• Senator Nelson Vote No on Fast Track
    The Senate is going to take up Fast Track, TPA, this coming Tuesday. Fast Track will grease the skids for the TPP and other coming global secret corporate designed deals. They have very little to do with trade and more to do with de-regulation of the global economy. The intense corporate lobbying of our representatives is upwards of $200Million, yet the people have made it clear we do not want these deals to be fast-tracked. We want open review and access to the texts. 2000 organizations, all labor unions, the Sierra Club along with most environmental groups, and many faith groups have come out strongly against a push that would destroy the global economy, trash the environment and protected waterways, exacerbate human rights abuses, human trafficking and slavery. We are asking Senator Nelson to leave a lasting legacy for Florida and the planet. Vote NO on Fast Track
    1,483 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Harriet Heywood
  • Stop the West Roxbury Lateral Pipeline
    Under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 111 Sections 31 & 143, we are petitioning for an independent, thorough, and transparent health and safety evaluation of the threat posed by the WRLP segment of AIM to the health, well-being, and property of the residents of West Roxbury, Dedham, Westwood, and the surrounding areas. An explosion of this 750psi pipeline would cause certain devastation to an area as large as a 30 city block radius. Leaked fracked gas passing through this pipeline has toxic components like PCBs, arsenic, radon, and methane. The risk of leaks is increased by live blasting in the immediate area of a planned Metering & Regulating station opposite an active quarry. The imminent construction of this station and a 750 psi pipeline in a densely populated area that includes three schools and a nursing home is an intolerable risk that requires an urgent halt for a thorough and independent review of the health and safety effects of frequent blasting in the immediate region of a high-pressure pipeline.
    1,030 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Wilson
  • Costco and Roundup
    I've been a Costco member since 1987 and applaud its move toward organics. However, I'm troubled to see Monsanto's Roundup in proximity to organic products and don't feel that Costco should be selling something that is quite possibly a human carcinogen.
    692 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Greg Quist
  • Governor Brown: Forget the bullet train and use funds for drought solutions.
    I live in the Santa Clarita Valley and the we do not need our neighborhoods destroyed by this ill-conceived project. We need water. Our lakes, rivers and reservoirs are drying up with each passing day. The farmers use 80% of the water and the remaining 20% is for consumer usage. We are told to conserve, which the majority of us are doing, but how wrong is it to have our taxpayer dollars wasted on the vanity project of our out of touch governor when his constituents are suffering. Please sign to let him know how we all really feel. Thank you.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kira Hodge
  • Our leaders (political, religious and business) should heed Pope Francis’ call for effective acti...
    We humans are mistreating each other and wrecking the planet—creation, the environment, our life support system. Our leaders need motivation and encouragement to stand up and join Pope Francis' clarion call for humanity to FIX the critical problems created by our misbehavior. Our leaders must actually LEAD us to SOLVE these problems, and not deny they exist or site excuses.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jay West
  • Stop Home Depot from Promoting Bee-killing Pesticides
    Home Depot announced last year that it would require a label on plants grown with a family of pesticides that are worsening the bee die-off. Yet despite scientific concerns, here is how their label describes the effects: "This plant is protected from problematic aphids, white flies, beetles, mealy bugs, and other unwanted pests by Neonicotinoids." No mention whatsoever of the harmful impact on honeybees, butterflies, or other pollinators! Somehow Home Depot has figured out a way to make more money off this poisonous pesticide. And they are doing so while other national retailers are taking steps to drop suspected bee-killing chemicals from their shelves. Sign the petition now urging Home Depot executives to be forthcoming in their labeling of bee-killing products.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by SierraRise
  • Reject Orange County, Florida, Land Use Map Amendment #2015-2-A-1-4 and Place Land in Permanent C...
    Summary: Property owner/developer seeks amendment to Orange County Florida Comprehensive Plan to change Greenbelt and Wetland Conservation designations to Estate Home District permitting up to 140 homes on land currently approved for 12 single-family homes. As one of the last remaining undisturbed natural areas in western Orange County, Florida, this land is a key segment of a regional wildlife corridor and provides critical diverse habitat for native and migrating wildlife including species of conservation concern, threatened and endangered status including Florida Black Bear and American Bald Eagles. The best use of this land is as a permanent conservation preserve for the benefit of future generations and preservation of our unique natural Florida environment.
    1,464 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Noah's Notes
  • End Oil Subsidies.
    End oil subsidies. Open up the free market. Allow alternate energy a chance to compete. Make a green and ecological economy.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael DiPiano
  • Oahu Fuel Storage Tank Leaks Urgent Risk to Water Supply
    As a cancer survivor of a rare type of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, I'm concerned about 187 million gallons of jet fuel sitting 100 feet above our drinking water supply. One tank failed in January 2014, and leaked 27,000 gallons of fuel into the groundwater. It cannot be cleaned up. These aged, colossal tanks, each the size of a football field in height, cannot be repaired and need to be shut down immediately.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alison Bhattacharyya
  • Earvin Magic Johnson Park: Clean our lake
    The lake at Earvin Magic Johnson Park is disturbingly filthy and the stench it generates is even more horrible. Every time my family and I pass by we have to hold in our breath. The people who visit Magic Johnson Park should be able to go to park and enjoy a fresh breeze.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Veronica Armijo
  • Stop Trashing Unsold Food
    Charities are desperate for the food that is used as landfill. I was encouraged by the French parliament's vote to ban destruction of unsold food products; the ban requires edible foods be donated to charity, or used as animal feed or farming compost. Let's be wise and stop dumping edible food.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Faucette
  • Tell EPA to Stop the Pro-Industry Spin
    The EPA recently released its long-awaited study of fracking's impacts on drinking water. The oil and gas industry cheered the topline findings highlighted in the EPA's own press release that accompanied the study, which read: “Assessment shows hydraulic fracturing activities have not led to widespread, systemic impacts to drinking water resources and identifies important vulnerabilities to drinking water resources.” The industry -- and the media -- ran with this statement and concluded that fracking is safe. This takeaway offered by the EPA was grossly misleading. The EPA's press release made a subtle but enormously consequential change to the actual findings of the study. What the study actually shows is that, at every turn, the effort of EPA scientists to quantify the extent of fracking's impacts on drinking water resources was thwarted by "data limitations and uncertainties." Despite those limitations and uncertainties — including some of the EPA's own making — the study still confirms what existing scientific data and countless personal experiences have already made clear: fracking does indeed contaminate drinking water resources in numerous ways. (for full assessment: http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/blogs/how-the-release-of-the-epas-draft-assesment-on-drinking-water-impacts-was-spun/) Tell EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy that it is her responsibility to correct this misleading statement in the press release and to instead emphasize the very troubling findings of her agency's report.
    427 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Alexander Picture