End the filibuster and the gerrymanderWithout Senate obstruction by the minority via the filibuster, and without the anti-democratic gerrymander giving the minority control of the House, we could address the entire Progressive agenda. The Senate sets its own rules, and has full power to dismantle the filibuster as we know it. Congress has full authority under the Constitution to regulate Federal elections, and the DoJ can ask the courts to rein in state malfeasance. Then we can talk about a new stimulus, massacre control, science, immigration reform, protecting women, education, and stopping the Republican War on Everybody.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Edward Cherlin
As a gun owner, we can preserve the 2nd amendment, AND keep people safe. And it is our duty.I am a gun owner, and believe that gun owners have a DUTY to be part of the solution to prevent tragedies. The right to bear arms is protected by the Second Amendment, but it is not absolute: the Supreme Court found that while a handgun ban is not constitutional, because handguns are in “common use,” a machine gun is not and therefore could be restricted. An assault weapon equipped with a clip that can shoot hundreds of rounds would likely fall into the same category.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Reverend Renee L. Ten Eyck
Legalize Industrial HempIndustrial hemp is a much needed cash crop in Nebraska. Hemp is a cousin of marijuana containing almost no THC. Hemp can be used to build houses, make biodegradable plastic, a carbon neutral fuel, hemp concrete, and anything else currently made from either trees, cotton, or crude oil. Hemp is naturally drought, disease, and pest resistant.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Smith
Voting rights for all AmericansThe District of Columbia comprises 630,000 people but has no right to elect senators or representatives to represent them. This denies them the basic right of representation in a democracy. Congress should right this wrong1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Gregg
Voting rights for all AmericansThe District of Columbia comprises 630,000 people but has no right to elect senators or representatives to represent them. This denies them the basic right of representation in a democracy. Congress should right this wrong1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Gregg
Personhood AmendmentRequests resolutions that will overturn the disastrous Citizens United ruling and permit sensible regulation of campaign finance.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Johnson
NY State: End targeting children to hunt with guns.In lieu of school killings raise the youth hunting age with guns above 12 year olds.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by M. Leybra
National Standards for National electionsThe election of 2012 demonstrated how the current state controlled system can be manipulated to disenfranchise and inconvenience many voters. Leaving redisticting to the states allows gerrymandering to occur whch can favor a party or an incumbent unfairly (i.e. the 2012 congressional election in which one party won a majority of the popular vote but the other party won more seats).20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Slifkin
GOP Trying to RIG Electoral SystemStop Govenor Corbett /GOP from trying to steal future Presidential election by changing the Electorial process. Don't let them change the law.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Millard Moye
GOP Trying to RIG Electoral SystemStop Govenor Casey /GOP from trying to steal future Presidential election by changing the Electorial process. Don't let them change the law.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Millard Moye
Constitutional Amendment to Permit Recall of Elected OfficialsTo permit the citizens of Florida to fire elected officials.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pat Boer
Stop the Holocaust of the InnocentsWe have killed too many with guns, but we have killed over 50 million with the blessing of our society. This is an evil comparable to the sin of slavery. We must address this evil for Holocaust that it is.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gordon