Reform Measure 11My 24 yr old son Jeremy Hopper II was recently convicted of Manslaughter 1, Assault 2 and Assault 4 stemming from a motor vehicle accident on May 4, 2016. He is the first person that we know of in the state of Oregon history to be convicted of such crimes when there were no drugs or alcohol in his system. They have blamed the accident on "speed racing" however, there are many holes in the case the state presented. Due to a biased court, judge, prosecutor and jury, he did not receive a fair trial and was found guilty. Jeremy has been an upstanding citizen. He was the manager of a local retail store until trial, had only one speeding ticket when he was 16 yrs old and had never been in trouble with the law. Even though we do not believe street racing is something Jeremy would do, as he never has done it and does not have the desire to race, he would have taken a plea and pled guilty to avoid the chance of measure 11. Unfortunately the DA refused to offer Jeremy a plea that did not contain a measure 11 crime. They did however offer the other defendent a plea of no measure 11, and 60-90 months in jail which is even a little excessive considering the other pleas offered in similar cases in the same county. The other defendent is also known for street racing, has been racing all his life, and in fact gotten a ticket the week prior for going 122. Jeremy was a target from the very moment this accident happened and they refused to treat him equal during any portion from the investigation forward. They had just given a plea deal in the same county in just Oct to a kid that was high, speeding, ran a stop sign and killed two people only 5 years, again no measure 11. We need to reform Measure 11 so good kids like Jeremy are not railroaded by DA's that are out with a vendetta against someone. Take this horrible power out of their hands!!!165 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kim Hopper
Mumia Abu- JamalHe has fought for many lives it is only right that I fight for his.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Samara Yeshaya
Idaho for Legal Medical MaijuanaI am starting this petition so that we can have legal Cannabis in our state. To stop the Prohibition of Marijuana and allow us to move on with the medicines we need. Chronic pain is not a fantasy it is a reality and no one should have to live with pain.95 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Janing
Don't punish harmless parenting choicesAlmost all cases of leaving children in cars are harmless, and parents sometimes face situations where they reasonably determine that having the child remain in the car is safe enough. The Rhode Island bill, H7071 and S2030, would make it a crime to leave a child under 7 in a car for over 15 minutes, even if the child was accompanied by a 13-year-old sibling. Penalties could include a $1000 fine or a 1-year jail sentence, even if the child was unharmed. This bill is too judgmental. Current Rhode Island law already says that police can issue a warning to parents in this situation, and that's better than having fines or criminal penalties for what are almost certainly harmless parenting choices.304 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Randall Rose
City Council: Rewrite Red Tag Laws.2/9/17 Update: Red Tag Laws are meant to protect the Tucson community, but they are being used to target University of Arizona & Pima Community College students. The only requirements to receive a Red Tag are 5+ people on the property and a noise complaint. However, the "unruly" noise level is up to the TPD's discretion and seems to be exempt from due process. In addition, students splitting rent by having roommates may have close to five people living in one house, and can receive a Red Tag by having a friend over (houses with 5 or more occupants can receive a Red Tag at any time). Many students, some who are already saving money by having these roommates, cannot afford to contest the Red Tag and have no choice but to accept the $500 fine. The city of Tucson needs to implement regulations, such as creating a minimum noise level or raising the 5+ person limit, that restrict the issuance of Red Tags only to situations that deserve them. Sign the petition and spread the word to help prevent future students from paying enormous fines unfairly targeted for them. EXTRA INFO: - Here's a map of all the Red Tags issued during the 2015-16 school year. Nearly all of them were issued within a few blocks from the University. http://www.wildcat.arizona.edu/article/2016/09/wheres-the-party-at-just-follow-the-red-tags - Every UofA student who receives a Red Tag is reported to the Dean of Students' to potentially receive further consequences. For more info, read the Dean of Students' Red Tag FAQ: https://deanofstudents.arizona.edu/red-tag-faqs 2/4/17 Original Post: After seeing TPD issue a red tag for playing music while painting a bench with four other people at a residency I realized this law has gone too far. We had to pay for an attorney to fight for our case (we won) but this still came at a substantial cost. No student should be forced to pay enormous costs to fight an unjust law that targets students. Please contact [email protected] for questions pertaining to this petition.951 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Clark Knobel
Justice for Emmett TillThe purpose of this petition is to grant justice to Emmett Till's family, warranted by the confession of Carolyn Donham. The wholesomeness of the United States of America is affected by injustices committed regardless of race, gender, and age.638 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Emerald Pitts
Stop Dismantling of DOJI am an attorney who previously served in Africa as a refugee rights attorney. I am also just an ordinary human being, distraught at the fascist-leaning policies of the Trump Administration.174 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kendall
Justice for Emmett TillPlease encourage Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood to investigate Carolyn Bryant Donham and any others who may have been involved in the death of Emmett Till. While Emmett's murder occurred in 1955, it continues to impact American society today. Carolyn Bryant Donham, the named accuser of Emmett Till, recently admitted that she lied in court about what Emmett Till did on that day. This lie led to the murder of this young boy and further divided this Country. Contact AG Hood at http://www.ago.state.ms.us/contact/ or call 601-359-3680. https://newsone.com/3651562/carolyn-bryant-donham-lied-about-emmett-till/171 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Aisha N. Braveboy, Esq.
Justice for my FatherTo Whom It May Concern, My Dad, Cesar Islas-Alvarez case #15151086, has been in jail for more than 20 years, serving a non-violent offense. He has served more than 65% of time in prison than someone else with the same Criminal charges. We, as his children, demand fair justice. Our Former President, Barack Obama released more than a 1,000 prisoners serving Life sentences. My Dad applied for his Clemency but got blindsided. That’s why we are creating this Petition to our House of Representatives, Senate and the Presidential Pardon Office. We are currently seeking help through our Congresswoman Kirsten Sinema from the 9th District in Maricopa County, Arizona. No results so far; just delayed notices. All we seek is help and justice for my Father. Regards,106 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Cecilia
WE WANT REAL CHANGE IN MASSACHUSETTS JUSTICEWe know that you all have been flooded with incredibly important actions at this time. But justice in Massachusetts cannot become a footnote. Even though 70 orgs. signed the urgent call for action on January 17th, WE MUST KEEP THE HEAT ON. Led by the Coalition for Effective Public Safety, we now ask individuals --as well as organizations who did not sign on to the 10 pg. letter-- to do so! We are also asking you to tell your legislators to call on Governor Charlie Baker, Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Ralph Gants, House Speaker Robert DeLeo, and Senate President Stanley Rosenberg to address the clear and profound disparate treatment of people of color in our justice system and to address necessary justice issues spelled out in the letter. We demand that state leaders make good on promises to improve fairness and outcomes for those in the system, reduce prison and jail populations, decrease recidivism, and cut prison costs. We also urge the Governor and legislators to take responsibility now in executive actions and legislation to address long-standing failings of the Department of Correction and the Parole Board. The full letter is here: https://aclum.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/20170117-CSG-Letter.pdf and check out ACLU and Citizen for Juvenile Justice’s calls for action on their sites. PLEASE SIGN ON and SHARE THIS PETITON on Facebook and Twitter, and please email your organizations. Even if your organization signed, we encourage all individuals to sign on too. WE NEED TO LET MASSACHUSETTS LEADERS KNOW WE WON'T SETTLE FOR INJUSTICE.620 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jean Trounstine
Censure Trump for promising to tortureDuring his campaign, Donald Trump promised to murder or torture the family members of suspected terrorists – and even compel resisting soldiers to follow illegal orders to do so. Although Trump later rescinded this promise, he has since vowed to torture again. In light of the presidency’s awesome powers, persons of conscience should act on the assumption that Trump is already torturing in secret.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Erik Mears
Restrict the Maximum Wage of Family Law and Criminal Defense AttorneysFor too long in our country, we have been forced to watch repeated offenders of heinous crimes against humanity walk simply because they could afford a "good" attorney. Meanwhile, the poor (mostly minorities), are repeatedly arrested or incarcerated long-term for petty, non-violent offenses. This causes a financial strain on poor communities, pushing them further into poverty by dismantling families and contributes to the number of people on welfare. Let's change that! Tell Congress and the White house that we want the amount that a law firm or private attorney is paid to be limited to no more than $25/hour. This closes the bridge between the lower and upper middle class and forces them to work for the people instead of exploiting them. It also means that attorneys will no longer be motivated to accept high-profile criminal cases based on how much they will make. Together, we can end crime-profiting and hopefully crime itself.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anjelica