• President Grigsby: Respect Academic Freedom!
    On February 10, Moravian College Professor Gary Olson penned an op-ed in The Morning Call. (Read it here: http://bit.ly/1e5uog2) He discussed the 9/11 memorial which he had recently visited, Noel John Foster, a former student of his killed in the World Trade Center, and the commitment to peace and opposition to U.S. foreign policy that both Olson and Foster held in common. In a move unbefitting a Moravian College President, a week later President Bryon Grigsby wrote a letter to the editor attacking Dr. Olson. (The full text of the letter is below.) • Grigsby doesn't engage with any of the ideas or assertions that Olson wrote, preferring to attack him saying anything political at all. That's not a debate of ideas. That's an attempt to silence. • Given Noel Foster's own activist politics (Noel himself was an anti-apartheid activist as a student), it's especially galling to insist that Olson keep a "political platform" out of any discussion about his former student. No one has the right to police how people choose to remember their loved ones. • Writing that Olson "does not speak on behalf of Moravian College" is unnecessary, because that fact was never in question, so it simply serves to try and isolate Olson from the college and community he has called home for decades. Agree with him or not, Gary Olson is the rare academic who actually writes for mainstream consumption. This is the first time we can find that a President has chosen to publicly rebuke him. President Grigsby: We urge you to resist whatever censorious pressures you are receiving. If past Moravian presidents, including an Air Force lieutenant general, weren't threatened by Dr. Olson’s engagement in the debate of ideas, then we suggest you take a cue from your predecessors. If not for Dr. Olson’s sake, for the sake of non-tenured and adjunct professors who no doubt now feel unsafe in speaking their conscience. President Grigsby’s letter: "The greatest value all colleges and universities share is the open and free debate of ideas within its community. The act of debate makes for a stronger college, a more vibrant community, a better-informed citizenry and a stronger nation. It is with this in mind that I write to share my concern regarding Gary Olson's latest Your View, 'Visit to 9/11 Memorial prompts reflections on attacks.' In the Your View, he uses the tragic death of a Moravian alumnus, Noel Foster, who died in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center as an opportunity to promote his own political platform. I did not know Noel personally, but in the face of unimaginable circumstances, Noel made choices that epitomized bravery and concern for others. This is how he should be memorialized. While Gary Olson is more than welcome to express his personal belief and opinions, he does not speak on behalf of Moravian College or the alumni, students, faculty or staff." (Link to Grigsby’s letter here: http://bit.ly/1gDaA8S)
    365 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Concerned Moravian College Community Members
  • Save Our Schools
    OCPS promised Richmond Heights Elementary a new school by supporting the 1/2 sales tax. Then voted to close the school and now want us to support the extension of the 1/2 sales tax.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marcus robinson
  • Level Playing Field
    My faith based school/childcare is accredited by Green Apple Association of Christian Schools, (GAACS). PCB EDC 14-01 is coming up for a committee vote on Thursday, February 20, 2014 or soon thereafter. As your constituent, it is important that you file or support an amendment to the proposed committee bill to create a level playing field for GAACS Accredited Schools/ChildCare Providers. GAACS is an accrediting agency that has consistently believed in meeting and exceeding the state licensing standards and conducting inspections. My faith based school/childcare has been inspected routinely by GAACS validators/inspectors and we wish to continue this process. An amendment to lines 259-279 accepting GAACS inspections to meet substantial compliance requirements in lieu of the department or local licensing agencies would level the playing field, avoid overarching, government involvement in faith based schools/childcare programs, relieve unnecessary burden on the department, and save tax dollars for the state. An amendment to lines 711-722 including GAACS in the list of accrediting agencies would level the playing field for GAACS accredited schools/childcare providers to participate in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Program without having to apply for gold seal accreditation which is a higher threshold to meet.
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by GAACS
  • Movement to re-examine the current Union College off-campus housing process.
    Union College's current policies regarding off campus housing are creating situations that force students to sign leases based off of landlord pressure prior to being released off campus. This has created a tremendous issue in which over 30,000 dollars has been put down on housing by students who have yet to be released by the college due to its current policies which neglect many of the realities of the off campus housing process. Over the past few years off campus housing has become incredibly competitive with leases being signed freshmen and sophomore year. Because of this students are often forced to sign or lose a house they are interested in because of the increased demand. This problem has been compounded by the simple reality that the campus has become over crowded in certain areas creating an image of overcrowding. When students arrive on campus they are at times forced into makeshift triples and quads in Davidson and West where rooms are incredibly tight. This has subsequently fostered a desire to get off campus, that has been taken up by many seniors in my class who have decided that part of the college experience should be the ability to live in a real world environment prior to graduation should you so desire. This petition is an invitation to the administration to reexamine an obviously flawed system and allow these seniors the prerogative to enjoy their final year as they desire. Sincerely, Union College Class of 2015 Below is a copied residential life email sent to the current sophomores last spring (5/1/13) highlighting occupancy issues, forced triples, and release for lottery for all students... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class of 2016, Over the last three years, Union has experienced an increase in our student population and we are working on plans to create more housing accommodations. In the meantime, we have hit a point where our living space has reached capacity and we need to make some changes to our housing options. In order to allow you to potentially make changes to your living arrangements, please note the following: - The housing lottery and selection process, scheduled for 5 p.m. Thursday, May 2, has been postponed until 5 p.m. next Thursday, May 9, in Memorial Chapel. - We have re-opened the off campus release process, and are willing to release more people off campus. This applies to everyone on campus. - We have designated up to 40 rooms in College Park Hall as triples. Students who select a triple in College Park during the lottery will be given a housing rebate of $1,000 for the academic year or $333 per term, which will be credited to your student account. Groups of three who volunteer to move into a triple will get first choice of the triple rooms in College Park Hall before the sophomore lottery starts. - If space is freed up elsewhere on campus during the summer, or in winter or spring, those who are tripled will get first choice of available housing on a first come, first served basis. Once you move out of the triple, the rebate will no longer be in effect. If you have questions, please visit the Residential Life office, located in 409 Reamer Campus Center. Be sure to create a contingency plan so that if you do not end up in your first choice housing, you will be prepared to live in a College Park Hall triple. We understand that this is an inconvenience, and we will continue to work with you in any away we can. If you have any questions, please talk with your Residence Director, or call our office at (518) 388-6117. Thank you for your attention. Office of Residential Life ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    822 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Nathaniel Raynor
  • Video Cameras in children with UNIQUE CHALLENGES CLASSROOMS.
    My son has Cerebral Palsy and Autism, he has been mistreated in three different schools. I have met with over 267 parents who has experienced worse or similar situations. We must be the voice for children that cant speak and the ears for the children that can't hear. It will not only assist parents in knowing what goes on daily, it will be a great documenting tool to protect the instructor. ..It's a win win. Please help me ..and every parent that unfortunately, felt the pain of our innocent child in a unpleasant environment.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lala Dunson
  • Return scored PSSA tests to families and teachers so tests can be educationally useful.
    Our kids are subjected to long state tests and hours of test preparation. Children are missing recess and arts programs are being cut to accommodate more test prep. The students diligently take these high stress, high stakes tests, and they never get an opportunity to review their specific performance. They merely receive a score six months later. What are these tests for if not to improve our children's educations?
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kathy
  • Save Our Brookline Extended Day Programs
    Brookline extended day programs have provided over 40 years of highly successful and enriching programs. They are managed by Parent-run Boards; and as non-profit organizations, deliver high-quality programs at no cost to the schools or to the town, serving exclusively the children of the Brookline public school system and their working parents. Keep our extended day programs intact!
    519 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Gabriellal Strecker
  • Keep Burke in the Kimmel School
    Without Burke our program would fall further and further due to his love for helping students succeed, get internships, and to get permeant jobs after graduation.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tyler Tyndall
  • Call for an Open Search for Next KHSD Superintendent
    In January 2014, Kern High School District (KHSD) Superintendent Donald E. Carter announced he is retiring, as of August 2014. The Kern High School District Board of Trustees announced they only plan to conduct an internal search, despite public pressure from community stakeholders urging an open search. While we acknowledge that there may be competent candidates currently serving KHSD, we believe our community will benefit from the widest possible search for the most forward thinking and highly skilled candidate. We need a superintendent with substantial experience and the qualities necessary to tackle the issues and challenges facing the district at this juncture.
    217 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Camila Chavez
  • Douglas McQueer for HCS Superintendent
    We love our school and are tired of it being destroyed by an incompetent school board.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michele McQueer
  • HISD: #KeepSchoolsOpen!
    I am an alum from Jones High School (one of the schools on the chopping block). With parents and stakeholders standing up for schools across the city, HISD must use creativity and innovation to meet its challenges. I will not stand idly by as Mr. Grier closes schools in low-income neighborhoods. Public education should be just that: public, and accessible. Where will our children go to school when these schools close? Across town? And who will have to pay for that? Our community. Superintendent Terry Grier, don't close down Houston schools. We need to invest in our children, not bail out on them. Take our schools off the chopping block and keep them open!
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Debra Walker
  • Removal of Superintendent and President of the Central Islip School District
    This is my second child that has been hit by a teacher in Central Islip School, the teachers are not made accountable for their verbal abuse or physical abuse and it has to stop. Our Children's Education and Safety should be our top priority. We need to hire and Elect officials that want to do their jobs. Give our children a quality education and safe environment.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Concerned Parent