• Support the Testing Boycott - Ice the ISAT!
    Administration of this meaningless test means students will lose hours of valuable classroom instruction time, disrupting as many as ten school days. The ISAT is not used for any valid purpose and will not be given after the 2013-2014 school year. CPS plans to force this test on students at the same time that students also are required to take NWEA MAP tests, new Interim Benchmark Tests, REACH Performance Tasks, ACCESS tests, NAEP tests, pilot Common Core tests and more. Over-testing of students has come with real costs to their education. Students need fewer tests and more access to arts, languages and a broad, rich curriculum. Students need meaningful and educationally appropriate assessments, not more standardized tests. The concerns of parents and educators have been ignored for too long! We support the parents, teachers and students who have taken action for better schools and against over-testing.
    2,473 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Luskin
  • Mandatory SAT and ACT Prep Classes in All Oklahoma Public Schools
    A college education today is no longer a guarantee into the job market but is considered mandatory by many employers so it is of utmost importance that we provide the new generation with the necessary tools to make college more of a reality. Almost every accredited university requires an applicant to take either the ACT or SAT tests, sometimes both, yet preparation classes for these exams are time consuming and costly, presenting an injustice when students are not able to afford these extracurricular luxuries. Currently there is a problem of systemic discrimination in college admittance processes, specifically to do with standardized aptitude testing. This petition for in-school mandatory SAT/ACT and college preparatory classes is not about catering specifically to the entrance exams. More than that, it is about preparing disadvantaged, low-income, and minority students for whatever exams, essays, and applications that they will need to have an in-depth understanding in order to compete for college entry. The test prep industry rakes in $1 billion annually with expert classes, such as Kaplan, offered at $300. If a student cannot afford to pay for test prep books and classes that are privately offered, then they cannot equally compete with other students who have a leg up on the competition. The purpose of this petition is to help level the playing field and give every student an equal opportunity to be prepared for the college application process. This is not to say that every student be required to enroll in these prep classes, but that each public high school be required to at least offer the course as an elective so that each student may choose if they wish to enroll or not. Please join us in signing this petition to promote educational equality and give the future generation the resources they require to make a difference.
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Faye Womack
  • Gov. Corbett: Restore Full and Fair School Funding
    Since taking office in 2011, Gov. Corbett has expanded tax breaks for corporations and the energy industry while cutting $1 billion from education statewide. Under his leadership alone, 24 schools have been closed, and 4,000 teachers and school support staff have been laid off. Take a stand right now and send a letter to the governor demanding that he restore and protect public education for all.
    7,742 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by American Federation of Teachers Picture
  • Pass the New York Dream Act
    A decade ago, New York led the nation by allowing undocumented students to pay instate tuition rates at its public universities. Now, we have the opportunity to make greater progress on this issue by giving these students access to state financial aid. This will allow more students to attend college, graduate, and reach their full potential. Earlier this week, Governor Cuomo stated he would sign the NY Dream Act if it reached his desk. Today, the NY State Assembly passed the bill. Now, we have to pressure the NY State Senate to do the same. Tell the NY State Senate: Pass the NY Dream Act now!
    1,794 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ivan
    The children in the ITALC class (room 108 and 109) are being forcefully removed from Francis Scott Key. The students in both classrooms are the most severely disabled in the entire school district. The ITALC program is the only program in the city that supports the needs of our children. It gives them the opportunity to communicate through electronic devices, because they are unable to communicate in any other form. The children will no longer have a class that meets their needs. The ITALC is the only form of education that our children can receive. The school district is treating these children as second class citizens by trying to take the rights to go to school and receive the special education that they deserve and need. Please sign and support this petition and forward to your friends, families and coworkers. Thank You, From the parents in rooms 108 and 109!
    1,205 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lillian Moncada
  • Save our children's education
    Tallahassee republican politicians have proposed that the Holmes County schools concentrate on funneling our children into low paying blue collar jobs, the jobs that disappearing the fastest to automation. I believe that our children are equally capable of being the future leaders of our nation and our commerce and culture just as they are any other place in these United States, and they should not be hindered nor diverted by any deliberate truncation or modification of their educations for this purpose.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by charles smith
  • Unweighted GPAs are Unfair to LS Students
    In a time when record numbers of students are applying for admission to colleges and universities, LS students are at a disadvantage due to the school's policy of not reweighting GPAs to reflect the rigor of coursework offered at the school. Students are less competitive with their peers in many neighboring communities that do reweight their GPA, and they are often ineligible for merit scholarships that are based soley on GPA and test scores. Its time to give our students the recognition they deserve for the rigorous coursework they complete in high school. It's time to reweight GPAs.
    254 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Amy Miller
  • Cameras In Special Needs Classrooms California ( CISNC CA )
    After my sons incident and meeting other mothers who have dealt with this horrible experience we are determined to make a change! I also want to protect the teachers who are wrongfully accused. NOT all teachers are "monsters". I will continue to go to school board meetings, media, and etc to address this issue. I was told having cameras in classrooms is a "Privacy" issue I strongly agree with this comment I read from an article : " Any privacy issue should override the safety of our children"- Tara H We are a small group of strong mothers that are in it to win it! Please help us with this journey and sign!
    317 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Georgina Robles
  • Against ISK Expulsions
    Nine (12% of) Grade 12 students have just been expelled for personal possession or consumption of a prohibited substance on a school trip. For all of them this was a first offence. This expulsion came just weeks before final exams. They are now unable to complete High School exams, nor the IB, nor graduate from High School. Most of them had university offers which they now have to forego. What these students did was wrong and we, their parents, agree they should undergo consequences and learn from their foolish mistake. The ISK High School Handbook stipulates the following consequential options for this type of violation: 'in-school or at-home suspension; social/behavioural probation; in-school or external counselling; recommendation of expulsion'. ISK chose expulsion for all nine students who were caught. We think this punishment is disproportionate to the violation, and does not provide any value in terms of educational development for our children. One foolish mistake or bad choice and any ISK teenager could face the same lasting consequences. Please show your opposition to ISK's decision to expel the nine High School students by signing this petition. If you can, please leave a comment saying if you are an ISK parent, an educationalist etc.
    843 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Tell Albany to Pass NYC's Universal Pre-K Plan
    We know Pre-K and after-school work. Study after study shows that high-quality investments in early education and extended day learning can boost student achievement and success for years afterward. But today, most children in New York City still don’t have access to free full-day, high quality Pre-K, and tens of thousands of middle school students miss out on educational after-school programs. Universal Pre-K is not a new idea. In fact, Albany has been talking about universal Pre-K ever since 1997. But the money to make it a reality has never come through. To expand Pre-K and after-school, we need a steady, predictable source of funding. That’s why we need Albany to pass UPKNYC’s plan to pay for these critical investments by asking New Yorkers who earn more than $500,000 a year to pay a little bit more in taxes.
    7,098 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Nixon
  • Take action -- climate science education for Nevada students!
    This coming Wednesday, February 26, the Nevada State Board of Education will vote on whether Nevada students will be taught climate science as part of the Next Generation Science Standards. But opposition from vocal groups to the new standards is growing across the country, including here in Nevada, in part because the standards teach kids the facts about climate change. State Board of Education members need to hear from parents, grandparents and science supporters immediately. This is a crucial moment that will determine whether or not Nevada students will receive a 21st science education, or whether they will be held back because of those who don’t “believe” in climate change and other accepted findings of science. At a time when climate change-impacted drought is threatening water supplies throughout Nevada, it’s more important than ever for Nevada students to gain a strong understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change so they can be part of the solution. Let’s send the Board a strong message that our kids deserve the best possible science education that includes learning about climate change. Please sign the petition calling on the Board to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards. If we act today, our children and grandchildren will thank us tomorrow! Sincerely, Gretchen Huie, Mom and Science Educator Zephyr Cove, NV
    863 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Gretchen Huie
  • My Educational Choice!
    Don't victimize young people by forcing them into areas of study that do not reinforce their educational/career goals. What of the students whose ambitions are being hampered by forced course work in disciplines not related to their educational/career goals? Where is the return on their family's educational investment from public school taxes?
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Conklin