• Forgive existing 'paid-in-full' student loan debt(s).
    If the original amount of the student loan has been paid back, forgive the rest of the debt, forgive the penalties, interest(s), capitalized interest, and capitalized loan(s). In today's economy, there is no reason to keep 'capitalizing interest' and adding to what turns into an un-payable debt. Even with a good job, the above puts the payer at near poverty levels.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Frazer
    Early Mental Health Initiative provides grade children (K-3) in California with prevention and early intervention programs for students experiencing mild-to-moderate school adjustment difficulties. Governor Brown is proposing to eradicate the State's authority to administer the EMHI program and directly dispense the $15 million in funds to the Local Education Agencies who may not use these funds for EMHI purposes. Resulting in these funds being utilized for other programs, besides mental health services for children.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Angie
    Oak Park and River Forest High School (OPRF) is about to dismiss 21 teahcers, according to the official records of the School Board. Among those at risk are multiple language teachers, invaluable history teachers - every single academic department but athletics is on the chopping block. According to the official budget of District 200, OPRF has a budget surplus, making these teacher firings uncalled for. We're calling on the School Board and the Administration of OPRF to repeal the dismissals they voted upon and to support the educational well being of students by reexamining the budget and, if necessary, cutting from elsewhere.
    1,501 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Meeks
  • student loan forgiveness
    Forgiving student loans, many students are facing dificult situations as our economy is still struggling to make a come back. Many of us are in default not willingly, however we have not been able to secure a career.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Aguirre
  • Support Cash for College- A Social Benefits evolution
    In 2009 Congress and President Obama approved a $50 Billion college expense reimbursement credit to help students and families pay for college. The credit known as the American Opportunity Tax Credit or AOTC provides undergraduate college students with a refund of up to $2500 per year for education related expenses. The credit is intended to reduce the cost of attendance and to reduce the now total outstanding student loan debt which now exceeds $1 TRILLION. Although millions of hardworking, taxpaying, educated Americans are being crushed under the weight of their educational debts, while the economy continues to sputter. Many are not aware that Aid in the form of Education tax benefits are already available. According to a report by Sallie Mae nearly 55% of borrwers fail to take advantage of eligible education tax benefits, aid intended to stimulate family and community economies and limit student debt. The ineffectiveness of the implementation of the AOTC can be remedied by requiring Colleges and Universities to provide education and resources on Education related tax benefits to students and parents. In addition as identified the creation of a Social Benefits Administration division within the IRS is a predominent need of tax reform which would enhance the agencies service to the public. Sign this petition to support reducing the cost of attendence at your College or University by requiring Cash for College, resources and education for Education Tax Credits and supporting Social Benefit Administration Tax Reform. We encourage petitioners to start petitions for their College or University. For more information visit www.facebook.com/generateus or www.123taxcredit.com
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Wong
  • Keep kindergarten In Harrisburg school District!
    I wanted to start this petition not only because I have a child soon to start Harrisburg school district..but also to get everybody who feels the way I feel about this issue to sign so we have a voice..divided we may not seem like much but together we have a voice! Please sign...
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shauntaevia Day
  • Demolish School to Prison Pipeline in Seattle Schools: Establish Restorative Justice
    African-American students in our public schools get disciplined three times more than white students, even though white students outnumber them two to one. These disciplinary actions easily escalate into unnecessary suspensions, the best predictor of dropping out of school. Students who drop out are 3.5 times more likely of getting arrested. This systematic pushing out of students from schools onto the streets disproportionately affects poor students, students of color and LGBT youth. The Seattle School Board can decide to prohibit suspensions and expulsion as a disciplinary action in schools, and use a restorative justice model to deal with conflict. When the Denver public school system began using this practice, they saw a 80% drop in school conflicts.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aimee Santos-Lyons
  • Fixed interest rates on all Government backed student loans
    If you're a current or former student unable to ever catch up with student loan payments because of increasing balances due to daily compounded interest rates, help me send the message to the White House and Congress to introduce legislation that will make interest rates fixed on all existing and future government backed student loans.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph E. Kenol
  • Protect TRS and SURS as the State Constitution demands
    The Illinois Constitution clearly states: SECTION 5. PENSION AND RETIREMENT RIGHTS Membership in any pension or retirement system of the State, any unit of local government or school district, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, shall be an enforceable contractual relationship, the benefits of which shall not be diminished or impaired.
    730 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Howard S. Miller
  • Private Student Loan Consumer Protections
    This petition is to get back standard consumer protection - including bankruptcy to Private Student Loans. Private Students Loans are not federally insured and therefore should be treated like any other private debt (Credit Cards, Mortgage, Car Loans etc...) Bankruptcy protection was removed from Private Student Loans in 2005 after intense Lobbying by Student Loan giants. Congress amended Title 11 of the Federal Financial Insolvency Codes which took this protection away. Student Lending Giants claimed that adding private student loans to this would help them offer lower interest rates and more favorable terms to student borrowers who did not qualify for federally insured loans. This has in fact had the opposite effect and instead is used as a huge money making tool for student lenders.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Luster
  • Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness
    In 2005 Congress passed a law that protected private unsecured student loans against bankruptcy. This is an unfair practice and allows financial institutions federal protection on a private debt. This would be likened to not being able to discharge a credit card in bankruptcy because the credit card was protected by federal law. It is not fair to the consumer and negates the true reason for bankruptcy to begin with.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Luster
  • Urge Tennessee Governor Haslam to support sound science and veto HB 368
    Tennessee is on the verge of turning the clock of science education back to 1925, the days of the Scopes Monkey Trial, and Governor Bill Haslam is the only one who can stop it. Last week, the Tennessee State Legislature passed legislation (HB 368/SB 893), which allows classroom teachers to position well-established scientific topics such as evolution and global warming as "controversial." The bill is the brainchild of Senator Bo Watson, who claims that the bill will help improve student's critical thinking skills. But leading scholars and science education groups strongly disagree, and have widely condemned the bill. If this bill becomes law, the students of Tennessee will suffer its consequences. As the American Association for the Advancement of Science explains, “Asserting that there are significant scientific controversies about the overall nature of these concepts when there are none will only confuse students, not enlighten them.” Students confused about well-established scientific facts will have a harder time getting into college, more difficulty getting the high-tech jobs of the 21st century, and will be unprepared to deal with the very real impacts of climate change that are their inheritance. This bill will also damage the state's reputation as a leader in science education, and could harm science and technology jobs in Tennessee. Governor Haslam has the ability to stop all of this from happening, which is why we strongly urge him to veto the bill today!
    6,266 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Larisa R.G. DeSantis