• National Strike to Impeach Trump
    The very integrity of the United States and the Presidency are at stake. Our core values are being challenged and wrong is wrong. Period.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Norbury
  • Portsmouth VA Second Amendment Resolution Does Not Represent Me
    For decades we have witnessed senseless, mass killings and injuries of our fellow Americans because the gun lobbies and the people they incite have impeded efforts to prevent reasonable firearms controls from being implemented. Now that the Virginia General Assembly has a majority of members with the will and numbers to make warranted changes, an orchestrated series of protests seeks to intimidate legislators to maintain the status quo. We, the electoral majority in this commonwealth, will not stand silent. We call upon you to carry out our mandate.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Geduldig-Yatrofsky
  • Ask Democratic candidates to tell their supporters: "No matter who wins, I expect you to be all in."
    Our democracy faces an existential threat if Donald Trump is re-elected. The damage he has done during his first term, enabled by feckless Congressional Republicans who put party over country, will take years, if not decades, to undo. Trump has already packed federal courts with right-wing ideologues; fully one in four U.S. circuit court judges have been appointed to lifetime seats by Trump. His Supreme Court picks have moved the high court to the right of ultra-conservative Justice Scalia. It's terrifying to imagine what the federal judiciary would look like after another four years of Trump nominees. It’s expected that during the Democratic primaries candidates will attack their opponents’ platforms; at times the critiques have been mean-spirited and personal and no doubt will continue that way as the competition intensifies. Worse, though, is what’s playing out among the candidates’ core supporters. Examples abound on social media of insults being hurled at one candidate or another by the others’ supporters. That doesn’t bode well for the general election. To defeat Trump in conservative-leaning swing states (the only ones that matter, thanks to winner-take-all and the Electoral College), to hold the Democratic House majority and to flip the Senate, Democrats will need a get-out-the-vote effort the likes of which we’ve never seen. To achieve that will require efforts well beyond what the eventual nominee will be able to muster on their own. But to listen to some activists, if their candidate doesn’t prevail, yes, they’ll vote for whomever is the Democratic nominee, but beyond that the effort they make will be much less than what it would have been. Given what’s at stake, that’s not acceptable. If the losing candidates’ supporters just show up to vote, but do no more, we could lose it all. The only ones who can change this narrative are the candidates themselves. And they can’t wait until after the convention. Democrats can’t afford to let the acrimony between the camps build to the point that the ill will causes any Democratic activist to sit on the sidelines (the way it did in 2016 between Hillary and Bernie supporters.) The way to build party unity is for candidates to keep sending the message to their supporters, “I expect you to work as hard to elect the Democratic nominee, whoever it is, as you will if I win the nomination. Nothing less is acceptable. Do I have your promise that you’re all in, whoever is nominated?” Imagine the power of a huge display of unity at the end of every Democratic nominee's campaign rally. We need nothing less.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Perloe
  • Beau Pollock x Joe Rogan interview
    This book is necessary tool for Men and young Men to deal with modern American life and society and personal growth.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Beau Pollock Picture
  • End Prohibition Of Cannabis/Marijuana/Hemp Nationwide
    Prohibition has failed! Our Justice System is overloaded, our sick are dying families/communities destroyed, farms and factories empty, 99.9% of all hemp is imported, , our environment is suffering but our prisons are full. For decades Congress has failed to act. It is time for the people to stand up and #EndTheMadness
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Reed Picture
  • End sales of toy assault weapons at Target!
    Target’s weekly ad on the Sunday after Thanksgiving featured a Nerf gun called a “Fortnite AR-E blaster.”(1) This toy gun looks like an AR-15, the weapon of choice for mass shootings—including the school shootings at Margery Stoneman Douglas HS in Parkland, FL and Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT. In these times of horrific gun violence, family-friendly Target should not be selling toys modeled on AR-15s or other assault-style weapons. The US now has mass shootings on a near-daily basis. Children routinely participate in active shooting drills at schools due to the threat of gun violence. Many have seen news reports from shootings, including images of children crying outside their schools while police address the aftermath of a school shooting. Some have been directly affected by gun violence. Imagine those children seeing toy guns at Target that look like the assault-style weapons that are regularly used in mass shootings, packaged in boxes with pictures of smiling children holding the guns. What kind of message does it send to children who fear or have suffered from gun violence to see these “toys” for sale? Imagine a child who comes across a real gun at home or while visiting a friend or relative, which happens with alarming frequency. (2) Will that child who has seen toy guns at Target think the gun is a toy, perhaps leading to an accidental shooting? Imagine a troubled teen who has considered using a gun to injure himself or others? Will seeing the toy guns at Target encourage him or make him think that a real gun is not harmful? Imagine a child playing with one of these toy guns in the yard or a park. Might the police or someone else mistake it for a real gun (especially if the orange tip has been removed) and shoot the child? (3) There may have been a time when most people didn’t think twice about toy guns. But now that mass shootings and school shootings have become routine, no responsible retailer should sell "toys" that look like the deadly assault-style weapons used in those shootings. Guns are not toys. Target holds itself out as a responsible corporation that helps communities. The Target website proclaims: “We’re putting the needs of people, communities and the planet at the heart of how we work today, to help build a better tomorrow.”(4) Target also says it wants “to help all families discover the joy of everyday life.”(5) Selling toy guns that look like assault weapons does not help communities or families; it hurts them. Sign this petition and tell Target: Stop selling toy guns that look like assault-style weapons. 1. https://weeklyad.target.com/promotions?code=Target-20191201&page=14. 2. A recent study estimated that 4.6 million children live in a home with a gun that is loaded and unlocked. Deborah Azrael, et al., “Firearm Storage in Gun-owning Households with Children: Results of a 2015 National Survey.” Journal of Urban Health (2018) 1-10. Approximately 40% of gun owners report that there is always a loaded gun within easy reach when they’re at home. Kim Parker, et al., “America’s Complex Relationship with Guns,” Pew Research Center (June 22, 2017) 9, http://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/06/06151541/Guns-Report-FOR-WEBSITE-PDF-6-21.pdf. 3. Katy Steinmetz, “Toy Guns Create Deadly Problems for Police,” Time (Nov. 25, 2014), https://time.com/3603087/tamir-rice-shooting-toy-gun/. The night before Target ran its ad featuring the assault-style Nerf gun, an intoxicated man shot a child who was playing with a Nerf gun. Kashmira Gander, “Florida Man Drunk On Whiskey And Beer Shot Child Playing With Nerf Gun After Telling Him He Had A Real Gun, Police Say,” Newsweek (Dec. 3, 2019), https://www.newsweek.com/florida-man-drunk-whiskey-beer-shot-child-nerf-gun-real-gun-police-1475186. 4. https://corporate.target.com/about/. 5. https://corporate.target.com/corporate-responsibility.
    848 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Borenstein
  • Tell WVU President Gee to publicly oppose guns on campus
    BACKGROUND (1/17/23) A dangerous bill that will force West Virginia's public colleges and universities to allow people as young as 18 years old to carry loaded, hidden guns on campus. The Senate Judiciary will take up SB 10 on January 18th and must be stopped. Please tell WVU President, Gordon Gee to publicly oppose this legislation. Sign now urging President Gee to take a public stance in opposition to HB 2519 (guns on campus). Time is running out - the legislature will adjourn on March 9th. Thank you.
    780 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Andy Pelosi Picture
  • Ban Military-Style Assault Weapons and Large Capacity Magazines
    UPDATE: May 15, 2024 BACKGROUND The latest mass shootings in Nashville (Covenant School), Highland Park, Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX only serve to reinforce that a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity magazines needs to pass Congress and be signed by the President. Assault weapons and high capacity magazines are easily available for civilians to acquire in the U.S. Weapons of war have no place in our society. In addition, these military-style weapons and high capacity magazines are the choice of domestic terrorists and other shooters in the vast majority of mass shootings that have taken place across our country. We do not want or need politicians' thoughts and prayers - we want action now! Military-style assault weapons and large capacity magazines have no place in civilian society and are only designed to kill and injure large numbers of people in a short period of time. We cannot allow the daily carnage in our country to be the new normal. Support legislation by Senator Feinstein (S.25 ) and Rep. Cicilline (HR 698) Tell the President and Congress to act now to ban military-style assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Please sign and share. As we always do, your signatures will be delivered electronically and in person. Thank you.
    252,256 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Andy Pelosi Picture
  • NO Pardon For Trump
    As a result of the Trump administration, our country has become more divided and divisive; we have lost integrity around the world; the right to vote has been restricted; free and fair elections are being challenged without evidence and our institutions are being infiltrated by those who fabricate conspiracy theories. These are only a few risks before us and they cannot be condoned if we want to save our Democracy. Failure to prosecute, convict and impose the strictest sentence under the law will compromise our democracy, promote increased corruption in our politics and send a clear message that we no longer have separate branches of government. As recently stated by Senator Cheney, "We cannot abandon the truth and remain a free nation."
    340 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gregory Levesque
  • Protect our children gun safety act
    Gun violence in the U.S. is an epidemic and public health risk. Gun related death has surpassed motor vehicle accidents as the leading cause of childhood death. We must use all necessary means to prevent further loss of life from this epidemic of gun violence.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcey Rosin
  • Demand Andy Biggs donate or return campaign funds to NRA
    On May 24th, 2022 America witnessed another tragic event where children and teachers were murdered while attending school. We will not sit back and allow those in power to provide support to the NRA. Andy Biggs has received support from the NRA. He represents us living in Arizonas 5th district. DEMAND ACTION
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Brackins
  • Take the Pledge to Vote Only for Political Candidates Who Support Gun Control
    Grass-root efforts among everyday people are needed to break through the do-nothing roadblock of those who oppose gun control and elected officials at every level who refuse to pursue measures to control gun violence. Here is what I propose: "Take the Pledge! I will never again vote for a public office candidate--of any party--for any office--local, state, or federal--who does not go on the record--publicly--in support of gun control."
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg Burns