• Tell Rubio and Scott: Stop Obstructing and Do Your Job
    Florida, we are a state of people — not Democrats, not Republicans. We are a state of moms, dads, aunties, uncles, abuelos, and chosen family and friends. But our Florida family has lost its way. We have forgotten that we belong to one another, that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. We have wayward leaders that have abandoned this family. Our Senators waste time and resources obstructing and ignoring our state’s issues on healthcare, housing, climate, education, and more. Now is the time for action — not obstruction. Both Senator Rubio and Scott need to stop obstructing, do their job, defend democracy, and build back bold for jobs, climate, healthcare, and justice here in Florida. Please take 1 (one) minute to send a message to both Senator Rubio and Senator Scott to stop playing games with peoples lives and represent the people of Florida.
    320 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Laurie Woodward Garcia Picture
  • Working for a better Baltimore
    Baltimore is a city in crisis brought on by bad leadership exacerbated by the ineffectual policy during a time of crisis.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Wright
  • Congress: Stop companies selling killer baby products
    The last thing new parents want to worry about is whether their baby gear can actually HURT their baby. If it’s on the shelves at baby stores, families should be able to trust that it’s safe. But right now, they can’t -- a report just released by Congress shows kids’ company Fisher Price ignored years of safety warnings and kept selling a popular baby sleeper even after 50 infants died in them! Millions of sleepers were sold to unsuspecting parents before it was finally recalled in 2019, while Fisher Price made $200 million in profits. It is unacceptable that a major company like Fisher Price cut corners by ignoring consumer and regulator warnings. According to NPR, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is supposed to oversee such products, allows companies to sell goods with little to no safety standards. The government regulators that were supposed to protect us didn’t. And that has to change. Sign this petition asking Congress to give government watchdogs the power to protect kids!
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Manasrah
    "Whether you are a fan of Star Trek or not the following has universal appeal to all. "A dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars." – James T. Kirk, 2269 (TOS - "Whom Gods Destroy") "The United Federation of Planets was a supranational interstellar union of multiple planetary nation-states that operated semi-autonomously under a single central government, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, peace, justice, and progress, with the purpose of furthering the universal rights of all sentient life. Federation members exchange knowledge and resources to facilitate peaceful cooperation, scientific development, space exploration, and MUTUAL DEFENSE."** I've emphasized "Mutual Defense" because its important! While an obvious interpretation is "military defense", it also means Mutual Defense of Morals, Mutual Defense as in Care of Each Other. The US Senate are the rare few who are given the honor and duty of representing us all. But Minority Leader McConnell has vowed to put all of his efforts into blocking Democratic legislations to help all of us. We need to pass the President's Infrastructure Bill, the country needs roads, bridges, transportation, Broadband Internet, and We Need Clean Water. We need to Pass the For the People to help protect us from malicious voter suppression bills that are being passed by State Legislatures in multiple states. We need to have a commission to investigate the seditious attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6th, who are the Republican's trying to protect? We also need to Pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, The John Lewis Act, The Equality Act, The Pro Act, The Breathe Act, American Jobs Plan, American Families Plan, and Washington DC (our nation's great Capitol, is home to 712,000 people that are taxed hire per capita than any other state) should 100 percent be a state! We need common sense gun control like Mandatory Background Checks. We need the multiple Immigration Acts to Pass, We must raise taxes for the wealthiest one percent, they must pay their fair share, TAX THE RICH, We need NON-TRUMP JUDGES and damn it WE DIRELY NEED CLIMATE CARE!! WE NEED ALL THE THINGS NOW! WE CAN'T HAVE ANY OF THE THINGS WITHOUT ENDING THE FILIBUSTER! The Conservative Dems like Joe Manchin (WV) and Kristen Sinema (AZ) have said they want bi-partisanship. We have tried this to no avail. The Republican Senators do not represent the majority of the country, they do not speak for all of us, and they do not even speak for their constituents they claim to be speaking for. These policies are overwhelmingly popular with over 80 percent of the country's population. Enough is Enough. The Filibuster was established to protect Systematic Racism, and it continues to be in the way of changing that racist system.We need all of our Democratic Senators to ABOLISH THE FILIBUSTER NOW because WE NEED ALL THE THINGS NOW!! **(c/o https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/United_Federation_of_Planets)
    839 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Witten Picture
  • DC Democrats: Stop Trying to Negotiate with The Walking Dead
    It's now obvious Mitch McConnell and today's other GOP leaders will do and say anything in order to win, thereby assuring that the prize goes to the ultra-wealthy. The window of opportunity is short. Democrats must wake up to the fact they are wasting precious time trying to bring the old GOP back to life. Instead, they need to move swiftly and aggressively to do whatever it takes to get all the pending legislation passed. At the same time, they need to go local in a widespread manner, making their case directly to voters by pointing out in factual detail how the GOP is hurting them and show exactly how the Democrats will help them with whatever specific issues and problems they care about. This might include needed infrastructure repair, the high cost of medicines, a need for better jobs and a higher income, the lack of clean water and good air, the cost and availability of food basics, the need more extensive child care. Whatever it is, Now is the time to act.
    224 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Roy, Ph.D. Picture
    This has never been clearer. The GOP is spinning wildly out of control and headed toward the infringement of our basic right to VOTE in free and fair elections. The cult of 45 has infected the GOP, bringing needed legislation and accountability to a standstill. They won't stop folks. It is up to our Democratic Leaders to realize... They must now TAKE OFF THE GLOVES and do what is necessary to protect the freedoms of Americans like you and I. They must UPHOLD our Rule of Law by bringing the full weight of our DOJ and federal agencies to bear against those who promote bald-faced LIES and attempt to legitimize criminal behavior.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mark Santangelo
    The BREATHE ACT is crucial for our society to move forward and break the chains of our past, to accept accountability and start down the path to real change, real healing and a real reconstruction. WE MUST STOP, The Violence, the Over Policing, the School to Prison Pipeline and Over Mass Incarceration and all the unfair practices of our systematically racist system that has been failing its people and causing unbearable, unreasonable, unfair harm. The BREATHE ACT's own summary explains this perfectly! *(From - https://breatheact.org/learn-more/) “IMAGINE : Schools free of police and full of trained counselors and restorative-justice programs, where all our children are kept safe and their needs are met. IMAGINE : Easy access to trained, trauma-informed interventionists who can be called on in domestic-violence situations and who are equipped to facilitate long-term safety, healing, and prevention. IMAGINE : 911 operators dispatching unarmed mental-health experts instead of police in situations involving behavioral health crises, and callers being allowed to request responders that connect to the gender identity of the person in crisis. The BREATHE Act offers a radical reimagining of public safety, community care, and how we spend money as a society. We bring 4 simple ideas to the table: Divest federal resources from incarceration and policing. Invest in new, non-punitive, non-carceral approaches to community safety that lead states to shrink their criminal-legal systems and center the protection of Black lives—including Black mothers, Black trans people, and Black women. Allocate new money to build healthy, sustainable, and equitable communities. Hold political leaders to their promises and enhance the self-determination of all Black communities. Uprisings around the country changed what was possible. What felt impossible two months ago is being accomplished now; what seems impossible today is doable tomorrow, and we will be the ones to make it happen. We are our ancestors’ wildest dreams.” *From: ( https://breatheact.org/learn-more/) Please sign and share this petition and demand that Senate Democrats that this is NECESSARY NOW, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
    1,203 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Witten Picture
    WHY: The Job Center opened in September 2020 and SETA is recommending defunding it. We CANNOT close its' doors. If ever there was ever a need for a Sacramento Job Center, it is NOW, especially coming out of the pandemic when more than ever the black and brown community is looking for work! Now more than ever we need a Job Center serving Oak Park and surrounding neighborhoods. Proposed Talking Points: 1. Oak Park is a critical community where a Job Center is needed. It is in the Promise Zone, Opportunity Zone, and designated an Enterprise Zone by HUD. 2. COVID 19 has significantly impacted Oak Park and has left many of its residents jobless and homeless. Having a Job Center in this area will be key to assisting residents find employment in order to provide for their families. Job Centers are designed to provide opportunities and resources to those most impacted by social determinants and racial equity. 3. The Fruitridge Career Center is part of a collective of non-profit organizations that work to develop the Oak Park community by reducing social and health disparities with children, adults and seniors. 4. SETA compared the performance of the newly established Fruitridge Career Center after seven (7) months of operation, during the pandemic, with the performance of Job Centers that have been open for decades, while acknowledging that even those centers under-performed because of the pandemic. 5. Pivot Sacramento as part of GoBiz operates an employment program that is consistent with the Job Center that targets people reentering from jail or prison. Through that program, we enrolled approximately 760 participants over 18 months, most enrolled during the pandemic. 6. The Fruitridge Career Center has developed relationships with employers and other community stakeholders, including the Black Child Legacy Campaign, CPS, DHA, Alchemist, River Oaks Resource Center, Unite Us and many others. 7. The Fruitridge Career Center partners with the Aggie Square Committee and Community Engagement Department at UC Davis to create employment opportunities for the Oak Park community. The termination of the Fruitridge Career Center will terminate those relationships. 8. SETA claims that funds are allocated to provide activities and services that assist unemployed and underemployed individuals to gain the skills necessary to enter high demand careers in the region. Closing the Fruitridge Career Center in Oak Park which has a high number of unemployed and underemployed individuals, especially as we near the end of the pandemic, contradicts those claims. We need you to SHOW UP and GET LOUD! MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT ON JUNE 3RD (10AM): ~Make a verbal public comment during a meeting. The public comment phone line will open 15-minutes prior to the start of the meeting. ~Refer to the agenda and listen to the live meeting to determine when is the best time to call to be placed in queue to make a public comment (ITEM III-B – 3 – ACTION). ~Dial (916) 263-3827 and follow the prompts to be placed in queue for a specific agenda item (ITEM III-B – 3 – ACTION) on or off-agenda matter. Each agenda item queue will remain open until the public comment period is closed for that specific item.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Miller
  • Expel Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from Congress, now!
    Kevin McCarthy and the GOP's silence in the face of Greene's unconscionable conduct isn't just a bad look—it's a threat to other lawmakers. Her recent comments glorifying the violent attack on our country on January 6, 2021, suggesting that she would have overthrown the government with armed insurrection, is inexcusable. Her previous threats against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have caused AOC to fear for her physical safety and hire more security, and Rep. Jimmy Gomez, who introduced the resolution to expel Greene, reports receiving death threats from her supporters. Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is failing in his duty to reprimand Greene for her heinous words and deeds. He was forced to remove her GOP committee assignments, but following the 2022 election, he's making deals with her and seems prepared to reward her bad behavior in order to consolidate his own power. Meanwhile, McCarthy ousted Rep. Liz Cheney from House GOP leadership for telling the truth and calling out Trump’s big lie that the election was stolen. This proves that Marjorie Taylor Greene is not an outlier in the Republican party. She is a perfect encapsulation of today’s GOP. Workplace safety is a growing concern across America. Hate can be lethal. There should be no tolerance for anyone who threatens colleagues. This goes for Congress as well – if not more so since members of Congress are supposed to be national leaders. The list of reasons why Rep. Greene should be expelled from Congress goes on and on, but here are a few: - She has repeatedly publicly supported calls to execute prominent Democratic politicians, including liking a Facebook comment that called for Nancy Pelosi to get "a bullet to the head." In other posts, Greene liked comments about executing FBI agents who were alleged to be part of the "deep state" working against Trump. - She’s endorsed conspiracy theories claiming that 9/11 was an inside job and that the Sandy Hook shooting--where 26 elementary school children and teachers were massacred—was staged. - She is Islamophobic and antisemitic and suggested the 2018 midterms—when our nation’s first two Muslim Congresswomen were elected—were part of “an Islamic invasion of our government,” and she thinks Jewish space lasers are responsible for a wildfire in California. - She was one of the many members of Congress who voted to object to the election results after the deadly, white supremacist attack on our Capitol and our democracy on January 6. - On January 12, after the insurrection and after results of the election had been certified by all 50 states, by the Electoral College, and by Congress, she tweeted, “President Trump will remain in office.” - She has repeatedly targeted, threatened, and harassed other members of Congress including Congresswomen Cori Bush and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. - Hundreds of posts, likes, and comments showing Rep. Greene inciting violence by spewing baseless conspiracy theories that have endangered the lives of many continue to resurface across the internet. And that’s just scratching the surface. Our country and democracy are in danger every minute that Rep. Greene is still a member of Congress. McCarthy can change this. This is why we must come together to make sure McCarthy expels Marjorie Taylor Greene from Congress, now.
    174,435 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Reich
  • Mayor Klinakis: Confront Sexual Harassment, Assault and other lawlessness at City Hall
    #MeToo has sparked an outpouring of personal stories of sexual harassment and assault. Over 81 percent of women in the United States report having experienced sexual harassment. The damage is physical, psychological, and economic. It can happen to anyone—including men. That’s why we have laws in place to keep employees safe in the workplace from being harassed or retaliated against if they speak up about it. The conversation needs to include those who witness or are otherwise aware of these illegal actions – they need to speak up and let their voice be heard. But in order to change the status quo, we need those who are witnesses to the harassment or assault — and most often encourage that behavior through their silence — to speak up and say “sexual harassment and retaliation is not okay.” Take the pledge to act, and share with everyone who you want to invite to join you in taking on sexual harassment and assault and demand Mayor Klinakis ensure the City of La Puente is a safe place to work. #Time'sUpMayorKlinakis #StopKlinakisAbuse
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Time's Up Klinakis
    HB-294 is a regressive bill looking for a problem. Nothing within this proposed measure would do anything to prevent voter fraud but they will absolutely inconvenience Ohio voters and create confusion, create longer lines to vote, reduce voter participation and further increase voter apathy. HB-294 will do the following (summarized): • Limits duration of drop box availability • Cuts the number of early voting days • Cuts off vote-by-mail ballot requests a week earlier, • Creates a new three-tier ID rule (HB-294 -VOTER SUPPRESSION BILL IN DETAIL) 1. Limits counties to one ballot drop box location the last 10 days before an election—regardless of how large or populated a county is. Voters in Ohio’s highest population counties sat in traffic jams at drop boxes last year but counties will be prohibited from making drop boxes more accessible. 2. Eliminates one of the busiest final three days of early voting - Monday. In 2020, some 31,413 Ohio voters voted the day before Election Day. 3. Cuts off mail ballot requests at 10 days before the election, which would make Ohio more restrictive than 40+ other states. In 2020, some 451,863 Ohio voters requested a ballot the final week. In that time, 413,093 voters requested and returned their ballots. 4. Voters would be subject to a new three-tier ID rule with photo ID as the preference. 58.6% of voters, more than 3.5 million, voted by mail in 2020. 5. If a vote-by-mail ballot is not sealed in the voter ID envelope -- but inside the return envelope —it will be thrown out. 6. Makes ban on public offices paying return postage even stricter than current law. Paying voters’ return postage would remove a barrier to voting by mail. 🚨 🚨 ACTION STEPS 🚨 🚨 Call your legislator and the sponsors / co-sponsors of HB294 Email your legislator and the sponsors of HB 294 Write a letter to the editor Sign and Share our online petition AMPLIFY THE MESSAGE BY SHARING THESE HASH TAGS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: #OhioAntiVoterBill #OurRightToVote #FreedomToVote Sample script: Hi! My name is _____________ I’m calling to voice my opposition to HB 294. House Bill 294 is a divisive and dangerous anti-voter bill that contains many of the same attacks on our fundamental freedom to vote that we have seen passed in Georgia and other states. We all want safe and accessible elections, but Ohio Legislators are pushing new anti-voter legislation that will take us in the wrong direction. Any bill that rolls back our access to the ballot box or our right to vote is unacceptable. Ohio already has enough anti-voter laws. We don’t need any more. Elections in Ohio are Safe and Fair. In an article written Jan. 23rd, 2021 by Emily Morgan of The Daily Record, The current Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, stated "for election fraud to occur on a wide a scale, dozens of Republicans and dozens of Democrats who all work for the elections board would have to collaborate on committing a felony and keep it completely quiet.” He also went on to say that "I think we ran the most successful election we’ve ever had.” Any bill that rolls back our right to vote is a non-starter. Period. Please sign this petition and share with other Ohioans to let them know that conservative legislator our enforcing big government to attack their fundamental freedom to vote. Below are the emails and phone numbers of Ohio House Legislators: Sponsors of HB 294 Rep. Bill Seitz (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8258 Rep. Sharon Ray (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8140 Co-Sponsors: Rep. Cindy Abrams (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-9091 Rep. Brian Baldridge (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-2124 Rep. Adam C. Bird (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6034 Rep. Rick Carfagna (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-1431 Rep. Sara P. Carruthers (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6721 Rep. Gary Click (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-1374 Rep. Jon Cross (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-3819 Rep. Al Cutrona (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-6107 Rep. Mark Fraizer (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-1482 Rep. Haraz N. Ghanbari (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8104 Rep. Timothy E. Ginter (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8022 Rep. Thomas Hall (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-5094 Rep. Brett Hudson Hillyer (R) email: [email protected] Ph#614-466-8035 Rep. Adam Holmes (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6014 Rep. Don Jones (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-8728 Rep. Darrell Kick (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-2994 Rep. Jeff LaRe (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8100 Rep. Brian E. Lampton (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6020 Rep. P. Scott Lipps (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6023 Rep. Mike Loychik (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-3488 Rep. Riordan T. McClain (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6265 Rep. Phil Plummer (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-8051 Rep. Tracy M. Richardson (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8147 Rep. Craig S. Riedel (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-644-5091 Rep. Bill Roemer (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-644-5085 Rep. Jean Schmidt (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8134 Rep. Shane Wilkin (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-3506
    777 of 800 Signatures
    Created by CINCINNATI NAACP Picture
  • @SenSanders, @SenWarren: Back @JoaquinCastrotx, nix Israel bomb deal
    On Sunday, May 16, Senator Jon Ossoff led 29 Senators in calling for an immediate ceasefire in Israel & Palestine to prevent further killing of civilians. On Monday, May 17, the Washington Post reported that members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee [HFAC] had just learned that Biden had approved a new weapons deal with Israel, even though the deal had been notified to the committee as required by law on May 5. These are offensive weapons similar to those that Saudi Arabia has used to kill civilians in Yemen. In response, Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro and other HFAC members expressed concern about the weapons deal and the message it would send about the urgency of a ceasefire and urged that the weapons deal be delayed so Congress could review it. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi & Majority Leader Steny Hoyer overruled them and insisted the weapons deal would go forward without Congressional review. Senators don't work for Nancy Pelosi & Steny Hoyer. If even one Democratic Senator would speak up about this, it would give House Democrats more courage to insist on reviewing the weapons deal before it goes forward. In addition, under the Arms Export Control Act, a single Senator can introduce can introduce a resolution of disapproval on the arms deal and force a floor vote, as Senators Murphy and Paul did on Saudi arms deals in September 2016 & June 2017 in opposition to unconstitutional U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen. Urge Members of Congress, especially Senators Sanders & Warren, to speak up about this weapons deal, demand that it be delayed & reviewed, and introduce legislation to force a floor vote, by signing our petition. References: Sen. Ossoff leads 29 Senators to call for immediate ceasefire: https://www.ossoff.senate.gov/press-releases/sen-ossoff-leads-28-senators-urging-immediate-ceasefire-in-middle-east/ WaPo article on House Dem opposition in arms deal https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/05/17/power-up-biden-administration-approves-735-million-weapons-sale-israel-raising-red-flags-some-house-democrats/ Rep Castro's statement demanding delay and review: https://twitter.com/AlexWardVox/status/1394369401420488708 House Dems demanding delay & review overruled by Pelosi & Hoyer: https://twitter.com/AlexWardVox/status/1394680891088285699
    1,852 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Yemen Can't Wait