• Please help to end Supt. Barbara Thompson & MPS Board Members Deceptive Practices to RESEGREGATE ...
    In the wake of the most recent 6-1 decision in favor of Supt. Barbara Thompson's ridiculous recommendation to close neighborhood schools in low income predominantly Black communities we stand in solidarity to have this decision rescinded. Haunted by history in the most recent decision by Board members;Charlotte Meadows,Eleanor Dawkins, Mary Briers, Melissa Snowden, Heather Sellers, and Beverly Ross, is a troubling sign of genocide of the Black Community.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Jones
  • Governor Corbett: if you care about PA, fully fund education
    The future of a state, country, etc is based on the strong education of its citizens. Mr. Corbett is proposing to cut education funding by 50 %, so cutting the future of the state of Pennsylvania by 50 % or more (as educational deficits have exponential damaging consequences: higher poverty, crime, health risks, etc). Mr. Corbett must fund education 100% or more, if necessary, by taxing gas and other industries in PA.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pablo
  • To protest the recommendation to close Bowling Green State University's doctoral program in the S...
    The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Bowling Green State University has recommended the closure of the doctoral program in the School of Media and Communication at BGSU. The school was told that that the overall quality of the program led to this decision, but no specific details or justifications were offered. Find the graduate dean's letter here: http://savesmcphd.wikispaces.com/
    1,373 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Smith Ekstrand
  • Stop Pennsylvania's billion-dollar cut to education
    Sign our petition to stop massive cuts to funding for elementary, secondary, and higher education in Pennsylvania. This petition is sponsored by Penn ACTION (http://pennaction.org) and Education Voters PA (http://educationvoterspa.org).
    34,594 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Marc Stier