• Our City, Our Schools
    This petition is about the future of public education in Philadelphia
    884 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Whitehorne, on Behalf of Progressive Philly Rising
  • We want change in Manor
    What happened to Kevin Brackmeyer , this week,deserves action. This is a patent political hatchet job against the best thing that has ever happened to Manor ISD.I am a Mother of 4 in the district and a Parent Volunteer. I saw MHS go from someplace that was dangerous to work in, much less learn in, to a safe, respectful, multicultural environment. I saw that school transform from Academically Unacceptable, both in ranking and in spirit, into an institution that was reaching its potential more and more each day under his leadership. I personally witnessed Kevin Brackmeyer stay above the petty politics and personal interests that infest much of district leadership, so that he could always act in what he believed was the best interest of the children of Manor ISD, and I genuinely believe that it was his refusal to be a lackey for the school board that led to his unceremonious dismissal now. Voters in Manor: recognize that the school board members that vote against Kevin Brackmeyer do not have your best interests at heart, nor those of your children. Why do they need a closed meeting regarding this decision? Why can’t they give details about dismissing a man who has nothing but a glowing track record at a job he was thrown into with little warning? This principal has garnered national attention and a presidential visit to Manor ISD. Manor’s success has been no accident, and I worry that his dismissal will return MHS and the district to the deplorable place that it was 6 years ago.: one that was getting closer to its full potential daily through clear, determined leadership. This — getting rid of Brackmeyer — is a smokescreen for the board president’s own corruption and incompetence. Voters of Manor ISD, here are some facts you should consider as you decide: 1. Whether to send your kids to the schools. 2. Whether to vote for Desiree Cornelius Fisher. These are verifiable: 1. Cornelius Fisher has forced two highly-paid curriculum officials – ——-in science and ——- in mathematics – to tutor her adult daughter, who failed in a previous attempt to pass the teacher certification test. Both have been placed in a very uncomfortable position, but they know their jobs depend on it. This is criminal misuse of public resources. 2. ——– in the district’s IT department has repeatedly been asked to repair computers for Cornelius Fisher and her family members. Another example of criminal misappropriation of public resources. The people named here are hard-working and might understandably be reluctant to come forward, but there are likely emails and/or text messages documenting the these activities. These two instances are clear cases of misuse of taxpayer money. There are other “well-known” instances of abuse and misuse that I can’t provide specifics on, but I am confident that, if we dig just a little below the surface, you will find evidence of: • Other misuse of funds by Cornelius Fisher. Look into her reimbursed expenses, travel, meals, etc. It’s outrageous. • Violations of the Texas Education Code, which prohibits school board members from undue interference in the day-to-day running of the district., such as interfering with lower-level hiring decisions. Ask for phone logs and emails. Her governance of the school district is a complete train wreck. There is rampant interference with the administration and abuse of power. The district is filled with economically disadvantaged children who need all the help they can get. The school children in Manor need everyone pulling in the same direction. They need their curriculum experts focused on them, not the school board president’s adult daughter. It’s time to take back our school system.
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Anna Horn
  • President Obama: Racing belongs in the Olympics, not in school funding!
    We were glad that President Obama's State of the Union emphasized education throughout his speech — especially the urgent need for universal access to high quality Pre-K and other early education programs. As Obama put it: "Research shows that one of the best investments we can make in a child's life is high-quality early education." However, we need to find an equitable way to achieve this important goal. Obama's reliance on competitive grants, known as Race to the Top, pits states and districts against each other at a time when most education budgets are still dangerously underfunded. Even worse, many of the requirements for eligibility aren't proven solutions, and can even have a negative effect on our schools: increases in charter schools, increased standardized testing, and untested programs of teacher evaluation. Nor do the grants provide the serious funding and resources needed to make sure children can meet the high standards that Race to the Top imposes. Please take a moment to tell President Obama: leave racing and jumping through hoops for the Olympics. All our children deserve equitably funded schools!
    513 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Opportunity Action
  • Support The College Affordability Act, Senate Bill 1!
    The College Affordability Act, Senate Bill 1 , has been described as "an aggressive attempt to reverse a trend of increasing costs." The bill will enable Colorado to increase state funding for schools so colleges won't hike up tuition for students. The state's colleges and universities would receive about $100 million in operating costs and financial aid from the state, and the schools would promise not to raise their tuition rates by more than 6 percent. The bill picks up on a pair of 2014-15 budget proposals made in November. Read more about it here http://bit.ly/1ffiZxN
    173 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Iris Maria
  • Tell Congress to Support IN-STATE for Dreamers Act
    On Thursday, January 16, Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) introduced “The Investing IN States To Achieve Tuition Equity (IN-STATE) for Dreamers Act of 2014”. The bill will provide federal funds to states that offer in-state tuition or state financial aid to undocumented students in their states. High tuition and overwhelming student loan debt can impact any student, but current policies make these problems particularly debilitating for those who are undocumented. Students who graduated high school and grew up in the U.S. deserve a fair shot at attending college here, regardless of their immigration status. An affordable college education is an increasingly vital component to achieving the American Dream—let’s give all students a chance to succeed. You can help by signing this petition and passing it on to your networks. Learn more about the bill here: http://1.usa.gov/1dzdxBL and read and share the word with your network here: http://bit.ly/1k8TqQV
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Iris Maria
  • Comprehensive Health Education Is needed for K-12th
    What appears to be missing is national, or local, conversations about preparing students to be emotionally, socially and physically healthy. There are National Health Education Standards that need to be implemented.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Kuenz
  • Tell Congress: We Need Early Education for All!
    In his State of the Union Address, President Obama reaffirmed the importance of early childhood education: "Research shows that one of the best investments we can make in a child's life is high-quality early education. Last year, I asked this Congress to help states make high-quality pre-K available to every 4-year-old. And as a parent as well as a president, I repeat that request tonight." The bipartisan Strong Start for America's Children Act is a landmark bill that will expand universal access to high-quality pre-kindergarten services for all 3- and 4-year-olds, especially kids from low-income families. It will also strengthen quality child care for infants and toddlers. Studies show that children from low-income and underserved communities enter kindergarten already behind their classmates in key areas such as oral language and vocabulary skills. We must close the opportunity gap before it starts: early childhood education is a proven way to ensure that all students have a fair shot at success in school and in life. We need House and Senate leadership to see clear momentum right NOW for this must-pass legislation. Tell your members of Congress: stand with the President and endorse the Strong Start for America's Children Act!
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Opportunity Action
  • Keep the lottery scholarship accessible to all, especially low-income and underserved students
    Cutting off groups of students is NOT the solution for saving the "cash-strapped" Lottery Scholarship program! The Lottery Scholarship needs to keep the college dream alive and accessible for our New Mexican students and families, especially for those who are undeserved and come from lower-income communities. Statistics and research clearly demonstrate that vulnerable groups ARE NOT the greatest beneficiaries of the NM Lottery Scholarship Funds. The public needs to keep in mind that increases in GPA and minimum course requirements place a greater strain on students during a crucial transition period from high school to college. A incoming freshmen who earned a B- (2.67 GPA) average their first semester in college would NOT ATTAIN the Lottery Scholarship if the minimum GPA requirement is increased to a 2.75 GPA. Increasing course load requirements will also place a significant strain on students who have to work and go to school. Many of our New Mexican students come from economically struggling households. Many of their families CANNOT support them financially and thus they have no alternative but to work. Is it reasonable then to require all students statewide to now take 5 classes instead of 4? If both GPA and course load requirements are increased, it is expected that we will see up to a 68% FAILURE ATTAINMENT rate for minority students and up to a 75% FAILURE ATTAINMENT rate for students in the lower third income bracket. Let's support (and not penalize) our New Mexican students and families by sending the message loud and clear to power players that we want to keep higher education accessible. Education is a human right and a necessity if we are striving to improve the economy of our state. We know that there is a direct correlation between education level and overall quality of life. Keeping the Lottery Scholarship accessible makes good economic sense for the state of New Mexico.
    3,283 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by New Mexico Coalition for Equity and Justice
    Legislation proposed to change current law regarding Charter Schools, SB1085, does harm in that it removes or severely limits the oversight of our democratically elected school board members. Specifically: • SB1085 allows “institutions of higher learning” to AUTHORIZE Charter Schools instead of your local school board members. Charter Schools authorized by institutions of higher learning would not have ANY local oversight. • SB1085 allows Charter schools to merge. Once a merger occurs, these entities may petition the Pennsylvania Department of Education for oversight by that Department………..removing all local control. • SB1085 DOUBLES the Charter renewal period from 5 to 10 years. This means that local elected officials must wait twice as long to deny the renewal of Charters for underperforming Charter Schools which could prevent Charter School students from attaining a quality education. • SB1085 establishes a Charter School Funding Advisory Board whose members are STACKED IN FAVOR OF Charter Schools. This board is not tasked to consider the financial impact that Charter Schools have on traditional public schools. Overfunding of Charter Schools, especially Cyber Charter Schools is already causing unnecessary property tax increases and is jeopardizing the financial stability of traditional public schools. Local districts may cease to exist due to the financial burdens imposed upon them (and YOU) by excessive Charter School payments and expedited Charter School Growth. Petition Background It is well known that the current Charter School Law needs to be updated, mainly in the areas of overfunding of Charter Schools, the double dip pension issue, and the many conflicts of interest that are occurring in regard to Charter School Management Corporations. While SB1085 takes some steps in the right direction regarding these issues, THE LEGISLATION MUST NOT PASS IN ITS CURRENT FORM due to the many ways in which the Bill removes YOUR VOICE as a property tax payer in Pennsylvania. PLEASE sign this petition to ensure that YOUR elected local school board officials maintain control over Charter Schools, thus protecting your property tax dollars! Let’s send an urgent message to our legislators! Please sign!
    738 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Denise Kurnas
  • Revoke the Accreditation of Colorado Mountain College (CMC)
    I feel that CMC has taken too much money from big oil and gas to think that they could have an unbiased focus for a sustainability program. Yes, I I was personally affected by by this coalition of big gas and oil and CMC. I formally taught environmental ethics at CMC and was terminated whn my class uncovered a plot, involving the former CMC president, to put a natural gas pumping station on our campus. We exposed this to the public and that project was stopped. The president was terminated, apparently because of this...and so was I for exposing it.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Bogner
  • Tell Cami Anderson: Stop the One Newark Plan
    Cami Anderson, who was appointed by Gov. Chris Christie to oversee Newark schools, has proposed a top-down school plan called One Newark. A new Rutgers University study shows that Anderson’s One Newark plan has serious flaws. The schools bearing the brunt of the consequences have a greater share of low-income and black and Latino students. The schools that are being kept open are not used more than the schools slated for closure. And the charter operators that would take over the closed neighborhood schools don’t have a record of achieving better outcomes. The plan reduces students to a test score. Imposing this plan on a community that opposes it is doomed to fail. And the suspension of principals for engaging in dialogue with us shows just how out of touch this plan is. Students, teachers, school support staff, parents and community members are joining together to tell Anderson to stop this plan. She was wrong about suspending the principals. She is wrong about One Newark, too. Let’s take back our schools and reclaim the promise of public education in Newark. Add your voice.
    2,320 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kristin Towkaniuk, Newark Students Union, NJ Communities United member.
  • School District of Philadelphia Counselors Needed Now!
    " The massive elimination of school counselors in the Philadelphia School District has left children in desperation without receiving lawful, critically needed services. All counselors need to be restored NOW, so that educational and emotional needs are addressed immediately . The bleeding must stop, before these children end up on life support. SOS! SOS! SAVE OUR STUDENTS ! A mind is a terrible thing to waste." " The lack of critically needed services has already led to the DEATH of a student, do we dare risk MORE lives? "
    952 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Stuart Rosenberg