• I support Dr. G.
    In August the BOE gave Dr. G an evaluation of average/satisfactory across all metrics measured. Average performance does not constitute firing the Superintendent. She has been Superintendent for one year; one year of working in the District after much turmoil where there is a historical lack of parental and community investment, a population of extreme poverty, and a long history of micromanagement by the previous BOE where all but two were voted out. It is absurd to think that anyone could control all of those factors and magically turn that history around in one year. Firing Dr. G is not only unwarranted, it is irresponsible. The students and teachers need continuity of strong leadership by both the Superintendent and the BOE. Such a change after a short time at the District would put the District on the wrong path. Over the last year, Dr. G has built an excellent executive team and has shown vision and leadership in developing the reading initiative, coordinating many partners and all schools onto the same reading program and focusing all partners onto a common means to a common goal. All of this while a lot of politics from the Mayor regarding the City’s support and many people still at the District who were and are part of the problem in causing such poor performance and a State takeover. In the last 6 years, State legislators have been harmful to the future of education in Alabama by enacting laws that have nothing to do with what is known in education policy or supporting schools and everything to do with naming and penalizing poor performing schools through the Accountability Act, the A-F school grading system and charter school law. None of these aforementioned items are under the control of Dr. G. Stand up and support Dr. G. I know the Board of Education can get back on the right path; they have shown good leadership over the past year. The BOE is not perfect and not all problems are solved. But that doesn’t mean that I advocate for them to all be voted out. The BOE meets Sept 22nd at 5:30.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Juliet Easlick
  • Stop Voter Intimidation in the Chicago Teachers Union
    Many of us teachers, myself included, intended to vote "yes" on a strike authorization this September. Many of us are disheartened by what we perceive to be the union pressuring us to vote in accordance with their political aims. Unions should by their very nature be democratic, and their methodology leaves a bad taste in our mouths.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sybil Ludington
  • Art-Mandatory or not?
    I'm starting this Petition because I think that art should not be a mandatory high school graduation requirement. This issue is currently affecting me now.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Moyer
  • MS 51 students should be able to use the bathroom!
    1100 students. 2 bathrooms. 6 stalls in each bathroom. That means that about 100 students will use each stall every day. The result: bathrooms unusable with sinks that often break down. These bathrooms are on the first floor of a three-story building. Although there are bathrooms throughout the entire school, students are forbidden from using them. Please help convince Ms. Lenore Berner, the principal of MS 51, to allow the students to use more than one bathroom per gender.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexa David-Lang
  • Stop the 4 x 4 block schedule at Wenatchee HS!
    As parents, students, teachers and members of the community we are alarmed to learn that a supposedly "final" decision to radically change the Wenatchee High School schedule was undertaken behind closed doors and with zero input from parents and students. This is more than a "schedule change." It is a decision to condense year-long classes into one semester, resulting in 37 fewer instructional hours per class. It's a decision to create potential gaps of 8-12 months between classes in subjects like math and foreign language. It's a decision to disrupt and possibly threaten the viability of year-long programs like Band, Mariachi, AVID, Choir, Orchestra, DECA, Sports Medicine and The Apple Leaf. A decision of this magnitude should not be undertaken by a committee of only teachers and administrators. Such a significant change in the delivery and content of curriculum should instead be implemented only after careful planning and the recommended 1-2 years of staff and curriculum development. The Wenatchee High School should convene a new, well-rounded committee that will represent a broad range of students, parents and teachers and engage in a transparent process to arrive at a solution that is best for our high school.
    334 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Committee to stop the 4x4
    MARIA PEREIRA MUST GO was created by myself, with the support of Bridgeport Public Schools Parent and Community Leaders because of MARIA PEREIRA continuous belligerent behavior directed towards collegeaues, PARENTS, BOE member's and ANYONE not in agreement with her bullying tactics She is in violation of the Robert rules of laws in her disruptive behaviors that consists of shouting, name calling, intimidation and unprofessional language. Her HISTORY of violence, criminal record and threats of lawsuits towards the Mayor and ANYONE that doesn't AGREE with her has the 21000 CHILDREN of Bridgeport held hostage. Her history of voting to endanger the welfare of Bridgeport Students and Community makes her unfit to be a BOE member any longer. She has voted to remove imperative staffing, paraprofessional from overcrowded classrooms, school police SRO. She voted to have children walk as young as kindergarten outside of the STATE of CT Guidelines. Her inability to work civilly with the current BOE members has caused a BOYCOTTING. MARIA PEREIRA MUST GO PERIOD! NO OTHER OPTIONS are Warranted! We the PARENTS and Children of Bridgeport Public Schools want HER RESIGNATION!
    1,212 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Wanda Simmons
  • Make Illinois Tuition-Free!
    The recent cuts to higher education have been devastating — valued faculty are leaving, and Illinois students are going to schools in other states. Meanwhile, young people and their families are being crushed by the high cost of college, even at our public institutions. A bold investment in free tuition would lift the burden of debt off the next generation and provide stable funding and a wave of enthusiasm for our public universities and community colleges.
    5,753 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Will Guzzardi
  • Student Loan Forgiveness!!!!
    We need to be freed from the high interest rates that the loans have submerged us in...Only to not be able to find jobs OR a livable wage.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MECHELLR
  • Tell University Administrators to Stop Their Anti-Union Campaign
    In the 1990s, I helped organize my fellow teaching assistants at the University of California, Berkeley. At the time, we were facing huge workloads, low pay and insecure health care. It took several years but with support from the UAW we ended up getting university administrators to negotiate with us and created a better workplace as a result. Flash forward to today and tens of thousands of research assistants (RAs) and teaching assistants (TAs) are still facing the same things we were when I was at Berkeley. Many are paid so little they have to work additional jobs and rely on loans to make ends meet. The good news is they’re organizing and a recent National Labor Relations Board decision restored the rights of research and teaching assistants at private universities to come together in union and negotiate collectively. But administrators at Columbia, Yale, Harvard, and other prestigious private universities are doing everything they can to stop RAs and TAs from organizing. They submitted legal arguments against the right of RAs and TAs to form a union and, when they lost, set up anti-union websites to get RAs and TAs to vote against forming a union. This anti-union campaign is just another example of the greed we’re seeing at universities across the country. As tuition continues to skyrocket for students, administrators have raised their own salaries dramatically while shifting most of the critical teaching and research work to lower-paid, temporary workers, like TAs, RAs, adjuncts and postdocs. Sign the petition now to tell administrators at Columbia, Harvard, the New School and other prestigious private universities to stop with their anti-union campaign and allow research and teaching assistants to come together in union to create a better workplace.
    5,496 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Christian Sweeney, AFL-CIO
  • Let's Stand Up for Our Excellent Lower Merion Schools!
    Our children will be harmed if this lawsuit wins because it will downgrade the quality of their education, lead to overcrowded classrooms with fewer resources, contribute to an elitist educational system where only the wealthy will get a great education, and will devalue our homes.
    2,505 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jane Broderson
  • Stop Wood County schools from shortening the kids summer
    I am starting this petition in order to prevent Wood County schools from taking the kids summer vacation away from them. They have already cut a month off their summer break and I feel the kids need to be able to enjoy their time off in order to be ready to start school and be ready to learn at the beginning of the next school year. I have been affected because I have 3 children who can't understand why they have to go back to school so early when they have relatives and friends that live in other school systems who don't have to start back until the end of August or after Labor Day.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Forshey
    Transportation for ALL school aged Children and their Safety to and from school in streets filled with gun violence and gang activities
    414 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Wanda Simmons