• Parkview Redistricting Appeal
    We are asking for your support in an appeal to the Gwinnett Board of Eduction. If SAFETY and EFFICIENCY are truly considered with the Board's stated criteria and goals we are positive this should result in a unanimous decision for at least one of our requests.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Dove
  • Superintendent Hyde Deserves Our Town's Support !
    Mashpee finally makes progress in addressing decades-old issues and concerns. Are we Mashpee residents going to allow our schools to return to a lackluster state of underachievement, mediocrity and dysfunction?
    645 of 800 Signatures
    Created by John Hachey
  • Leon County: Start Schools Later
    There is compelling evidence, backed by the Centers for Disease Control and American Academy of Pediatrics, that our teens are showing increasing issues in health, mental health, academic performance, car accidents and brushes with the law related to sleep deprivation as a result of early school start times. There is also a clear correlation between moving school start times to at least an hour later (from 7:30am to 8:30 or even 9:30am) and noted improvements for our kids in all areas. Providing a schedule that promotes health and success for our children needs to be our top priority, and moving the school start time to at least an hour later can help make this happen for our kids.
    546 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Damron
  • Tell Detroit Public Schools: Our Kids Deserve Better
    For too long, Detroit students and educators have been learning and teaching in deplorable conditions. From serious health and safety hazards such as mold, asbestos and mice infestations, to classrooms with no heat, these unacceptable conditions have been ignored. The floor of the gym at one school has buckled from water damage and is covered in black mold. In at least one school, classrooms even have bullet holes in the walls. Teachers and support staff are expected to teach in overcrowded classrooms without textbooks or support. Students with health issues are suffering due to the lack of school nurses. Educators in Detroit’s public schools come to school every day despite these disgusting conditions and do the best we can to give our students a great education. Enough is enough. Students, parents, educators and the Detroit community are demanding real answers from Gov. Rick Snyder and Emergency Manager Darnell Earley. It’s time to fully fund Detroit’s public schools. Our students deserve nothing less.
    31,813 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Detroit Federation of Teachers Picture
  • Hilliard 6th, 7th and 8th graders Start TOO Early
    There is proven scientific evidence that starting middle and high school before the sun rises is out of sync with the biological clocks of young people (people ages 12-25, which includes young teachers). Many school districts in central Ohio have made the adjustment to school start times for the health and safety of their students, but Hilliard City Schools has not. It is time for that to change.
    179 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Hilliard Start School Later
  • Tell ICAN CEO Marshall Emerson to Follow the Law and Respect Teachers' Legal Rights.
    My name is Petula Higgins and I am a grandparent of two children who attend I CAN SCHOOLS. I have worked in homecare my whole life, and the reason I do that is because I can help to take care of people who cannot care for themselves. Teachers are apart of our families and help children grow each year. My hope is that I CAN teachers and staff can gain a collective voice to advocate for the best interest of our children. Teachers and Staff at I CAN SCHOOLS are forming their teachers union to: reduce turnover, strengthen the voice of educators, and create a partnership between families, administration, and teachers. In 2014, I CAN fired seven teachers who had spoken up to advocate for more resources for our students and for a voice in curriculum. Eventually, the NLRB found merit in 17 charges against I CAN for the wrongful terminations, surveillance and intimidation. In 2016, I CAN is again under federal investigation for trying to silence teachers who want to advocate for students without fear of being fired for speaking up. Teachers are joining together with I CAN parents, faith leaders and community organizations in calling on I CAN SCHOOLS stop the intimidation and listen to the needs of the Cleveland community. We demand that I CAN SCHOOLS cease their illegal intimidation and interference of their teachers and staff and remain neutral with respect to their teachers' right to form a union.
    763 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Petula Higgins Picture
  • Stop budget cuts to Boston Public Schools
    Any cuts will negatively impact Boston students, especially those with special needs who are our most vulnerable students. I am a teacher at Young Achievers School in Mattapan and I am deeply concerned that we will not be able to provide the support our children need if these cuts go through. In fact, we need more resources, not less.
    4,317 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Roberta Udoh
  • RNTHS Library
    While RNTHS is a technology school, there are many benefits to reading paper novels and magazines. Print materials should not be on the "dying art" list. Not all materials are available in electronic format, and so we are missing out on opportunities to read.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Veronica Thiele
  • Stop burying our students in mountains of debt!
    We must do more to protect students. President Obama has implemented rules to stop federal student aid from going to career training programs that bury students in debt with poor job prospects. The new rules hold schools accountable and require them to tell students the truth about what they’ll pay and what they can expect when they graduate. Unbelievably, there are some in Congress that want to repeal these critical new rules, putting the for-profit schools back in charge. No way. Add your name: Tell Congress to reject any efforts to repeal President Obama's rule, and stand up for our students!
    236 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Rosenblum
  • Opt Baltimore City out of the Parcc Exam
    We, the students of Baltimore, are being denied access to culturally relevant education. The punitive system of standardized testing hinders our ability to learn.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by The Baltimore Algebra Project
  • .@WheatonCollege: Restore Christian Professor Who Wore Hijab in Solidarity
    Wheaton College in Illinois put political science professor Dr. Larycia Hawkins on leave for wearing a hijab, WGN News reports. [1] Dr. Hawkins, who is Christian and has taught at Wheaton College since 2007, was wearing the headscarf to show solidarity for Muslim women in America. Wheaton College has claimed that it is not punishing Dr. Hawkins for wearing the hijab, but for failure to "faithfully represent the college’s evangelical Statement of Faith,” [2] because she wrote on her Facebook page that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Regardless of what one thinks of this theological question, it's obvious that Dr. Hawkins' intentions were humane and that punishing her for this act of solidarity is unjust. Urge President Ryken to reflect on and rethink the college's position by signing our petition. 1. http://wgntv.com/2015/12/16/wheaton-college-professor-put-on-leave-for-wearing-hijab/ 2. http://www.christianitytoday.com/gleanings/2015/december/wheaton-college-hijab-professor-same-god-larycia-hawkins.html
    11,047 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Stand with Jose Fragozo, EUSD Trustee
    Jose's response: “District administrators are desperately attacking me because I have been demanding accountability for our elementary schools and students in Escondido. Our district has one of the lowest test scores in the county, and I was elected to change that. Voters should be outraged by the use of a 'legal thicket' that is designed to protect the cozy privileges of administrators. As the only elected Latino on the board, I find it astounding that more is not being done to help our students who are English Learners. The only workplace intimidation has been against me for attempting to vigorously promote the interests of students and parents. Stop the legal maneuverings and stand up for students and parents. Administrators should not have such a thin skin, and they do not need to align themselves with those who want to overturn past elections. Administrators should be encouraging robust discussion at the School Board level, not repressing it. The community and our students deserve more than that.” Please sign this petition and pass it on. Show Jose and our community that we will not be bullied by administrators and board members with a political agenda! Read more here: Restraining Order Offers Glimpse into Escondido School Board Follies http://sandiegofreepress.org/2015/12/restraining-order-offers-glimpse-into-escondido-school-board-follies/ and here: Escondido board may have violated open meeting law http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/dec/11/fragozo-escondido-banned-order-ibarra/?fbshare=1918790
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by I stand with Jose Fragozo