• Just Justice for Johnny
    We the undersigned feel Johnny deserves his day in court. I feel this man is dangerous and this will probably happen again. Who will be next. Let's stop this and let people know that this is not right and "ALL LIVES MATTER"
    272 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Peggy Leitch
  • 177 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tony Churchill
  • URGENT! Prevent Texas from providing immunity to officers who cause harm with less-lethal weapons.
    SB2593 would not improve community safety, it would disproportionately harm marginalized and vulnerable people and destroy Texas families. In the interest of justice and community safety, the undersigned Texans call on the Texas House of Representatives and the Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence in particular to BLOCK SB2593 from advancing toward law.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Kelly E. Green Picture
  • Rep. Schweikert: Hold an In Person Town Hall
    Rep. Schweikert votes on legislation on the issues. We all need to understand his positions on each issue and voice our own concerns. We aim for a better working relationship with our Congressman going forward.
    405 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Gail Griffin
  • Hold a Town Hall Event in Tucson, Rep. Ciscomani
    Bring Rep. Ciscomani to Tucson for a live town hall with his new constituents. We deserve to question our representative to Congress.
    283 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michael Bryan
  • Justice for Wyland
    My hope with this petition is that we will finally have answers and can work with the State to pass ‘Wyland’s Law’ - a law that will save the lives of other children. I want Wyland’s life to be a legacy - one that uncovers the truth and fixes the issues so that we can prevent this tragedy from happening to another family.
    465 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Christy Camara Picture
  • Change minimum age required to legally buy a gun to 21
    Every single day, more then 110 US citizens are killed at the hand of guns. That's over 40,000 people a year! This year 83 people have been killed in school shootings. Teachers, school staff, parents, and our children who we are supposed to protect over everyone and everything else. There have been 27 school shootings so far this year, we still have four months left. If most mass shooters tend to be 18 and 19 years old, it only makes sense so raise the age requirement for buying firearms. Not only that, but it would also be helpful create laws and restrictions for selling firearms to underage citizens. If protection is an issue, again, there are plenty of substitutes for a firearm.
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Abigail Ruedi
    As Citizens of Cobb County, Georgia, we are horrified and alarmed by the increase of deadly shootings involving assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in our society. These deadly weapons have been used by individuals to ambush people, including children, causing death and severe injury to large numbers of victims in mere moments. The ammunition for assault weapons shred human flesh and decimate bodies beyond recognition. These weapons of war and mass destruction should not be available to purchase. Retailers have the power to decide what merchandise they sell. They do not have to include assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in their product offerings to be successful, profitable operations. THUS, WE REQUEST THAT ALL RETAILERS IN COBB COUNTY IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY STOP SELLING ASSAULT WEAPONS AND HIGH-CAPACITY MAGAZINES
    307 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Richard Pellegrino
  • Highland Park: Ban military-style assault weapons and high-cap magazines now!
    A Fourth of July neighborhood parade. Another young white man with a military-style semi-automatic assault rifle, who, this time, killed six people and injured 26 more, many of them children. Our scarred hearts are again aching for the victims, their families, and the Highland Park community. There’s no good reason for civilians to own high-capacity magazines and weapons designed for war, especially civilian young men who would barely be considered adults. In the United States, military-style semi-automatic assault weapons are used in the majority of mass shootings, and the majority of mass shooters obtain their deadly weapons legally due to our lax laws. Meanwhile, our overall epidemic of gun violence, of which high-profile mass shootings are only a small fraction, continues to rise. In 2020, the last year with complete data, gun deaths exceeded 45,000, representing a 14% increase from the year before, a 25% increase from five years earlier, and a 43% increase from a decade prior. Tell Congress we need comprehensive gun policy reform now, including a ban on military-style semi-automatic assault weapons and high capacity magazines, and raising the age of gun purchases to 25!
    224 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joy, MomsRising.org Picture
  • Ban assault weapons now
    Ask every elected office holder if they support an assault weapons ban - from school board to mayor to governor to president and demand that they follow through. This is our America. We cannot go to school, church, shopping, dining, concerts, parades without the threat of gun violence destroying our lives, families and communities forever. We must reclaim our right to life and liberty. Ban assault weapons now.
    1,479 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joyce Slavik
  • Reparations Task Force for New Orleans
    Please sign and pass along this petition so that New Orleans can “be in that number” of cities and states engaged in reparatory justice actions to address the glaring racial disparities in personal well-being between Black and white children and adults in the United States.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Justice & Beyond
  • Pass Common Sense Gun Control & Ban Assault-Style Firearms in Nebraska
    The number one cause of death for children in the United States is firearm-related. Yes, you read that correctly. Surpassing motor vehicle crashes for the first time ever. As a mother and just a human -being, this is horrendous, terrifying, and frankly makes me sick. This is so preventable. Something has to change. Our forefathers never would have guessed what the future would hold. So what can we do? What do we need to change? The answer - gun reform. Gun. Reform. Works. It just does. Other countries have proved it. Below is an article of other nations that have enacted reform and change for safer gun laws. We need to do the same! Things first change at a state level. If many states enact change, the likelihood that change will happen at a federal level will go up. Please sign this petition to tell Nebraska politicians to protect us and our children with common sense gun control laws and to ban assault-style firearms. Thank you and be safe. May 26 (Reuters) - A shooting at a Texas elementary school that killed 19 children and two teachers has revived a push for new gun safety laws in the United States, which has more firearms than people and more permissive gun laws than many other high-income countries. Over 200 mass shootings have been reported in the United States in 2022, according to the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit research group. More than 45,000 people died from gun-related injuries, including suicides, in the United States in 2020, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Stricter gun laws have been introduced in the U.S. Congress after past mass shootings, but they have been defeated by Republicans, independents and some moderate Democrats. Here's how other nations have reacted after similar shootings. CANADA After the 1989 Ecole Polytechnique massacre, in which 14 women engineering students were killed in their Montreal classroom, new legislation required safety courses, background checks and increased penalties for some gun crimes. In 2020, shortly after a gunman shot and killed 13 people in Portapique, Nova Scotia, Canada banned more than 1,500 models of "assault-style" firearms and components, and set limits on how destructive bullets could be. Canada's rate of firearm homicides is 0.5 per 100,000 people, versus the United States' rate of 4.12, the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) said in a 2021 analysis. AUSTRALIA After a gunman killed 35 people at a cafe and tourist site in 1996, Australia banned all semi-automatic rifles and all semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns. Thousands of unlicensed firearms were surrendered under a gun amnesty program, and licensed gun owners required to take a safety course. read more The chances of being murdered by a gun in Australia plunged to 0.15 per 100,000 people in 2014 from 0.54 per 100,000 people in 1996, a decline of 72 percent, a Reuters analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics figures showed. UNITED KINGDOM A gunman killed 16 children and their teacher in Dunblane, Scotland, in 1996, prompting a public campaign that led to Britain adopting some of the strictest gun controls in the world. Within two years, new laws effectively banned civilians from owning handguns. The United Kingdom's rate of gun homicides is 0.04 per 100,000 people, the IHME calculates. NEW ZEALAND After the Christchurch mosques shooting that killed 50 people in March 2019, New Zealand's prime minister banned the sale of assault weapons within days. Parliament later voted to bar the circulation and use of most semi-automatic firearms, parts that convert firearms into semi-automatic firearms, magazines over a certain capacity, and some shotguns. Firearm-related murders were rare in New Zealand and remain so; the country had 12 in 2018 and 11 in 2021.
    309 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Laura Dennis