Restore Trust in the PoliceAccording to the most current FBI reports, a white police officer killed an African American individual nearly two times a week in the United States. The Department of Justice has found a pattern of excessive force within a number of major police departments.139 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Bianca Morales
CyberbullyingAubrey Jones lost her fiance, and after becoming a victim of cyberbullying, she ended her life 4 days later, leaving behind a 4 year old and a newborn baby! I think the people who are responsible for pushing her and blaming her, threatening her, should be held accountable795 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Theresa Goseland
Keep the VA Dept of Corrections Mail Policy As IsLoved one of an inmate at River North Correctional Center and prison reform advocate.147 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Krystal Lane
Stop the Plundering of Estates by Court-Appointed Lawyers in Unwarranted Court-Ordered GuardianshipsCourt-appointed guardianship does the exact opposite of what it says it does. It is plundering the estate of my mother without oversight. There are layers of court-appointed lawyers appointed as her guardian charging exorbitant fees that we are forced to pay because a judge says we must. It is a corrupt system that is legal. She has no access to her social security or retirement money.112 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Marian Kornicki
Free Women's Strike March OrganizersToday during the women's strike march in NY, organizers were arrested for "civil disobedience". These women marched today peacefully for their rights and to let their voices about these issues be heard. We can't let them arrest people just for using their first amendment guaranteed by law. We will resist and we will fight, so stand with me on this issue and sign and share this petition.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rose
FREE THE WHITE TWIN BROTHERSThe White brother's have been incarcerated for almost 25 years, I am married to LYDELL WHITE; he and his twin brother LAYCELLE WHITE who is married to shannon king, they have seen the parole board every two years without so much as a turn over in their case. The parole board said their case is very difficult to deal with and they need to figure out how to present it. The White brother's have written their first book called 66 with possible you can go on Lulu.com to order a copy. the book tells all their life story.. please sign this petition Free my husband along with his twin brother Laycelle White.. we need your help!!!!!!!!97 of 100 SignaturesCreated by kesha king
Protect Peaceful ProtestsState lawmakers are introducing legislation to curb protest activities. This is an attack on our rights to free speech and our rights to gather with like-minded individuals.341 of 400 SignaturesCreated by 99354
Hold Prospective and Existing Police Officers to Higher StandardsWe have seen too many people in the U.S. die at the hands of unqualified and ill-equipped police officers who are meant to serve and protect the people, not disrespect and murder them. We need a change, and the beginning to this should be steeper qualifications.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rachel C
JUSTICE for Grant BurrisCPL Grant Burris a former Marine was killed in a hit & run. ADA says he is giving Dreu Wikle Probation. It's time to stand up and say this is unacceptable. Sentencing (probation) was set for April 12, 2017 at 8:45 a.m but Judge Burgess who will be hearing this case moved it to April 13,2017 at 2:30 p.m sounds fishy to me, but I will be attending both dates! I don't trust this system for one second.42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Angela Isaac
Tell Jeff Sessions: stop doing private prison companies' bidding!Americans of all political stripes can agree that our government should make decisions to serve us -- not deep-pocketed special interests. That duty is especially important for the Attorney General, who’s charged with protecting our civil rights and impartially enforcing our laws. But Attorney General Jeff Sessions has just directed the Department of Justice to reverse its previous decision and continue to use private prisons, which have come under fire from civil rights activists for human rights abuses and a lack of public oversight. Why? Just follow the money. Throughout his career, Sessions has benefitted from huge sums of political spending by private prison companies. And that industry made massive investments in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign -- one firm, the GEO Group, spent $100,000 to elect Trump through a SuperPAC, then gave $250,000 to his inauguration. This week, their investments paid off -- private prison stock prices have skyrocketed since Trump’s election, and increased even further since Sessions issued his directive. Sessions is also driving Trump’s promised ramping up of immigration enforcement, which will put even more undocumented people into immigration detention facilities and lining the private prison industry’s pockets even further. The private prison industry’s interests run directly counter to those of the American people -- majorities of Americans support criminal justice reform, but companies like the Corrections Corporation of America lobby for longer, harsher sentences which deliver huge profits for them. Private prisons are notorious for cutting corners, human rights abuses, and lack of public accountability. They’re the last industry that our government should be doing special favors for. Add your name and tell Attorney General Sessions to prove that his Department of Justice isn’t for sale to the highest bidder by reinstating the plan to end its use of private prisons.135 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Common Cause
California Domestic Violence Act should be voided for vagueness is overbroad and violates the Con...Yes, my girlfriend found out I was infaithful to her and used the Courts to issue a Domestic Violence Restraining Order against me, for disturbing her peace. The Order takes away the freedom of men, without the use of their Constitutional Rights, they take a real Batterer, like Oj Simpson, who terrorized hios wife Nicole, and then murdered her , Then on National Television, got off on the charges when everyone knew he was guilty .The Government vowed to never let this happen again. Our Government via Joe Biden, enacted the WAWA 1994, that is the best protection a woman could ever want; unfortunately it strips all rights of men who may just have an argument with their wife , she can run down, to the family Court fill an affidavit, DV109, 100, 120, 110, 130 the CLETS form, these forms present a primae facie Case to the Court( if unopposed it would prevail on the allegations of abuse), whetheer they are true or not. The fact that a Woman goes through the trouble of filling out the forms, is sufficient for these Courts to implement the intent of the Act , which is to prevent a battered woman from returning to continuuing abuse. All men have Domocles Sword hanging over their head, with these disparate laws, referred to in California Family Code 6200 et, seq. Section 6320 are the elements of this section ranging from disturbing the peace of another, verbal abuse, harassment and then ranging up to Physical Battering and Rape of the victim. The Courts and our Representatives have conveniently, put all these separate categories in to one section for ease of conviction of not a real batterer, but it could be a normal fight between a husband and wife, anbd the wife if she knows what to do , can get more than even with her husband for disturbing her peace. The Courts required to enforce the intention of the DVPA, even if sacrifices the freedom of all men, the motto is better a man sacrifificed than woman hurt. Most of this bombast is about future abuse, that might happen again, and the Courts are mandated to searate the parties 1-10 years, with a restraining order agaisnt the man( they really FEIGN that it is for the protection of men, that is bolderdash. ITS PROTECTS WOMEN ONLY You have to distinguish between the Civil DVRO and the Criminal DVRO, they are basically the same except the Criminal guy (with criminal procedure rights) beats his wife brutally and gets the same DVRO as the Civil guy, who may have just lost a verbal argument to his wrathful wife who looks for vindication form the Courts who are happy to pass out DVROs against men,(without criminal procedure rights) its their legislative order and mandate that they do so. The real fabrications are in the statistics they cite about DV, they are as Trump states, alternative facts. The Act is a money make for the Government, both Federal and State , benefits, therapy groups, and if was put on NASDAQ, it would be a winning investment for the investor. The take home message is not that Domestic Violence should not be stopped, because it should but the way the law is written is void for vagueness, overbroad, and violates the over breadth doctrine of the Constitution, it needs to be re written to conform to the Constitution of the United States and the Human Rights Commision of 1948. It is not for the greater good as some believe( you cannot suspend a man criminal procedure and make it Civil for ease of conviction of the accused, and further the sacrifice of one innocent man and his freedom so a woman can be saved is not equal protection under the 14 th amendment. Please rewrite the VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMAN ACT 2013, AND THE CALIFORNIA DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT SO THAT MEN ARE PROTECTED FULLY COMPLETELY AND CONSTITUIONALLY UNDER THE LAW . Not utilizing the intent of preventing future abuse as Standard for issuing a DVRO. PLEASE DO NOT EXTEND THE VAWA AFTER IT EXPIRES IN 2018, REWRITE THIS ACT AND THE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT, SO THAT PEOPLE DO NOT PROFIT FROM IT, SO THAT IT PROTECTS WOMEN WITHOUT SACRIFICING INNOCENT MEN. LONG LIVE THE INTENT OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS AS IT APPLIES TO THIS ISSUE.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by nik haris
Fully Exonerate Marine Special OperatorsHouse Resolution 21 will be voted on soon to direct the Commandant of the Marine Corps to officially state that the Marines of Fox Company were completely not at fault for the ambush and fire fight on 4 March 2007 in Bati Kot, Afghanistan. These Marines continue to suffer by being denied military promotions, being involuntarily forced from their military service and being denied civilian jobs due to the unjust stigma of these false allegations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DiFwM7_k0M6,890 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Fred C Galvin