• Remove NRA influence from the Boy Scouts of America
    Increasingly, the values of Scouting and the NRA are contradictory. The BSA should withdraw their association with this political advocacy organization which runs counter to the values of many of the families which engage in Scouting.
    319 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ronald B Farnsworth
  • Against Proposed Josephine County Firearms Ordinance
    Josephine County Commissioners have proposed an unnecessary and ill-considered anti-gun control ordinance which, in its initial draft, would prohibit the Josephine County Sheriff's Office from "investigating, detecting, apprehending or incarcerating persons whose only violation of the law is to carry, manufacture, import, possess, purchase, sell or transfer firearms or firearm-related items." This proposed ordinance is an effort to make an end run around possible passage of state Initiative Petition 43. IP 43 is a very reasonable petition which will ban the sale of certain semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines, and require anyone who currently owns such weapons to either register them with the state or get rid of them. We need to let our county commissioners know that the proposed county ordinance is an extreme measure that does not represent what is good for our county. It cuts off healthy discussion and discounts reasonable controls for keeping us and our children safe from gun violence.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anita Savio
  • "Stop Giving Fame to School Shooters NOW"
    We need to do SOMETHING to help curb the number of school shootings.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mario Avalle
  • Change Michigan Domestic Violence Laws
    To bring awareness to domestic violence in the state of Michigan. Laws need to be more stricter and more regulated. Many victims are losing their lives because their predator is able to carry a gun when they are charged with domestic violence.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Change Michigan Domestic Violence Laws
  • Refer to Mass Shooters by Number Only #84, #85 ect
    My son is 12 years old and I do not want him living in a country where teachers, who are already underpaid and undersupported doing a vital and necessary job, have to die to protect our Children. This has to stop.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Mae Hess
  • End School Shootings. Stop Provocative, Sensational, Extended Media Coverage
    The culture war over gun control has hijacked the issue of school shootings, and turned it into a political issue. But because media coverage is the cause and not guns, lives will continue to be lost as long as the real cause is not addressed due to the gun issue distraction. I want to save lives by putting the blame where it belongs, on the media, and legislate restrictions to the coverage to stop the killings.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas F. Lee
  • Do you hate school shootings?
    I attended Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school. My friends have died. My teachers have died. STOP THIS RIGHT NOW; WE ARE ALL SICK OF IT!!!!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by brooke
  • Tell the Walt Disney Company to withdrawal its support for Adam Putnam!
    Disney was always a safe space for me, as I know it has also been for many others. But now that Disney is backing a candidate whose beliefs terrify me, Disney no longer looks like that welcoming place of solace and joy. Now it appears to be just another pawn in everything that’s wrong with politics today. Tell the Walt Disney Company to withdrawal their support for Republican candidate Adam Putnam immediately and tell Bob Iger to denounce Adam Putnam and his hateful rhetoric!
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Christina
  • Return NRA donations
    If we are to continue calling ourselves 'civilized', we must reduce/stop mass shootings in this country. We must also free our elected representatives at all levels from money 'tainted' by the blood of our children.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Forgy
  • Members of Congress must take the #NoNRAMoney pledge!
    The mass shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas was the 22nd school shooting of the year. [1] Again, we are reeling from news stories and images of dead, injured and terrified children who look too much like our own, of loved ones consumed by unbearable grief, and of another community broken by gun violence. There is one major obstacle in the way of stemming our country's gun violence epidemic and preventing such tragedies from happening again: The influence of the NRA and gun industry PACS. That influence is playing a major role driving our government's massive failure to even attempt to reduce gun violence. Politicians who continue to accept campaign contributions from the NRA and gun industry PACs implicitly support an all-types-of-guns-everywhere-for-everyone agenda, which history shows us points in only one direction: More gun violence. In the U.S. Congress alone, more than half of incumbents have gotten money and organizational help from the NRA, many with financial relationships with the NRA that date back years. Heading into the 2018 midterms, gun rights groups, including the NRA, are already far outspending gun safety groups by 40 to 1. [2] As of February, they had made nearly $600,000 in direct contributions and independent expenditures on behalf of congressional candidates as compared to the $14,000 from gun safety groups. [3] Even as our children are dying, Congress hasn't yet passed complete background checks for all gun purchases. [4] We still allow the open and relatively easy sale of military-style assault weapons with high capacity magazines, like the AR-15 that was used in the Florida mass shooting and many other massacres.[5] Bump stocks that make a gun into an automatic weapon remain widely available. [6] These are all big problems. By accepting NRA money, politicians are nothing less than complicit in the more than 100,000 shooting deaths and injuries Americans suffer each and every year.[7] We are sick and tired of fearing for the safety of our children. We're sick and tired of elected leaders influenced by the NRA, who do nothing to stem the tide of gun violence in our homes, in our schools, in our streets and in our communities. It’s long past time to draw a bright line in the sand and find out who stands with us, and who stands against us. Here's the plan: By taking the #NoNRAMoney pledge, elected leaders prove they prioritize the interests of children and families and not the gun lobby. Once they take the pledge, their names will be added to the public list at NoNRAMoney.org so moms, dads and everyone who cares about the safety of our children know exactly where they stand. [1] "The Santa Fe High School Shooting in Texas Was the 22nd School Shooting This Year," Time.com, May 18, 2018. [2][3] "Why the NRA is so powerful on Capitol Hill, by the numbers," CNN.com, Feb. 23, 2018. [4] "Experts and the public agree on how to stop gun violence. Politicians don't," The Washington Post, Oct. 2, 2017. [5] "In Florida, an AR-15 Is Easier to Buy Than a Handgun," The New York Times, Feb. 15, 2018. [6] "After Las Vegas massacre, Congress has failed to act on 'bump stocks.' But states and cities are taking the lead," Los Angeles Times, Feb. 12, 2018. [7] "Do 100,000 people get shot every year in U.S.? Facebook post says yes," Politifact, Jul. 23, 2012.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria, MomsRising.org Picture
  • Tell Publix to stop backing NRA candidate who brags about blocking sensible gun laws
    Publix grocery stores have thrown massive support to Florida's biggest "NRA Sellout" Florida gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam. They've reportedly given him $670,000 in the last three years. Putnam's history not only includes attempts to loosen gun regulations in Florida, he's also dangerously anti-immigrant, anti-women's rights, and wants to make it harder for Floridians to vote. As a mom, I can't let the dollars I spend on our food get used to block sensible gun reform efforts. Please join us and #BoycottPublix and sign the petition to let them know you want them to stop giving money to politicians who push dangerous policies and block life-saving measures.
    2,226 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Smith
  • Demand Blum Repay NRA Support
    The NRA's financial hold on our Congress is overwhelming, and it is one of the primary reasons why, in the wake of national tragedies, we remain unable to pass common sense gun laws. Urge your senators to give back their contributions from the NRA and pass gun laws that will save lives.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Babcock