Rescind the action against Captain Brett CrozierIn the midst of the health and economic problems currently facing our country, our military people who are brave enough to serve do so deployed in forward areas. It is the individual Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine who forms the basic unit of our national defense. Our servicemembers who serve, do so depending on the officers assigned above them. Their lives depend on those officers entrusted with their care. In reciprocal fashion, commanders cannot fulfill their objectives if their personnel are inadequately supplied, or have medical concerns. A commanding officer is completely ineffective without operational personnel. Navy Captain Brett Crozier acted expediently to garner attention to the medical needs of his crew. We respectfully demand proper attention be given to Captain Crozier's crew, to absolve Captain Crozier of any wrongdoing in seeking prompt medical attention for his crew, and to initiate an investigation into the competency of those who would place blame of Captain Crozier instead of initiating immediate action to provide medical supplies and replacement crew members in the most expedient fashion. Ironically, Acting Navy Secretary Modly said, “Capt. Crozier is an honorable man who, despite this uncharacteristic lapse of judgment, has dedicated himself throughout a lifetime of incredible service to our nation and he should be proud of that.” [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/military/story/2020-04-02/captain-of-coronavirus-stricken-carrier-theodore-roosevelt-fired-over-leak-of-letter-asking-navy-for-help] Thomas Modly noted Capt. Crozier's honorable record. He appears to have exercised extraordinary measure, not faulty judgment which begs the question why he felt this was his most expedient option. It wasn't a lapse of judgment at all, rather an act of heroism deserving of a commendation. The individual serving as Secretary of the Navy could follow Captain Crozier's exemplary action by placing those brave personnel in the highest priority as well. Such consideration could be a giant leap toward restoring the US Navy's great example of military strength.116 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Young
Congressional Inquiry into sale of N95 masksHealth care and other essential service workers have become sick and some may die over the lack of preparedness, even though these masks were changing hands and flying back and forth between countries since January of 202082 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Candace Head-Dylla, PhD
Help Save The Class Of 2020The class of 2020 has nothing to look forward to with school being cancelled. I want them to still be able to atleast walk across the stage and receive their diplomas in recognition of their hard work just as the previous classes before them did it also. We shouldn’t just sit down and take this slap in the face as this pandemic will past in due time. It may not affect directly you, but put yourself in their shoes the 1st class ever to have their senior year canceled stripped of everything they have been working toward for all 4 years. We’ve already had our our fun of highschool and moved on it’s a one time experience all should have so why excluded our next generation of successors. I for one say this should be treated as a top class emergency in efforts to save the class of 2020. All those who would love to help spread this and raise awareness your effort are greatly appreciated.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Keshawn Gray
Tell Your Reps #WeLoveYamichePresident's Trump's treatment of PBS correspondent Yamiche Alcindor as she fulfills her professional obligations during a national crisis is unacceptable. Recently, during COVID-19 conferences, he told her, “Be nice. Don’t be threatening,” and called her questions “nasty.” Consider the messages he is sending the world about Black women and girls. Trump has a long history of mistreating people of color, women and the press. His aggressive attitude toward Alcindor is a culmination of these biased, undemocratic and dangerous behaviors. As the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and Journalism & Women Symposium (JAWS) recently pointed out in a joint statement: “As far back as November 2018, Trump leveled verbal abuse at Alcindor along with fellow Black women journalists Abby Phillip of CNN and April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks… Both groups have noted the president’s pattern of using demeaning language toward women journalists of color and other journalists.” Sources: NABJ and JAWS statement: https://jaws.org/2020/03/31/jaws-and-nabj-stand-against-unacceptable-treatment-of-yamiche-alcindor/ Examples of Trump’s racism: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-racist-examples_n_56d47177e4b03260bf777e83 Trump attacks the press: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/17/business/trump-calls-the-news-media-the-enemy-of-the-people.html Women who accuse Trump of sexual assault: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/a-running-list-of-the-women-whove-accused-donald-trump-of-sexual-misconduct_n_57ffae1fe4b0162c043a721277 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julia Travers
#FreeThemAllNo one needs to be in ICE detention as they await their case to work through the courts. Forcing people to remain there during the coronavirus pandemic is cruel and inhumane. Along with ICE’s already horrific record of medical neglect and denying basic necessities for maintaining health and sanitation, people locked up in immigration detention are extremely vulnerable to the spread of infectious disease because they are unable to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves like social distancing and sanitizing regularly. There have already been 10 reported deaths in ICE custody in the last six months alone, and multiple ICE officers and people detained have tested positive for COVID-19. Acting Director of ICE Matthew Albence must act now, before it is too late and the virus spreads like wildfire through detention centers. The answer is clear: release people now.30,834 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Silky Shah
UBER & Lyft: Protect your drivers in this pandemic!UBER and Lyft drivers are on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, shuttling people back and forth who still need to go to work and get groceries. But UBER and Lyft have yet to extend protections their drivers can actually take, including sick days and paid leave. And these companies aren’t providing the drivers who do want to keep working with adequate sanitary supplies. That means drivers might feel forced to work when they feel ill, or when their family members are sick and need care. These drivers are taking care of us during this pandemic, and the companies they work for need to take care of them by providing critical benefits that protect them, their families, passengers, and communities.24,089 of 25,000 Signatures
Re-legalize Cannabis Nationwide NOWEvery single human being is stressed now with everything that has evolved as a direct result of this crisis. Pharmaceutical drugs have proven to wreak havoc around the world causing many deaths. while cannabis is a safer alternative for many and has never killed anyone. Re-legalize cannabis NOW, it is the only humane thing to do at this point.104 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Marcella Tincher
Princeton Wegmans: Protect your customers and workers from COVID-19!I am the father of two kids under 6 and husband to a tenure-track professor at The College of New Jersey. On Friday, March 27th, in the middle of a global pandemic of COVID-19, my wife went to get the groceries we need at the Wegmans in Nassau Park Pavilion located in West Windsor Township in order for us to continue to shelter at home until it is safe to end social distancing. It was a shocking experience. Wegmans had very few COVID-19 precautions in place. There were no limits on the number of people entering the store. There were no ways to sanitize the shopping carts. Workers were not wearing protective gloves or masks, nor were they practicing social distancing except at check-out. No one else in the store was practicing social distancing. This is an immediate health risk to both customers AND workers. There is no excuse for this. Other stores are doing this right now. The West Windsor Trader Joe's is doing everything Wegmans is not. They limit the number of people in the store at any one time. They sanitize the carts. They enforce social distancing. And it's not just Trader Joe's. Other Wegmans stores in the chain ARE taking these measures. At least one store in Northern Virginia is also taking all the measures described above. Tell the General Manager of the Nassau Park Pavilion Wegmans to immediately implement all COVID-19 safety measures including limiting customers, sanitizing carts and check-out lanes, providing protective equipment for workers, and enforcing social distancing throughout the store, especially during re-stocking. Tell the Health Officers for West Windsor and Mercer County New Jersey to immediately order this Wegmans store to implement these health measures. UPDATE April 2, 2020: I want to be clear that Wegmans corporate guidelines for COVID-19 are very clear and very good, including a number of actions around pay and sick days that prioritize their employees' well-being. But how the social distancing and sanitizing guidelines are being implemented on the ground leaves a lot to be desired. On this point, Trader Joe's is a model. Wegmans' Princeton store can and should do better in meeting their responsibilities in this moment. You can see what Wegmans corporate guidelines are here: https://www.wegmans.com/news-media/press-releases/wegmans-response-to-covid-19-2/116 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Henderson-James
Get the Homeless Out of Parking Lots and Into HotelsLas Vegas has approximately 150,000 hotels with a homeless population of approximately 5,286, as reported by their survey in 2019. There is more than enough room among those hotels to house those who are suffering from homelessness. These people being forced to stay in the streets and in parking lots are human beings. They deserve to have a safe place to stay at all times, but especially in the middle of a global pandemic. Show Las Vegas and the rest of the country that this treatment of those suffering is unacceptable. Demand they open up their hotels for those without homes.333 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Kaley Atkinson
Banning of Visitors in Hospital Labor & Delivery Units in the Tri-State AreaBanning of Partners/Significant Others/Family Members/Visitors in Hospital Labor and Delivery Units in the Tri-State Area Protect our mothers and our newborns. Protect our front-line healthcare workers, doctors and nurses. Ban all visitors now! 784, 716 infected worldwide, 163,807 cases in the United States, 67,384 confirmed in New York and 16,636 confirmed in New Jersey, 37,639 fatalities worldwide - we need to flatten the curve now! This past week, New Jersey ordered its citizens to stay home and closed all non-essential businesses in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. New York has mandated the policy of “stay home, stop the spread, save lives.” But our nurses and doctors face that spread every day, and we must do what we can to protect them. New Jersey and New York must prohibit visitors, including partners and family members, on all maternity units in the state. According to CNN, half of infections originate in pre-symptomatic carriers – every person allowed into a hospital increases the risk of spreading COVID-19 to patients and newborns as well as the medical staff caring for them. Two of New York’s largest hospital systems, New York-Presbyterian and Mount Sinai Health System, had barred all visitors from their maternity wards. This ruling was recently reversed. Inconsistent policies are creating confusion in the public, causing people to “hospital shop,” even crossing state lines to deliver their babies with partners present. With the influx of out-of-state patients, New Jersey and New York obstetrics doctors and nurses are faced with unfamiliar patients with unknown medical history. During this COVID-19 pandemic, Labor and Delivery wards’ primary focus must be on the safety of the mother, newborn baby, and staff. As nurses, we understand the pain a partner feels missing the birth of their child, but that pain doesn’t compare to the risk posed to our patients and our medical staff. Having a partner absent at birth creates a more stressful delivery for mothers and staff alike, but it is necessary. Every person in America is making sacrifices in social distancing in order to ensure the future safety and health of our nation. As health care providers, we are at the front line ensuring this safety. Doctors and nurses are at high risk of contracting COVID-19 and must be quarantined if exposed. Therefore we demand that our health and safety, as well as the health and safety of our patients, is taken into consideration. Until testing is available for everyone, we must reduce this risk as much as possible; banning partners in labor and delivery will flatten the curve and save lives. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html Please refer to this hyperlink to show how many people have been infected with unknown origin, how the death toll has risen and how the increase in contact per patient per partner would thus increase exposure risk to all of the people involved. How many people are asymptomatic infected people? Spreading the disease? The USA death total has doubled since Thursday, surpassing 2,500, with NY 1,218 deaths - an increase of 965 since Sunday morning. *Actual numbers provided in opening of petition are from the John Hopkins University Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering as of 22:30 on March 30, 2020. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charlie Darre
Release non-violent offenders from prisonsJust like several people, my fiancé received an awful sentence that does not match his crime at all. These inmates can’t even be there for their families when they are sick and some of them are dying. At this time with a pandemic, we need him home and want to make sure he is safe. We are all worried about him, and his four children are worried sick. Ryan Michael Ricks DOC#117070 in CSP is a non-violent offender for this charge and should not even be in this prison. But one of the nation's leading prison experts as well as family members of inmates are calling on the government and prison officials to do more to protect those inside, including allowing inmates to use hand sanitizer and bleach for cleaning and eliminating fees for soap and doctor's visits. "The risks of this disease are incredibly huge. It's going to spread like wildfire," said Michele Deitch, a senior lecturer at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas. We are asking that non-violent offender’s, no matter what prison they are in, should be released to their families. Use a GPS system or whatever else we can do to get these inmates home. There is not enough protective gear for staff, inmates, and Guards to wear. We don’t even have enough protective equipment for the hospitals. Please don’t put a death sentence on these inmates when their families need them. Social distancing is also an executive order from President Trump as well!646 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Crystal Hart
U.S. Congress: Include "mixed-status" families in COVID-19 Relief PackageFIRST: This is NOT about IMMIGRATION! This is about tax paying United States citizens being denied government assistance due to the status of their spouse, parent, or any other household member. Thousands of immigrants and their families have been seriously negatively impacted by the current public health crisis. Many have lost their jobs, at no fault of their own, and others, who are still employed, are putting their lives at risk each day. So many families and children are impacted by this pandemic, and it is extremely unfair that “mixed-status” families and children of immigrants will continue to suffer, with absolutely no assistance from this relief package, unlike the many millions of Americans that will receive relief. Regardless of your views on immigration and support or opposition of undocumented immigrants, this is about thousands of United States citizens being denied assistance! Urge our representatives and senators to fight for ALL of our families--immigrant families and children of undocumented immigrants. They deserve financial assistance from the government just as much as any other tax-payer!1,600 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Kellyne Mendoza