• Tell Congress: It's Shameful to Use the Boston Bombing to Attack Immigrants
    If things had gone as planned last week, I would’ve been at the Boston Marathon finish line, right where the bombs went off. I’m thankful I wasn’t there but it’s impossible not to see myself in the hundreds who were. I’ve been praying for them every chance that I get. The Boston area has been my home for almost a decade. I still haven’t been able to put my feelings about what happened last week into words. One thing I know is that moments like these should bring us together. It makes me sad and angry to know there are people who are using this tragedy to try and tear us apart. Less than 24 hours after the bombing, before the blood of victims had been washed off of Boylston Street, Rep. Steve King was already using the tragedy to scapegoat millions of immigrants and argue against immigration reform. A day later, Rep. Louie Gohmert was sounding the alarm about Al Qaeda operatives being trained to “act Hispanic.” I was hoping that this sort of talk wouldn’t go beyond extremists like Rep. King and Rep. Gohmert, but this week it has been echoed by others like Senators Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, who were previously arguing in favor of immigration reform. It pains me that after everything our city went through last week, I have to write to you about bigots who want to tie this atrocity to anyone who has ever been or looked like a non-white immigrant, but I know that if we don’t speak now, this could get out of control. There are real consequences for this sort of rhetoric. Connecting millions of immigrants who seek nothing but a better life for themselves and their families to the tiny few who carry out heinous violent acts has led to untold suffering. It a major reason why over a thousand people are deported every day, why tens of thousands of immigrants are detained every day, and why the Border Patrol can kill without consequence. Boston has suffered enough over the last week. Immigrant communities have suffered enough over the last few decades. It’s time to come together, not tear each other apart. Please join me in telling your Congressmembers that the Boston Bombing should not be used as an excuse to crack down on immigrants.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kyle de Beausset
  • Small Business: Support Immigration Reform
    The economy is recovering, but as a small business owner I still struggle to turn a profit, make payroll and stay in business. As a lawmaker, I look to you to create smart public policies that make it easier to keep my coffers full and my doors open. Comprehensive immigration reform would do just that. Our immigration system is broken. We do not foster an environment that allows small businesses to benefit from the services of high or low-skilled workers. On a regular basis we educate talented foreign students and then send them away, instead of creating a system that allows them to stay in this country and make meaningful, even groundbreaking contributions to our economy. A recent poll by Small Business Majority found two-thirds of small business owners also believe we should allow more low-skilled foreign workers who might work in the agriculture, restaurant or service industries into this country legally. A strong economy needs workers of all skill levels. Our current immigration system doesn’t meet these needs. Lawmakers recently introduced legislation that aims to fix many problems associated with immigration. These policies would be good for small businesses like mine. Small Business Majority also found 87% of entrepreneurs support requiring immigrants in the country illegally who have no criminal record to register for legal status, pass a background check, learn English, pay a fine and pay taxes. Three-quarters believe we would be better off if people who are in the country illegally became legal taxpayers, so they pay their fair share and can work toward citizenship in the future. And 75% support revamping the guest worker system to create a new worker visa, eventually letting immigrants move beyond temporary status and switch employers to protect themselves against unscrupulous ones. I’m a small business owner and I support these reforms, too. Fixing our broken system will help us more easily tap into the immigrant labor workforce, make our existing workforces more stable, make us more competitive and help aspiring immigrants become entrepreneurs. Please help small business owners like me by supporting immigration reform and fixing our system.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rhett Buttle
  • Freedom for the People
    Immigration Reform is the beauty of our nation!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Esteban Burgoa
  • Pushing Florida senators to support immigration reform
    Florida is the definition of 'melting pot' when it comes to the diversity in America, yet the populations remain separated from each other. Being from Palm Beach they had to make a law to prevent picking up "illegal" immigrants for work! If America wants to keep tourism high and relations with increasing migrants good we should take a stand to help immigration reform move along, instead of delaying it any longer!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Matchica
  • I support comprehensive immigration reform
    Our country has a long and rich heritage of immigration. New Mexican’s have always embraced our country’s diversity, but we also recognize that our current immigration system is broken. With the introduction of S. 744: The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013, we are finally on our way to a common sense immigration process. But this is only the beginning of a long road ahead. During this important debate for our country, and especially for our families, we need to stand united for common sense immigration reform that will keep our families together and will allow a fair pathway to citizenship. Join us in standing with the millions of families, friends, and DREAMers that need our support now more than ever by signing this petition. The introduction of comprehensive immigration reform is just the first step in this journey – and we can’t reach our destination without you. Sign this petition now in support of common sense immigration reform!
    480 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Pat Davis
  • To the Senate Judiciary Committee: Get real on immigration!
    America needs to provide a timely path to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants. As a teacher of many students learning English as a second language, I have witnessed the suffering of their families, many of whom have struggled for over a decade to become full fledged participants in our society.
    254 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Rouson
  • Imagration Reform
    , I especialy think that these children who were brought here when they were babies or todlers should be given a chance at citizenship and schools. I also think in the debate about imagration NAFTA has to be renegotiated. If American companies go to other countries they should pay the workers a fair wage, so they have more of a incentive to stay in thier own countries.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francis Collins
  • Support the bill for comprehensive immigration reform
    Linda Serafini-Gale is a bilingual/ESL teacher in a suburb of Houston, TX and worked with parents to help their children succeed. Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA Linda grew up noticing how her Latino friends were treated: directed to homemaking and shop classes in school, and called names like "stupid" and worse. In those days, none of her Latino friends dreamed of going to college—it felt beyond their reach. Yesterday, thanks to people power across the country, a bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill for comprehensive immigration reform. This is a major moment to celebrate—and it is a moment to act!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Nolan
  • Immigration Reform
    I am Immigrant enjoying been an American citizen for 39 years.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patsy Ortiz
  • Support immigration reform.
    Stand in support of immigration reform with a speedy, clear pathway to citizenship for all 11 million aspiring Americans.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by william gawlik
  • Senator Diane Feinstein, we need your public support for Immigration Reform in 2013.
    We applaud the Senate "Gang of Eight" for their tireless work in negotiating and drafting immigration reform legislation and we welcome the introduction of a realistic common-sense Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Castaneda
  • Stop the ICE Monster! Stop Deporting our Family Members! Urgent Call to Action! Sign on and tell ...
    Over 95,000 Californians (that's over sixty people a day!) have been deported under Secure Communities, a federal immigration program designed to meet a federal deportation quota. In order to meet the deportation quota, federal ICE Agents target anybody who they can - including food street vendors and victims of domestic abuse. Why We Want the TRUST ACT to Pass: ­–The TRUST Act will help stop our family members from being deported. –The TRUST Act will help improve public safety. –The TRUST Act will be a spur for meaningful immigration reform at the national level. –The TRUST Act will help us save valuable local resources. Let’s rebuild trust in our community members and stop police from becoming immigration agents. Let’s keep our families together. Sign the petition and demand Jerry Brown sign the TRUST Act into law. Click here for more background on the TRUST ACT: http://dreamteamla.org/trust-act/ And click here for personal stories of deportations and what to do if a family or community member is put in deportation proceedings: http://www.notonemoredeportation.com/
    280 of 300 Signatures
    Created by JJ WC