syria would make the unforced errors of the first four weeks look like child's play." California Representative Ted Lieu said, "As Member of House Foreign Affairs Committee, I want to say that sending ground troops to Syria is a VERY BAD IDEA." [3] On April 18, there will be a special election in Georgia's sixth Congressional district. According to a recent poll, [4] the top two candidates in the "jungle primary" are Democrat Jon Ossoff, a former staffer for John Lewis and Hank Johnson, and Republican Karen Handel, former Georgia Secretary of State. Jon Ossoff's website says, "Jon will back efforts to destroy ISIS without deploying regular US ground forces." [5] Karen Handel's website has no issues section. [6] But as a Senate candidate in September 2013, she opposed U.S. military action against the Syrian government, [7] suggesting a willingness to challenge proposed U.S. military action. If both candidates come out against deploying ground troops to Syria in this closely-watched election, it will contribute to the belief that what Senator Paul called a "rotten, no good, bad idea" is politically radioactive and discourage the Trump Administration from doing it. Urge Jon Ossoff, Karen Handel and Members of Congress to publicly oppose proposals to deploy U.S. ground forces in Syria by signing our petition. References: 1. http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/15/politics/pentagon-considering-recommending-combat-troops-in-syria/index.html 2. http://rare.us/rare-politics/issues/foreign-policy/rand-paul-it-would-be-a-really-rotten-no-good-bad-idea-to-have-ground-troops-in-syria/ 3. http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/the-conversation/sd-troops-to-syria-20170215-htmlstory.html 4. http://cloutpolitical.com/poll-democrat-ossoff-republican-handel-lead-in-ga-cd6-special-election/ 5. https://electjon.com/priorities/ 6. https://karenhandel.com/ 7. http://www.rollcall.com/news/politics/syria-radio-ad-aired-by-gop-senate-candidate
    6,831 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Support the Safe Communities Act!
    After the hateful rhetoric of the last election season and dangerous actions of the new presidential administration, many undocumented families in Massachusetts now live in heightened fear of deportation and separation. Muslims are also an arbitrary target through a proposed "registry". The Safe Communities Act would address both of these issues and push back at the regressive policies being imposed across the nation. Massachusetts leadership has helped shape the nation’s consciousness on civil rights. Today, we need to see that kind of courage from our state legislators on behalf of immigrants and Muslims in our communities.
    6,497 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Napolitano
  • Remember Berta Caceres: Suspend Military Aid to Honduras!
    On March 2, 2016, environmental activist Berta Caceres was assassinated in Honduras. [1] Leaked court documents suggest Berta's murder was planned by military intelligence specialists linked to the country’s US–trained special forces. [2] Berta's family and human rights organizations have called for an independent international investigation into Berta's murder, but these demands have so far been rebuffed. [3] On March 2, 2017 Rep. Hank Johnson (GA) re-introduced the Berta Caceres Human Rights In Honduras Act, calling for the suspension of U.S. military and police aid to Honduras until human rights violations committed by Honduran security forces cease and their perpetrators have been brought to justice. [4] There are now 40 co-sponsors of the bill. [5] Urge your Representative to co-sponsor the Berta Caceres Human Rights In Honduras Act by signing our petition. References: 1. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/02/opinion/an-idealists-martyrdom-fails-to-move-honduras.html 2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/28/berta-caceres-honduras-military-intelligence-us-trained-special-forces 3. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/21/berta-caceres-murder-honduras-juan-orlando-hernandez-dc 4. https://hankjohnson.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/rep-johnson-reintroduces-berta-caceres-human-rights-honduras-act 5. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1299/cosponsors
    6,485 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
    TO END WAR IN SYRIA! TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY THIS TIME, NOT LIKE IRAQ. We have one last chance to get it right.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Robinson
  • Boycott Correspondents' Dinner to Protest Media Failure on Yemen Famine
    It's not total censorship, but big U.S. media have downplayed the threat of famine in Yemen, and especially have downplayed the U.S. role in the war that is pushing Yemen towards famine, with hundreds of thousands of children facing starvation. Writing for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Adam Johnson notes: "A recent UN report on the ... near-famine conditions in Yemen ... has led to a rare instance of Western media taking notice of the war and its catastrophic effect. But missing from most of these reports is the role of the United States and its ally Saudi Arabia - whose two-year-long siege and bombing have left the country in ruins." [1] The White House Correspondents' Dinner on April 29 has become an annual ritual of celebrity-studded U.S. Big Media self-congratulation. [2] This is an opportunity for people of conscience to call out U.S. Big Media on its failure to report prominently, accurately, urgently, and persistently on the threat of famine in Yemen and the role of the U.S. and Saudi Arabia in pushing Yemen to the brink of famine. Urge Members of Congress and all people of conscience to boycott the White House Correspondents' Dinner by signing our petition. References: 1. http://fair.org/home/downplaying-us-contribution-to-potential-yemen-famine/ 2. http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/321666-media-divided-over-trump-skipping-correspondents-dinner
    4,262 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Tell @realDonaldTrump: Yemen's Houthis Are Not Iran Proxies
    Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni children are nearing starvation. U.S.-backed Saudi airstrikes near Hodeida - the main entry point for food, medicine and humanitarian aid into northern Yemen - are blocking the delivery of supplies. The way to save these children is to silence the guns, so desperately needed aid can get through. [1] Unfortunately, President Trump is escalating the Saudi war against Houthi rebels in Yemen instead of ending it, thinking this is a proxy war against Iran. But Yemen's Houthis are not proxies of Iran. Joost Hilterman of the International Crisis Group states that "very little hard evidence has turned up of Iranian support to the Houthis," while U.S. military support to the Saudis "exceeds by many factors any amount of support the Houthis have received from Tehran." Hiltermann notes the Houthis "are motivated primarily by a domestic agenda" and "Iran does not control their decision-making." He says the way to handle the Houthis is not to "continue an unwinnable war" but to "push Yemeni parties back to the negotiating table." [2] Urge Trump and Congress to save Yemeni children from starvation and end the war by signing our petition. References: 1. "Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni children are nearing starvation," Sudarsan Raghavan, Washington Post, February 24 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/hundreds-of-thousands-of-yemeni-children-are-nearing-starvation/2017/02/23/f01ead8a-f850-11e6-aa1e-5f735ee31334_story.html 2. "The Houthis Are Not Hezbollah: Donald Trump wants to ramp up Yemen's proxy fight against Iran. One small problem: Tehran doesn't really have a proxy there," Joost Hilterman, Foreign Policy, February 27 http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/02/27/the-houthis-are-not-hezbollah/
    6,564 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • @nytimes, @spaydl: Report the UN's Famine Warning for Yemen
    United Nations and other international aid officials have been warning that Yemen is on the brink of famine. "Donald Trump’s Shift On Yemen Risks Plunging The Country Into Famine," the Huffington Post reports, warning that the Trump Administration may be giving Saudi Arabia a green light to attack and close the critical port of Hodeidah, blocking Yemen's food imports. [1] "Yemen war causing world's worst food crisis," Vatican Radio reports. [2] "'Time running out': 1.4 million children could die from famine in Africa & Yemen, says UNICEF," RT reports. [3] But a search of recent stories on the New York Times' website only turns up wire stories, not a regular New York Times article. [4] Urge New York Times editors to press for prominent Times coverage of the UN's famine warning for Yemen, and acknowledgement of the U.S. role in bringing about the famine risk by supporting Saudi Arabia's war, by signing our petition. UPDATE 2/24: Since we launched our petition, the New York Times has run an article that reported the UN famine warning for Yemen. [5] That's a good start. Sign our petition to continue to press the New York Times for prominent coverage of the Yemen emergency. References: 1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-hodeidah-yemen-famine_us_58a88970e4b037d17d28610b 2. http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2017/02/17/yemen_war_causing_worlds_worst_food_crisis_amid_widespread_/1293189 3. https://www.rt.com/news/378097-unicef-children-famine-malnutrition/ 4. https://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/yemen+famine/since1851/allresults/2/allauthors/newest/ 5. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/22/world/africa/why-20-million-people-are-on-brink-of-famine-in-a-world-of-plenty.html
    7,358 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Don't Help Saudi Arabia Cause Famine in Yemen
    President Trump's ramped-up support of Saudi Arabia's war may cause a famine in Yemen, the Huffington Post reports. Aid workers fear Saudi Arabia is planning to attack and close the critical port of Hodeidah on Yemen’s west coast, where most of the country's food has come in. The Obama Administration had opposed such an attack, but the Trump Administration may be encouraging it. Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen has been dependent on the U.S. for military support and diplomatic cover. “If there were a serious disruption to that port, that would, I think, be sufficient to tip the country into famine,” said a former U.S. aid official. [1] Jamie McGoldrick, the UN's Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, notes that Saudi Arabia's diversion of aid ships from Hodeidah is already raising the risk of mass starvation. Using starvation of civilians as a weapon of war is a grave violation of international law. [2] Urge President Trump and Congress to stop Saudi Arabia from causing a famine in Yemen by signing and sharing our petition. References: 1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-hodeidah-yemen-famine_us_58a88970e4b037d17d28610b 2. http://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/statement-humanitarian-coordinator-yemen-jamie-mcgoldrick-impact-conflict-and-ongoing
    7,442 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Secretary Tillerson: Meet With U.S. Citizens in Mexico
    The Trump administration has proposed changes to NAFTA that could adversely affect commerce on both sides of the border. President Trump has spoken of leveling import fees on products of Mexico which could lead to retaliatory actions. President Trump has called for the construction of a wall that could cost upwards of $20 billion even while America’s own infrastructure is decaying. He has declared he will deport up to 8 million people which will break apart families and adversely affect important sectors of the U.S. economy, including hospitality, agriculture, and construction. Finally, his planned actions could seriously erode the bi-lateral relationship between the two neighboring nations. Just this month some 20,000 Mexicans marched in protest of the Trump Republican Administration. As no one else, those of us Americans who are concerned about these policies, and who also make our homes in Mexico, are in a unique position to provide the Secretary of State a viewpoint that he might not receive in Washington, D.C. We call on Secretary Tillerson to meet with us at a time and place of his convenience during his visit.
    1,462 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Doug Hall