Gov. Brown: Cut water waste from Big Farm corporationsGov. Brown exempted Big Farms from the mandatory 25% reduction in water use during the drought. Big Farms use 80% of all of California's water. A real attempt to deal with a serious drought requires real focus on all the water users, not just 20% of water users.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles Rabaut
President Obama: Protect a Leatherback Turtle SanctuaryVolunteers of the non-profit organization Chelonia have been working with Puerto Rico Natural Resources Department to clean, patrol, document and preserve the nesting area and the newborn turtles on this beach. We are facing several problems such as hazardous waste disposal, horses, four tracks and vehicles passing over the turtle nests and compacting the sand which causes a collapse to the nests. PR Natural Resources Department has supported us, and as a result of this joint initiative the registered nests have risen from more than 320 in 2012 to almost 600 in 2014 season; so we know that if a Natural Reserve is declared by Federal Law, this could enforce the respect and protection of this natural wonder.1,852 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Mariano
Label GMO food in TexasI'm starting this because I care about my health and the health of the nation and world.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Erin Black
Support Minnesota Rural Distributed Generation Tax Credit and Wind GardensHF 1455, recently introduced by Rep. David Bly (D) and Rep. Rod Hamilton (R), and SF 1657, introduced by Sen. Kevin Dahle (D), propose a state Rural Distributed Generation Tax Credit. The bills would provide farms and rural small businesses with a 30% tax credit on the capital and installation costs for small-scale wind turbines (up to 40 kW), solar thermal arrays, or geothermal heat exchangers. Family farms and rural businesses are best poised to implement distributed generation renewable energy systems. These entities readily meet the spatial requirement, property line setbacks, permitted use, and accessory use definitions established in zoning codes and are also located away from natural gas lines. Livestock operations are among the large energy consumers in rural Minnesota as well. Electricity consumers in rural areas pay higher electricity rates and service charges than investor-owned ratepayers due to economics involved in servicing fewer customers per mile of electrical line. The Rural Distributed Generation Tax Credit would reduce the cost of the investment to accelerate the payback and enable diversification of farm and rural small business income. Community Wind Gardens would allow individual Xcel Energy utility customers to buy into a local wind project and receive a credit on their utility bill according to how much energy their share of the project produces each month. This would enable all customers, including those who can’t install their own wind turbine (i.e. renters and people in low wind areas), to invest in local wind projects and reduce their utility bills. Please contact Minnesota legislators and ask them to support the Rural Distributed Generation Tax Credit and Wind Gardens!55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lauren Glickman
Stop the proposed trapping of river otters in PAThe PA Game Commission intends to vote on the trapping of otters in the near future. Please help this wonderful animal .53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Francie Brown
Stop Spraying Pesticides on All New York State RoadsI have been studying monarch butterflies for over forty years. In just the past 20 years we have lost 90% of them. We are losing our bees at an unsustainable rate of 30% a year. We all have to take action. N.Y.S. is on the monarch migration path and we are contributing to their demise. It is time to stop 30 years of pesticide spraying along all our roads.1,272 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by maraleen manos-jones
Maryland Moratorium on FrackingI am a mom of two children from Silver Spring, Maryland. Personally, I have suffered from the horrific health effects from FRACKING chemicals. FRACKING contaminates our public drinking water and releases toxic gases into the air. There is no safe method for FRACKING. The hazardous chemicals used in the fracking process are abnormally dangerous and ultra-hazardous. Please help me to STOP FRACKING in Maryland.45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Carrillo
No "prescribed burns" at Rocky Flats ever: The Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge, managed by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, occupies most of the site of the now-closed Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant. The Refuge surrounds the current Superfund area where production once occurred. During almost 40 years of production the plant released highly toxic plutonium into the environment. Inadequate cleanup of the contaminated site left tiny plutonium particles in the soil. Any burn at the site would release particles into the air where they could be inhaled, the worst way to be exposed to plutonium.728 of 800 SignaturesCreated by LeRoy Moore
Urge Fidelity Investments to offer and promote fossil free (divestment) options to its investors.Divestment, the process of selling an asset for either financial or social goals, is a powerful tool that investors can use to show companies that they cannot and will not invest in detrimental or morally objectionable practices. Divestment can be a profound step when an investor decides to make a statement by withdrawing financial support from a corporation that is abusing the environment, the community, or larger society.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jason Baskin
We Support Scott Enright as Chair of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture.From Vincent Mina, President of HFUU: I am in support of Scott Enright continuing to being the chair of agriculture for Hawaii! When we have those in government who can work with you, and want to work with you, well you work with them. I am a family farmer of 21 years who also has been an advocate of educational outreach and programs in support of our family farmers for the past 17 of those years producing conferences on "Body and Soil" practicing the concepts of Aloha Aina, Malama Aina. I have been walking the talk and continue to do so, instigating the development of and leading with others HFUU as an alternative to the farm bureau. I appreciate having someone in office who I can relate these values to in support of what we want to see come forward for our family farmers. These farmers are in the trenches every day, doing all they can do to stay on the land and practice what they love and do it without use of poisons or non-renewable practices. I, along with my wife and son, make our living growing food for the community, and we do so using regenerative and renewable practices. Scott has shown his support by standing up in working with the leaders of HFUU in the development of programs that promote soil health. With that said Scott's job is to represent the agricultural industry in Hawaii. We don't support all forms of agriculture yet under US law all are legal. We recognize all forms yet don't support all forms. I appreciate and value the work of Shaka in holding chemical companies accountable. With that said, my focus and kuleana as president of HFUU is to advocate for the creation of vibrant and prosperous agricultural communities. We need to be piloting demonstration projects that will be based on consistent and resilient production systems. We as family farmers need infrastructure in support of recycling of renewable nutrients back onto the farm. We need a food aggregation system of distribution in the form of a community owned cooperative. We need land trust to place our young passionate farmers living on the land they are farming. All this would be a great start if we are going to be able to turn this ship around and actually be able to grow our own food here in Hawaii and support those who are going to grow it. This does not happen in a vacuum and HFUU is committed in seeing this come to fruition and Scott is holding the space for this to come forward which means as we get our collective act together he will not impede us moving this forward. Scott has been advocating for folks to sign up as members of HFUU when he has presented at our chapter meetings on Maui and Oahu knowing that in the legislature numbers matter.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eloise Engman
MODNR Save Missouri's Waters - Adopt Federal EPA CCW RuleBecause MODNR is not testing around leaking ash ponds and has not indicated that they will update state regulations any time soon. People's lives are being impacted while polluters continue to pollute our state's water and air resources without consequence.164 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Patricia Schuba
Protect Marine Life From ExtinctionScientists and researchers have discovered that with the current extinction rates and the increasing dead zones, the oceans could be lifeless by 2050. China currently harvests 32,000 metric tons of krill annually in Antarctica’s waters. On March 4, 2015 China announced that they are going to ramp up their efforts 30-60 times, possibly harvesting up to 2 million metric tons of krill yearly. Species such as the chin-strap penguin have depleted 50% in the last 30 years and the depletion is directly linked to the reduction in krill. The future of the next seven generations and beyond depend on the actions WE take today. If we don’t take the necessary measures, humans could face extinction by the end of this century.156 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mahaia Oliveira