No New Firearms Restrictions For OregonPlease help me urge our Governor to not infringe upon our second amendment rights, or engage in the one upmanship that is taking place between some other states. These laws that are being passed will effect no one but law abiding citizens.386 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Davis
Legalize Marijuana in IdahoIt's asking lawmakers to legalize marijuana and back off the legislation that would ask the federal government to uphold federal marijuana laws over state laws, like Washington State and Colorado.8,912 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Dayle Ohlau
Gov. Scott , improve voting for all, or get out of the way.Democracy only works if all are allowed to participate. Stand for democracy now, or find a new country to live in. I served my country in war and peace for 30 years. I will always defend our democracy. Will you?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jerry Cranmer
NH Governor Hassan:Provide NH Citizens Their Right to Protect Home and Health Against Wireless Ut...Wireless Electric Meters are being "mandated" by NHEC to be installed on every one of 82,444 homes in the utility franchise area although there is no federal or state mandate requiring this. Wireless meters place serious potential risks affecting electric consumer health, safety, security, and privacy due to the radiation created by the wireless transmission of electrical use data. Citizens have a constitutional right to protect their health and safety from the wireless meter RF radiation now considered a possible cause of cancer by the International Agency for Research on Cancer; the cause of house fires that are being investigated across the nation; and the loss of security in the home through abuse of personal electrical use data obtained by those who would cause harm to persons or property.457 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Joan E. Wirth
Gun ControlThis country is out if control when it comes to guns. Though I am not a gun owner, I understand that people have the right to bear arms under the second amendment. With this in mind I have become scared for the safety of my daughter, whether at school, or any other public place, for that matter. We need to use a common sense approach, and not be bullied by the N.R.A.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Skulavik
Govenor Mc Donnell : Stop Bill to Require Picture IDRepublicans are trying to prevent Virginians from voting for Democrats by starting another roadblock to require everyone to have a photo ID. It will require more than 5 hours to travel to governmental center and cost $20. This will be a hardship to seniors, disabled,young people and an inconvience to everyone, since we all received new voter cards last October.We could feed hungry children using the money this will save.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gloria Dean
Support for gun safety legislationEven though I have hunted and fished all my life, I believe that there needs to be a sensible alternative to the private arms ownership proliferation that has created a serious public health and safety problem. As car drivers we accept the responsibility for carrying liability insurance. Background checks and limitations on ammunition magazines are comparable and we should support such legislation.4,062 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Bruce Hoppe
Electoral CollegeWhen I cast my vote in PA, I want to be sure that my vote is going for the candidate that I believe will do the most good for PA and the Country. I do not want the Governor and his pals messing with the Electoral votes and cheating me out of my vote and the others that are voting like I am. No riggin should be done. Other Republican Governors that thought of doing this have decided not to do it. It is only our Governor who is still willing to skew the Electoral votes. This Governor has been the worst in History. PA deserves better and hopefully we will get it at the next election.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sister James Ann Germuska
Fight against voter supression.Governor McDonald we must stop every effort towards voter supression in the state of Virginia,it is unconstitutional.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rose B. Graham
Right to PublicityNorth Carolina does not provide a statutory basis for right of publicity claims. In 2009, the North Carolina legislature proposed, but did not enact, legislation that addressed the right of publicity. Websites are publishing arrest booking photograph and charging fees for their removal. These website's siphon information from the sheriff's department databases under the Freedom of Information Act. Many of these victims are not guilty of any crime and are vindicated through the court system only to find that their record and mug shot is posted on the Internet causing irreparable damage and suffering resulting in making it difficult if not impossible to find employment. I was arrested and charged with a litany of felonies; all of which were not true, and all of which were immediately dismissed by the district attorney. I have over 20+ years, an undergraduate degree, a master’s degree, and a successful career that had progressively moved forward. I have been looking at a job but cannot find one. Despite paying over $500 and providing the case resolution information to a number of these sites, my mug shot and information is still found on the web, and remains at the head of any internet search of my name. It is imperative that the North Carolina legislature take HB 327 from the 2009 session out of the archives and pass this bill, protecting the citizens of this state from having their reputations ruined by extortionists website operators hiding be hind the Freedom of Information act. references: Florida : http://www.scribd.com/doc/58921958/An-Investigation-Of-arrests-org#download Texas : http://www.fwweekly.com/2011/11/09/an-ugly-business/ Ohio : http://www.toledoblade.com/Courts/2012/12/05/Web-sites-profiting-from-mug-shots-sued-fees-charged-to-remove-online-images.html California : http://digitalcommons.law.scu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1555&context=chtlj http://www.citmedialaw.org/legal-guide/north-carolina-right-publicity-law http://www.newyorkpersonalinjuryattorneyblog.com/category/kyle-prall http://www.citmedialaw.org/blog/2011/mugshot-racket-paying-keep-public-records-less-public http://www.fwweekly.com/2011/11/09/an-ugly-business/15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Reichle, MRP
Fix Our Voting RightsWe all saw the terrible lines in many States of people waiting to exercise their right to vote. Now is the time to demand that our law makers in Congress pass a bill to guarantee that people get a chance to cast their ballot in our elections.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julie Maniglia
Gov. Scott, support democracyIt took me more than two hours to vote in the past presidential election because of Gov. Scott's refusal to support democracy; we showed that we will vote for the candidates we want regardless of the obstacles that the reigning crew tries to put in place to favor their candidates; but it is the duty of the governor to see that the process is fair and easy, not complicated and one sided1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Salvador Puente