• Attack on Climate Change Deniers!
    "A RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress to oppose the assumptions and implementation of the President's climate action plan." Chairman Hedke and his ALEC posse are on a mission to prove their point to deny climate change and protect their fossil fuel industry friends, despite popular Kansas support for renewable energy and climate action. Don't let this committee officially deny climate change. This is another attack by Hedke on our environmental rights. This petition will be emailed to the entire committee the day before the vote on Friday, Feb. 21st.
    1,218 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lori Lawrence
  • Sign the petition: Protect bald eagles from the NRA
    The NRA has fought to keep poisonous lead ammunition on the shelves -- spreading misinformation and attacking wildlife lovers, scientists, and even zoos. Now the NRA is pushing the SHARE Act — an extremist bill that would strip the EPA of its ability to keep toxic lead ammo and fishing tackle out of the environment. Right now, over 3,000 tons of lead from bullets is being shot into the wild every year -- while another 4,000 tons from fishing tackle are lost in ponds and streams. Birds of prey often ingest these lead fragments -- either when they are left behind on the ground or when feeding on other animals that were killed with lead bullets. It’s time to stand up to the NRA and get the lead out!
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ashley Allison
  • Tell the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission to adopt strong rules
    Every Coloradan deserves to have the air they breathe free from toxic pollution. We need the Commission to follow Governor Hickenlooper’s leadership and adopt his proposed rules. Given the rapid pace of development, public health impact from oil and gas pollution, and obligation to combat climate change, Colorado needs to take charge and lead on oil and gas pollution safeguards.
    768 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Alan Franklin Picture
  • Great Lakes Oil shipping terminal - Calumet oil’s Plan…
    Background: Elkhorn Industries is working with Superior Calumet Refinery in an effort to build an oil shipping terminal at Connors Point in Superior, Wisconsin. Tar sands and Bakken hydraulic fracturing oil resources will add to the disastrous carbon loading of our atmosphere that is exacting huge costs in destructive storms and chaos in our climate. Wasting 25 million dollars to establish great Lakes tanker shipping for short-lived fossil fuel resources is irresponsible and deplorable even if it could be done responsibly. With more than 40 million people relying on great lakes water for their survival we will stand to defend the water and call for an end to the irresponsible continued development of these failed and disastrous fossil fuel resources. We demand the development and deployment of clean renewable energy sources now. The Alliance for the Great Lakes released a report warning against shipment of petroleum products on the lakes stating “neither U.S. nor Canadian shipping fleets or ports are designed for large-scale transport of crude oil, and said neither government's regulatory system is prepared to deal with moving oil across the big lakes. Alliance for the Great Lakes - Report Oil and Water:
Tar Sands Crude Shipping Meets Great Lakes? http://www.greatlakes.org/tarsands
    322 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Christopher LaForge
  • International Olympic Committee: Consider Climate Pollution When Choosing Host Countries
    In 2012, the International Olympic Committee released a "Sustainability Through Sport" report which recognized the threat climate change poses to the Winter Olympics and called for the world to reduce carbon emissions. And with only 6 of the 19 past Winter Olympic host cities estimated to be cold enough to host the games by 2100, you can understand why. Yet, the IOC chose Russia, the world’s largest crude oil producer and 5th largest climate polluter to host the winter games. Tell the IOC: protect the future of the Winter Olympics and weigh climate pollution when choosing host cities.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Southard
  • No Fracking in the George Washington National Forest!
    The toxic results of using hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas have led to the widespread contamination of drinking water, cattle being quarantined in Pennsylvania, earthquakes in Arkansas, and dangerous explosions in states across the country, among other issues. In order to protect our essential water resources, we need a national ban on fracking.
    433 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Ledingham
  • Protect North Carolina from toxic coal ash spills
    On Sunday February 16, a Duke Energy-owned pipe underneath an unlined coal ash dump in Eden, North Carolina shattered, releasing 82,000 tons of highly toxic coal ash into the Dan River, a source of drinking water, fishing and recreation. And what's worse? This disaster wasn't reported by Duke until Monday night, more than 26 hours after they learned that the pipe had burst. Duke Energy has repeatedly claimed its coal ash dump sites are safe, but they were wrong. Let’s prevent this disaster from ever happening again. Send a message to Duke CEO Lynn Good urging her to store toxic coal ash in safer dry, lined landfills away from our water sources.
    776 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Ben Kroetz Picture
  • NO BALLING ALLOWED!!! Save Our Health, Water, Environment, and Sea Animals.
    I am starting this petition because my community of Saint Helena Island South Carolina will be affected by CAROLINA JELLY BALLS, LLC's trawling of cannonball jellyfish and discharge of wastewater and toxins. The effects of the trawling will include: contaminated food source, river ways (water), environment, and a decrease in future seafood population. We are also extremely concern about our properties and neighborhoods.
    335 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Harold W. Doctor, Jr.
  • Protect the waters of New Mexico: Ban Fracking
    Clean water is a basic human right which must be protected. Fracking is exempt from provisions in the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act which leaves our water unprotected. New Mexico's San Juan and Lea Counties have been devastated by fracking - water is taken by the millions of gallons and toxins are dumped into their water systems daily. In New Mexico, we want clean water - not fracking.
    555 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Theresa Carmody
  • Stop the Keystone XL Resolution in the Senate
    This pipeline brings hazardous tar sands and toxic chemicals more than 2000 miles across 6 states including Kansas. It does not offer jobs as promised and this "oil" is meant for foreign markets in Asia, not the U.S. The money made on this pipeline is going into the pockets of TransCanada, not Kansas or U.S. companies.
    1,067 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lori Lawrence
  • Protect Our Children. Stay a Mile Away
    We cannot expose a generation of children to lifelong consequences. In the Marcellus Shale field 730 wells are already permitted within two miles of a school. No emergency plan, trained personnel, special equipment, routine monitoring, or specialized skills are mandated. We must act to keep gas industrial infrastructure a mile away from our children in school.
    438 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Denise Garrott
  • Plastic Bag Bill needs to be re-introduced by NYC council
    We believe starting to charge plastic bags will dramatically reduce single-use plastic and paper bags in New York City by forcing shoppers to think twice about whether they need a bag and encourage reducing, reusing plastic bags. As the largest city in the United States, New York is taking too slow and too long to adopt legislation restricting the use of bags.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Green Life Foundation