Gun restrictions for safer schools.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mt. Everett Students
  • End Gun Violence
    We are the future of America. We deserve to live every breath without the fear of dying in schools because of careless gun laws. This petition isn't only used to represent shootings in schools, but shootings in general. Enough Is enough.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amela Karahasan
  • Tell our Rep. George Holding to stop taking NRA money
    89% of Americans want universal background checks. 67% want assault weapons banned from civilian ownership. We need common sense gun laws now to stop the carnage.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Muth
  • Sen. Sasse Stop Taking NRA Blood Money
    We demand Nebraskan Senator Ben Sasse & Fischer donate their combined NRA contributions of $84,583 to fund gun safety work and commit to not taking another cent from the NRA. The NRA's financial hold on our Congress is overwhelming, and it is one of the primary reasons why, in the wake of national tragedies, we remain unable to pass commonsense gun laws. Enough is enough and the time to act is now. #NeverAgain
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Indivisible Omaha
  • Facebook Stop Ads from NRA-TV
    I was shown an ad, a sponsored post, from NRA-TV in my Facebook newsfeed today. I am completely opposed to the NRA and its reign of terror over our country, promoting the sale of assault weapons and using that money to buy our elected officials. I am incensed that Facebook takes money from them and shows me their ads in my feed.
    687 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Dees
  • The NRA is NOT welcome in Nebraska!
    To uninvite the NRA from holding their convention in Nebraska
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Chromy
  • Stop Black mail or Delta Airlines
    I am just a common citizen who sees the recent decision by the Georgia legislature as another attempt to force Delta and other businesses (WATCH OUT for Amazon's consideration to move to Georgia!), to act against the best interests of their stockholders and the public at large.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose Rodriguez
  • Tell YouTube & Its Parent Google: Drop the NRA's Vicious Advertising
    YouTube is the second most popular site on the web. It's owned by Google, which profits from YouTube's advertising revenue via another Google subsidiary, Google Adsense. I went on YouTube to listen to a recording and was exposed to the most vile and horrific NRA ad. This was no wholesome promotion for recreational shooting but a violent screed against those who do not support the current administration. I was shocked and dismayed by the tone of the ad. I felt as if I were watching a propaganda film put out by a despotic regime. No responsible corporation should want to profit from such advertising.
    26,604 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by E. Elizabeth Summers
  • Kansas: No gun possession for domestic abusers.
    I'm a Kansan, I believe that our gun laws need to be strengthened, and women who are in domestic violence situations are at a greater risk when her partner has a gun. It's past time to protect the victims of domestic violence, not the "second amendment rights" of the abuser.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Graber
  • Decline NRA Donation
    The donation from the not-for-profit organization the NRA is viewed as a campaign donation and has no place in our government. Taxpayer revenue needs to be appropriated to adequately fund our Sheriff's Department. It is also insensitive to the 17 victims of gun violence to accept a donation from an organization that has actively worked against any meaningful gun control legislation, thus endangering the very citizens that you are charged to protect.
    87 of 100 Signatures
  • Protest Outside Factories and Gun Shops That Make and Sell Assault Rifles
    Stop the manufacturing of Assault Rifles by protesting at the factories that make this weapon. Also, protest outside gun shops that sell Assault Rifles. Do not let the employees that manufacture or sell Assault Rifles into their place of work
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mrs Schneider
  • Demand the NRA fund shooting-related mental health treatment, education, and reseaerch.
    Gun violence affects every person either directly or indirectly in the United States. Mental health services are sorely needed but inadequately funded. Private and public funding is needed to address the challenges gun-related mental health issues cause. As a major player in the gun debate, pressure must be exerted on the NRA for funds to address these needs!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debby Jackson