President Obama is proposing free community college, and Republicans are already opposing it. This is the kind of big idea that voters need to see Democrats stand for -- because it impacts millions of people's lives. We need to urge President Obama and Congressional Democrat to embrace this fight, and showcase it at the upcoming State of the Union. We're keeping the media and Democratic allies informed of our momentum, so they see the huge public support for progressive big ideas.
    10,397 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Progressive Change Campaign Committee
  • Congress: Support Free College
    I have nearly $100,000 in student loans because college was an economic burden. Congress should work to pass legislation to make attending college a path to prosperity instead of a debilitating burden that harms middle and lower income Americans. Free college is the future and it's affordable for our country.
    564 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Byrne
  • Board Save Benton Elementary School
    We are petitioning against the Closing of Benton!!
    435 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Beth Walker
  • Tell the WV Board of Ed to fix bad climate science standards!
    The West Virginia Board of Education just voted to adopt K-12 science standards that include inaccurate and misleading content about climate change. At the request of Board member Wade Linger–who denies the fact that global temperatures are rising–the Department of Education rewrote the climate science sections of the Next Generation Science Standards (1) (2). The doctored standards contain blatant errors and misrepresent the scientific consensus on climate change. For example, Linger had the standard on factors affecting rising temperatures changed to now consider “the rise ‘and fall’ of global temperatures.” The change was made as data was coming in showing 2014 to be the hottest year in recorded history, and the 38th consecutive year that yearly global temperatures were above average (3). Another Board of Education member, Tom Campbell, is on record saying that he supports changing the science standards in consideration of the role of the coal industry in the West Virginia economy (4). As a citizen of West Virginia and as a father, it is important to me to see our children receive the best education possible. Science education should be free from political agendas or from misinformation resulting from such agendas. Our children should be taught the truth and to think critically, built upon a foundation of accurate science. The new standards will be taught in West Virginia starting next year, so there is still time for the Board to fix its climate education errors. Please join me in telling the Board of Education to correct all inaccurate and misleading climate science content in the state’s new science standards. Thank you for taking action for our children and grandchildren! Sincerely, Chris Clark, Father and Climate Parents member Charleston, WV (1) "Climate change denials added to West Virginia science standards to appease coal loving officials." Raw Story. http://bit.ly/1zY2deh (2) West Virginia Department of the Environment. New science standards. http://bit.ly/1Dr5Dwt (3) NOAA. National Climatic Data Center. http://1.usa.gov/1f58TjF (4) "Climate change learning standards for W.Va. students altered." Charleston Gazette. http://bit.ly/1zMTVKV
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Clark
  • Kishwaukee College, Bargain in Good Faith with Faculty
    Kishwaukee's faculty is dedicated to the students it serves and expects the School's administration to demonstrate its dedication by ending the games and bargaining in good faith. The administration has pushed half-truths and misinformation to the public regarding the talks and threatened faculty with arrests for attempting to pass along information to students. We demand the Board and Administration roll up their sleeves and hammer out a deal that is fair to faculty and the students they serve. More information -----> http://ow.ly/H0Cop
    798 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Illinois Federation of Teachers
  • help students in west Africa
    Our petition is to help students in West Africa due to the Ebola outbreak. Schools in West African countries have shut down due to the Ebola outbreak. As a result, female students are getting married because they not going to school. Also teachers have lost their jobs so it is difficult for them to support their family. This is why we want you to help them by sending education leaders to countries that have shut down their schools due to the Ebola outbreak .
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Houssainatou
  • Stop the prison move
    The people were never asked if they wanted this prison move. We have, however, been asking for a better school system. Statistically, need for future prison beds can be calculated from the number of 4th graders who are not fully competent at the 3rd grade level. That is why people are always fussing about Kindergarten through 3rd grade as the first step to fixing our educational system. We could actually get that right instead of messing with a big prison project. Starving education while building prisons is called "building a pipeline to prison." Draper built around the prison, and has an established network of experienced employees, volunteers, and vendors. Other communities are unprepared to adapt quickly, and are saying NIMBY. Obviously the price of an alternative site is going up rapidly with towns rejecting the idea rather than competing for it. The prison study has a couple things right we should act on. They recommend reforming sentencing. Many have questioned the harshness and length of non-violent drug sentences, while other states decriminalize marijuana and tax and regulate it like alcohol. We need to stop the ballooning prison population. The prison we have is more than we need if we straightened out our treatment of at risk school kids and pot smokers. We have room to build a taller building or two as needed--which is not now. And on the other hand--once our land hungry legislature takes the federal lands, there ought to be a free place for a prison. What's the hurry?
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lee Anne Walker
  • Support the Charter Renewal for FFA!
    Your support is needed! Over the past few weeks, FFA has been the subject of much rumor and controversy. Our charter is up for renewal by the Delaware Department of Education and the Delaware State Board of Education next Thursday, January 15. Positive comments from the public are critical to encourage DOE and the State Board to renew our charter. Per the email sent out last week, the FFA Board has appointed Mrs. Kathleen Connor and Mrs. Amy Novosel interim Chief Administrators. These two professionals are the epitome of good moral character as well as being extraordinarily talented educators. FFA is strong academically as evidenced by the Academic Performance Framework, is alive with extra-curricular opportunities for the students, and our students have participated in service projects that have benefited our community. We encourage you to sign this petition supporting the renewal of our charter. Thank you.
    316 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Family Foundations Academy
  • Carmen Farina - All students should know about Ebola
    We don't want any other African American kid in New York City to be bullied due to misinformation about Ebola, as it happened with the two Senegalese brothers. It is important that all the students learn about Ebola virus, because people have the misconception that all people who came from Africa to United States have the Ebola virus.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roderich
  • Save Our Shedd Elementary School Green Space
    1. The market value of properties located proximate to a park or open space (POS) are frequently higher than comparable properties located elsewhere. If Shedd property's green space is taken away it would lower the property value of every home in this community. 2. The sale of this property to a developer would also remove a ball field and play-lot used by the children in this community as well as recreation space for adults.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by clevan tucker
  • Town Supervisor Mr. Croce: ReHire Coach Will!!!
    My three children all adore Coach Will! Being a single mother of three with limited income, Coach Will has provided so much for them and all positive. They love him!. It will be a shame to let someone like him walk out of our children's lives. He's a positive role model that I want my kids to learn from!
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alicia Pauselius
  • Money reimbursement of uniforms
    We as parents are frustrated about this short notice of the school closing. We as a whole should be reimbursed for school uniforms and etc. We as the parents need to be heard. Our children are devastated and upset from the news of this school closing. This is a major set back for some and many will find it hard to cope with this traumatic change.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheryl Welton