• We Can't Afford College Anymore
    Pennsylvania State Governor Tom Corbett is cutting 20% to 30% of the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. This includes funding for state schools, driving the price of tuition exponentially higher. As college students, we can barely afford college as it is, even at a state school. Loans are not ideal but we have no other recourse. We can't let this stand. College students need to be able to pay for college. Sign this petition and help us keep ourselves in school.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colton Long
  • Bullying should be taken seriously
    teachers and principles have not reconized bullying is bad in some schools and have not addressed this issue to parents, therefore the kids are getting bad grades and all the parents do is nothing but get mad at them.. i want to make it so these people get some sort of punishment for not doing anything or at least a warning please everyone help
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dale pennock
  • Restore Tax Exempt Status of Graduate and Postdoc Stipends
    This petition aims to have the obama administration restore the once held federal tax exemption for graduate students and extend it to post-doctoral fellows. We need to encourage people to pursue higher education degrees, and adding a financial incentive will ensure the best and brightest obtain PhDs and work in the United States to grow our economy and spur innovation.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Samuels
  • Congress: Help Support Parents and Communities Involvement with Schools
    Schools need to develop partnerships with parents and communities, to increase their ability to inspire students' success, especially those most in need.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg Schenkel
  • The right way to govern Pennsylvania
    It is time for people living in the state to realize what poor choices our governor is making for us. We need to mount an attack on his unbelievable distorted vision on education. Don't let him ruin our educational system because he has spent that money elsewhere.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sandra k. mcconnell
  • Save Port Washington Schools
    PWSD is poised to lose teachers, afterschool club funding and PEP. This cannot happen. We parents appeal to the Port Washington Board of Education to stop these budget cuts and stand for students and education. We ask that Jon Kaiman, Jack Martins, Dina DiGiorgio stand together against these budget cuts.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grace Chow
  • Save Daly Elementary PEP
    PWSD is poised to lose teachers, afterschool club funding and PEP. This cannot happen. We parents appeal to the Port Washington Board of Education to stop these budget cuts and stand for students and education. We ask that Jon Kaiman, Jack Martins, Dina DiGiorgio stand together against these budget cuts.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grace Chow
  • HF 1870 The end of LIFO
    The end of seniority based layoffs; let teacher evaluations determine.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sean Ley
  • Students against FAU decisions
    FAU is cutting our core required classes to graduate and blaming it on the Legislative budget cuts. We have tried communicating with President Saunders, Provost Claiborne, and Dean Carter and they have all dismissed our opinons. It is time to become organized and collaborate to save our futures and be able to graduate.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Ottman
  • Keep hope scholarship available for our ga kids
    This petition is to ensure that gov deal and all of our congressmen keep their hands off of our hope scholarship. Without college education our children do not have a chance in the future. College is not and should not only be for the wealthy. Keep your paws off of our scholarship program!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rose sharif
  • student loan forgiveness
    This petition is about forgiving existing student loans, keeping college within reach without burying the next generation of educated members of our workforce under mountains of debt. A college education should be a right to everyone not only the privilaged and should never be a tool to make a profit off the less fortunate members of society who are attempting to better their lives through education
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barnard
    GOAL - 1 MILLION + PEOPLE!! My name is Josh Evans. I live in Springfield, Missouri. I feel that we need to improve the ways schools and families handle their kids. I believe that schools SHOULD NOT let the kids out of the building, unless a parent or legal guardian is there waiting for them. My thought is that if parents or guardians pick up their child, a faculty member stands outside and one by one dispatches a child to exit the building. If every school in the U.S. did that, children and students would be so much safer. I'm just wanting to get this out to government, and have them MAKE A STAND and KEEP OUR KIDS SAFE. That's why I started this page, the KEEP KIDS SAFE ACT, because I want to keep kids safe and away from predators and sex offenders. This page isn't just for elementary school students -- it's for EVERY CHILD WHO IS A STUDENT -- Preschool, elementary school, middle school, & high school. Please "LIKE" this page and let's get the word out.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Josh Evans