Scituate Selectman: Save the Teen Librarian position!I have always loved having a teen librarian. Now that I am officially a teenager, I was shocked to find out that I wouldn't have a teen librarian at the new library. They are not a children's librarian and not an adult librarian either. It's their JOB to help teens, and they always are good at it. There is going to be this amazing new teen space, but it won't be staffed full time by an actual teen librarian.124 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Moira Feeney
Every Child in Massachusetts Deserves a Strong StartMassachusetts should be a leader on early education, but we're falling behind. Since 2001, we’ve seen a 50% decrease in the state’s commitment to early learning, adjusting for inflation. These cuts have led to long wait-lists for public preschool programs and undermine quality. The Boston Globe recently reported: "... the centers that care for the neediest children in the state — the ones who, research shows, most benefit from early education — are being starved of resources." Nearly 1 in 5 early education providers have shut their doors over the last 5 years. Because underfunding puts so much pressure on early educators, staff turnover is at or above 30 percent. We know that children learn best from an adult with whom they have a strong relationship, and this kind of turnover is unacceptable -- we must make sure teachers can afford to stay. The years of cuts are short-sighted. For every $1 we spend on early education, we save $7 over time as kids require less special education, perform better and earn more in the workforce. It's not just smart, it's the right thing to do. Right now, the Massachusetts Legislature is drafting their budget, and we have a chance to deliver a win for our youngest learners and their teachers. They need to hear from us that every child in Massachusetts deserves a strong start. 1. http://goo.gl/Pp3tgu146 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Proctor
MORE RECESS TIME for DASD Elementary StudentsMy son and my daughter both attend Beaver Creek Elementary School. My son attended kindergarten a few years ago and was given recess and snack time. My daughter, who started kindergarten this year, has no recess or snack time. When I inquired about it, I was told that the school needed more instructional time for kindergarten students. My son is in third grade and they are given one recess per day. Studies prove that children are much more attentive and retain more information when given adequate breaks. There is also a noticeable difference in behavioral issues. "Through active, free play and interactions with schoolmates, children can develop a respect for rules and an appreciation for other people's cultures and beliefs. They learn skills such as conflict resolution, self-discipline, determination, compromise and teamwork, as well as sharing during recess." Dr. Robert Murray, a pediatrician and professor of human nutrition at the Ohio State University, did a study on the benefits of recess. What she found, however, was that playtime’s benefits extend beyond the physical. “We came to the realization that it really affects social, emotional and cognitive development in a much deeper way than we’d expected,” she says. “It helps children practice conflict resolution if we allow them unstructured play, and it lets them come back to class more ready to learn and less fidgety.” For a real life example of the impact that increased recess can have, read this article entitled, "Texas School Triples Recess Time and Sees Immediate Positive Results in Kids": http://www.playgroundprofessionals.com/news/play/texas-school-triples-recess-time-and-sees-immediate-positive-results-kids101 Some of the links referenced above: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/131/1/183 http://study.com/academy/lesson/benefits-of-recess-for-elementary-school-children.html http://healthland.time.com/2012/12/31/yay-for-recess-pediatricians-say-its-as-important-as-math-or-reading/ PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION SO WE CAN GET THE SCHOOL BOARD TO GIVE OUR KIDS MORE RECESS!!!1,174 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Peggy Carroll- Henry
National Public UniversityAs a board member of IAEE, want to realize the establishment of a free for all learner university to achieve equity. ofaarook@ gmail.com12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Omer Farook
Tell Tallahassee: Give Kids Recess!Kids need recess. After all, "play" time is critical learning time and exercise. We shouldn't expect our kids to sit still in class for hours on end. But over the past few years, elementary schools in Florida have been phasing out recess—sometimes doing away with it entirely. Recess is proven to help kids develop important social skills, like communication, cooperation, and sharing. Recess also helps kids do better in school, as they become more focused in class. Every child should have the opportunity to benefit from recess.218 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Darren Soto
Help Keep TOPSHelp with keeping the TOPS rewards for college students who worked hard to earn it. This award helps many pay for their college education and without it many would not be able to attend school. Many of my close friends and myself don't know what we're going to do since this has happened. It's really the only way we can go to school at a reasonable cost. Also, student loans isn't an option for us! So if you can please help us keep it!31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Myra Ledet
Bring Back 4J Elementary and Middle School Teacher-LibrariansWe are concerned about the lack of teacher-librarians in 4J’s elementary and middle schools. Our students are missing out on the essential research, information literacy, digital citizenship and technology instruction that teacher-librarians provide. We are concerned that 4J students lack basic research skills upon entering high school and that 4J's high school teacher-librarians must teach elementary-level research, library and technology skills to high school students. School districts around Oregon understand the value of teacher-librarians and are restoring library positions. Portland Public Schools hired around 30 teacher-librarians this year alone! Even nearby, many Springfield elementary and middle school students receive vital instruction from teacher-librarians. Teacher-librarians benefit EVERY student and teacher in a school. Study after study shows teacher-librarians directly boost student achievement. It’s time for 4J to restore elementary and middle school teacher-librarians! What Do Teacher-Librarians Do? Teacher-librarians help students become critical thinkers, adept researchers, enthusiastic readers, and ethical digital citizens. Teacher-librarians directly instruct students how to: - Locate online information effectively and safely using the best search terms - Find information within books using an index, table of contents and other features - Evaluate information for accuracy, reliability and credibility - Organize and synthesize information - Stay safe online and protect their personal identity - Use various technological tools, from creating blogs to using citation programs to designing podcasts and e-books to present their evidence of learning - Find the right book that appeals to them by exploring genres, authors and themes - Use proper online etiquette and social media behavior - Paraphrase and avoid plagiarism - Assess the differences between primary and secondary sources, fact and opinion, and fiction vs. nonfiction Teacher-librarians also collaborate with classroom teachers and serve as integrated technology specialists. Teacher-librarians build relationships with students year-after-year and work with ALL students.535 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Debbie Levy
Tax ALL Wall Street Transactions - 2020Every security transaction shall include a 1/2 of 1% tax to be paid to the U.S. Treasury. PETITION BACKGROUND: Bernie Sanders, National Nurses United and Ralph Nader propose a turnover tax on sales of stock, bonds, derivatives, commodities. The revenue to the federal government is estimated at from $350-500 billion a year.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bruce Hubbell
Expand Sustainability Education at Nova Southeastern UniversityStudents at NSU are not learning about sustainability and the critical interactions between communities, businesses and the environment. Worldwide, we are seeing the science and business fields merge in the quest for environmental responsibility. NSU’s academic curriculum for the undergraduate and graduate environmental and business fields should reflect this new way of thinking, which will ultimately make sustainability a reality.126 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Leela Mansukhani
Overturn ND ESPBoard of Knodel Teachers CertificationThis teacher of the year is currently under the wary eye of many parents and students while having access to students. It is only time until we let our guard down and Knodel commits his proven (as stated in the trial) unethical teacher's behavior with more students. We demand that ND ESPB be accountable to needs of the students and not to a union member. Union Member; how else do you explain the 5 to 3 vote?160 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Clarence Richard
Support Kentucky's Future by Restoring Kentucky College FundingPlease join us in urging the legislature to resist making further cuts to the Kentucky Colleges budgets. Community and technical colleges are more important than ever in economically-challenging times, and we should be making a stronger commitment to them--not cutting back!80 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Earnest Vance
EUSD Trustee Fragozo Resignation RequestMr. Fragozo, EUSD Trustee, has become a distraction and a deterrent to a positive educational climate and, has failed to uphold his oath of office. His immediate resignation is needed to help remedy this situation.251 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Royce Moore